Have a little cheese with that whine?

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2011
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I called the repair shop about my batteries just sitting in the trailer and the guy seemed offended. Then he tells me he is getting customers who needed their RV's for the 4th in front of mine. Tells me now it may be the 15th of July before mine is done. 

I'm not a real patient man, I have managed not to go off on this guy but have just about decided enough is enough. I realize $1000.00 is not a lot where RV's are concerned but it is to me. 

I've taken my Xanax and am waiting for it to kick in before I make an irrational decision. 

End of rant...Or whine.
Welcome back my friend. It sure seems like he is taking his time wiih your rig so I can understand your frustration. Has he done the dent? If so the batteries are a breeze.
RobndaHood said:
I've taken my Xanax and am waiting for it to kick in before I make an irrational decision. 

Aw hell Rob, I just went thru months of waiting myself. I'll call you when I'm finished here in physical therapy and we can swap crazy military stories. Then you can have a chance to rethink all this.
I think it has not moved from the back lot. If I go get it as is I am back to square one. At least I am not paying storage. One small benefit. I'll wait another week, after my retirement check comes in I'll go see him again.
Been on both sides of that scenario.....and agree this has taken longer than I would be patient with.

Congrats on thinking before going postal.

I, too, am glad you're back, and wish I was close enough to work with you on your project.

I'm thinking bolt cutters and a BIG hole in his fence, and a BIG hole where your trailer used to be... and you rolling down the road. :p
I'll have extra sharp vermont cheddar and vodka, if you don't mind. Make it tall!
Well, I just keep saying waiting is the hardest part... mostly because I'm in a holding pattern myself! Feel your pain, if not your anger! ;-)
I just spoke to the owner, he said he has been swamped with "Big Repairs" and they make more money. Well yeah, I am not entirely senile..yet.

I have made progress, I didn't get upset, I just asked him if he would rather I come get my trailer and just disregard fixing it. He said "no".

One of our members says he does good work so I'll wait. I trust her word.

So now I have to go buy a bottle of Grey Goose before I meet Cyndi. And cheese.

Peace to all.
Hopefully when he does do it .He will do an EXTRA good job.....!
With a discount. :D   I can always do the batteries if you come this way.  :idea:
I put my motorhome in the shop one December for a lack of power issue. When they finally worked on it - THE FOLLOWING MAY! - all it needed for that was a tune up. (If I could have driven it, I would not have waited.)

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