Heat in a car

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May 30, 2014
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Hello everyone.

I am planning to start sleeping in my car (SUV) - use it as a bedroom only for 7-8 hours.

Please guide me what I should do in order to keep myself warm in winter. I have access to 110 AC outlets in a parking garage where I work - my car is left there for 10-12 hours M-F. Is it possible to charge batteries while I am working and then use this stored energy for 12 V blanket? What kind of battery / charger should I buy?

I feel very uncomfortable using any portable propane heaters in such an enclosed space.

Please help me out.

Thank you for such a wonderful resource. :)
I think I was not clear enough. My sleeping location and my charging location (work) are different. Can I charge my house battery while at work and then use this electricity to keep me warm when sleeping elsewhere (with no access to 110 V)?

Thank you! :)
anything that makes heat draws alot of power , batteries and an electric blanket isnt gonna cut it
They have 12v electric blankets available at truck stops or on Amazon. They draw very little juice, just plug into the lighter socket. Mine have thermostats and auto shutoff after 15/30/45/60 minutes.

If you have a good sleeping bag, turning it on for 15 mins maybe twice a night should keep you more than comfy. I wouldn't even worry about a second battery, just get one of those battery saver cut offs, so you never drain your starting battery too low to get you started and you're good to go.

That's the only type of heating device I'd recommend for your situation.
Winter campers routinely sleep warmly at below 0 temperatures. It's possible to buy sleeping bags rated to 0, to -20, even to -40.

Start with a good, thick piece of foam underneath, add a decent, if not extreme sleeping bag, and have quilts and blankets to go over it as necessary. This will give you a flexible sleeping system that will keep you comfortable at different temperatures.

Let the car heater get it warm before you climb into it at night. If you have a remote starter to get it going in the morning before you have to exit the bag, that's gravy.

What's your issue with propane/portable heaters. Is it lack of ventilation or are you worried about the propane itself being dangerous?
Hi and welcome anthony5k!

I've slept in my car at cold and below-freezing temps. If you make sure you have sufficient covers, including a warm hat on your head, you'll be plenty warm in bed. I use a Thermarest-type sleeping pad underneath that provides some insulation, then some flannel sheets and a king-size down comforter that I can double or triple up for warmth as needed. On the coldest nights I sleep with a stocking hat and a hoodie sweatshirt over my head.

It's the getting out of bed at o-dark-thirty to pee, or getting up on a chilly morning that's the challenge. So far, I just move as quickly as I can. In the morning, I put my clothes under the covers with me for a little bit to warm them up before putting them on. When I get a replacement car, I'm going to get a remote starter so that I can run the heater just a little bit before getting out of bed in the morning to take the chill out of the air.

I've used a 12v blanket before to warm my bed just before getting in at night, but not while sleeping. But, I've found it more trouble than it's worth.

Hope that helps.

Suanne ... who loves sleeping in chilly weather
Suanne said:
I've used a 12v blanket before to warm my bed just before getting in at night, but not while sleeping. But, I've found it more trouble than it's worth.

I'm a little surprised, I really love my 12v blanket. It has a shut off timer that I leave at 15 minutes, and if I wake up a little chilly, I just turn it on and go back to sleep. I can start to feel the heat almost instantly, which pretty much puts me right back to sleep, and it will shut itself off.

Good advice about the head gear, and socks too if you have chilly feet.

If it's really cold, sometimes I'll put my clean clothes in the sleeping bag with me when I go to bed, and they're warm to put on before getting out of my sleeping bag. Of course if it's really bad, I make sure my heater is within reach so I can turn it on without getting out of bed.
It was 47 this morning and I didn't wanna crawl out of my nice warm bed...we at nearly 7000' here. Nice thing about Az is that when the sun pops up it usually begins to warm quickly, even in winter (at lower altitudes).
When I get chilly at night I elbow Margie and she scoots over to get me warm :)

We find it hard to remember that some places are still cold this time of year, as we have already begun our migration to escape triple digit temps down south.

I've heard pros and cons about 12V blankets. I think most of the cons stem from those without enough battery to run them effectively. Otherwise, they sound like a great idea, especially for someone sleeping single.
I am a bit surprised you are asking about this subject this time of year. Where are you located?
Just planning ahead. Right now im in suffolk Va, and it was 90+ today lol. This popped up on my news feed and this place id what I thought of.

Me and my friends used to burn a candle in the car and that alone heated the car up a fraction. This device looks cheap, with the high metal wall generally safe. Cars arent air tight I dont know if a 4 hour burn would really do to much. Plus if you just heated up while awake and before bed, and then blow em out youd be good.

If it generated enough heat, might be able to keep it near you and crack a window or something.
I agree with many here, I have a little buddy propane heater and it cuts out when the O2 gets low, I prefer to use my super duper sleeping bag, keeps me nice and toasty, then when I wake up I turn on my butane little stove, starts a lot easier than my little buddy, to take the edge off the chill... I think you'll be fine once you adjust to the cold..... I often have felt to hot thanks to menopause! lol

Oh, I have the 12v eletric blanket save your money and buy a real blanket....or use this on the bottom not the top, it does get a little warm, make sure you have a good battery....
I have two sleeping bags, one summer one winter, both down. works good for me. when it's really cold I use both this has kept me warm in temps below 0 f. I also like to use a fleece blanket the long fiber type. I find this combo works really well and I don't need heat at night. I sleep better when it's cold anyway. highdesertranger