Have I created an A/C nightmare????

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2012
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while attempting to remove the water damage ceiling, I removed the 4 bolts inside that clamp the A/C unit to the roof. Well one of the rear bolts snapped off. <br>What are the chances of the unit remaining water tight with only 3 bolts holding. I would have to remove the unit to try and make repairs to the broken off bolt/nut...and not sure how I would accomplish that.<br><br>Any ideas???
Not sure this would work but I have used easy-out on broken bolts.&nbsp; I think the bolts are 5/16 and you could buy ez out for only the size needed and the proper drill bit to drill out.&nbsp; Hope this is some help.&nbsp; Don't think 3 bolts would be water tight.&nbsp; Ed
<br>I just wasnt sure if I should remove the unit...its been there awhile and I was feeling lazy and hoping the consensus would be to leave it alone,
Get used to the heat and get rid of your AC not healthy not natural My last trip to African dessert the nomads added more wool the hotter it got, it's called protection from the sun go with nature do not fight it as you will lose...
If all else fails, drill it out and run a new bolt?
lonfu,...actually the area around the AC is pretty dry and solid....not sure if I understand what you are saying about drilling a new hole. as the retaining bolt that broke is around 4" long and goes up inside the unit where the nut is mounted to the unit......what would the new bolt screw into????<br><br>wagoneer....that may be an option...as my plan is to be off grid as much as possible, I am just concerned that removing the AC may hurt the resale value...if and when i ever decided to get rid of it.<br><br>What am I saying?....after this rebuild I am going to feel married to this thing!<br><br>
Use a threaded&nbsp;rod with washer and nut on both ends to replace the broken one.
Adrian, your idea works great in hot dry climates. We would poach well-done along the east coast in summer. Shade, laziness and iced drinks are fine.
Go with Ed's suggestion:&nbsp; you drill a pilot hole lengthwise into the bolt, and the back out bit is reverse threaded - you turn it into the pilot hole and when it hits the end of the hole, the bolt starts backing out of the nut and pulls it out.&nbsp; Then just replace the original bolt.&nbsp; May need to spray the nut and let it soak a bit to dissolve any corrosion and make it turn easier.&nbsp; Several different products, but WD40 will work if you have it handy.<br><br>The back out bit and drill bit for the appropraite sized bolt often come packaged together.
Seraphim, Yes I am familiar with extractors, the problem I was trying to avoid was removing the Ac unit. It does not appear to be leaking, however as I write this I am thinking, why not just take it off and make the repair and then reseal it. duh!...I guess I am just being lazy....I dont know why I am such a rush...I actually have all the time to get this thing ready...at least 6 months......let me slow down,,,,<br><br>
<table class="post_body" style="table-layout: fixed;" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td class="post" style="color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; word-wrap: break-word; line-height: 1.6; background-color: #ffffff; border-width: 1px; border-color: #df8809; border-style: none; padding: 6px;" colspan="2" valign="top" height="100%"><span id="post_message_1277483798">"Adrian, your idea works great in hot dry climates. We would poach well-done along the east coast in summer. Shade, laziness and iced drinks are fine." yah mon. me is a chillin'. Muggy not good in the east just too used to our un-muggy west.</span></td></tr></tbody></table>
A Band I worked with opened for "Steel Pulse" a way way back in the day in San Fran
i second wagoneer's solution.&nbsp; i could rant about this subject but that's for another time.&nbsp; highdesertranger
highdesertranger......Yes there is a possibility that the A/c may go...I havent really tried it yet to see how good it works...no work...no stay.&nbsp; However if it does work that may be the only way I maybe able to sell this thing (if I decide to) over here in Florida.