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HarmonicaBruce said:
Just in the news yesterday, medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death, behind heart disease and cancer.  Google "third leading cause of death".

I heard this this morning too. No surprise. The powers that be program us all wrong, the current food pyramid is way off, kids school lunch foods are all processed and unrecognizable as food and affects children's behavior and thinking too! I was in a hurry the other day and not thinking straight becasue I hadn't eaten, but went to a McD's and got a double burger (don't eat the bun). I was so ill later on and the next day. That's it for me. Whatever they use, it is not meat. God knows what stuff it was. And don't tell me. I've already apologized to my body and don't want to know.
That's one side effect of eating proper food, is that when you go off the rails have something like a McD's or a processed food like a store bought cookie, my body at least seems to react badly.

Doctors are in a hurry and overworked. One of the side affects of this obamacare thing. Before my lady doc quit last year, we had some interesting conversations and she gave me some insights into how it has changed her career. That's why she quit. She wan't allowed to be a good doctor anymore. Herd them in and out as fast as you can. Churning and drugging to make the most bucks for the board in the cheapest manner possible.
I do exercise regularly, this is the key for me about being healthy. I’ll have a desert without hesitation, but I understand why this sugar will turn into fat. I like science and did read about the process involve in fat cells. There a lot of BBC show about health that I like to watch, It’s a good way to have the latest research and it’s always motivating. But, there so many contradictions about healthy eating, in my opinion, we should not care to much about it, just being active and eating an omnivorous diet is the key to success. The stress of thinking about it too much can make you eat more. Calorie counting is important if someone wants to lose weight and understanding why we love that type of food.

OP, for the donuts, the reason why we are so much addicted to it, it's like the cheesecake, the ratio of fat and sugar is 50/50. Studies in mouse show that they will eat cheesecake until they die, It’s pretty much the same effect on the brain as cocaine or heroine which involve the dopamine receptor. I still eat donuts but now I know why I like them. We, human, usually go for that 50/50 ratio when we are stressed or tired meaning weight gain on the long run.

I see my weight as a gauge of my mental health, if it goes up or down +-10, there something going on, usually stress is the main factor behind it. Solution, I exercise a little bit more to relieve stress and fix the weight variation.
Thanks u guys for reviving this. Makes so much sense with the doughnuts and addiction, half fat half super. The problem solved its self about four months ago when I started camping, this had happened before, I withdrew from sugar because when I packed for the woods I didn't take it. Yay! No Doug ut shop across the street. Yes stress causes me to over or under eat, it is a challenge to eat healthy on the road, so I often remedy it by not eating, plus I think I am saving money. I have been making myself spend the money and eat this time. Now I want to increase vegetable and fruit and add some exercise thanks
It has been 10 months since I started working out and not eating sugar.  I've been hitting anytime fitness 4-5 times a week.  Today I managed to get in the lotus position for the first time in many years and I do over 60 sit ups when I work out.  But, my weight is stuck at 190.  I'm making great progress and plan on keeping at it.  I don't really push myself because at 69 I don't want to injure anything.
I gave up carbs, sugar in all forms but sweet leaf (stevia which is not chemically processed like the other stevia sweeteners) and gluten. My pain levels have dropped considerably.

I eat almost totally organic. I had already stopped eating meats that had any hormones or antibiotics since I am so allergic...(so angus beef and perdue chicken is about it). Dropped 30 lbs without trying.

I've found that by eating truly nutritious foods (leafy green salad, no dressing) that I spend less overall in food budget because they are giving me what I need with less food. Also, I found, for me, that a lack of zinc makes me crave food. Sugar first, then salt. Go figure. But now I have trained myself to realize I am craving one of those, and then remember I hadn't taken my zinc!

I am disabled and unable to "exercise" but do have to be stretched out a few times a I have my service dog who needs to play. :D

Thanks for asking!
Yes this is a very helpful thread back to my high school weight 162 started when I lost my top teeth a few years back started making soups cream of this cream of that, never drank soda pop drink coffee in the am only. Lowering my cholesterol is a bit of a challenge looking into charcoal tablets and other non chemo cures. Atorvastatin before bed for now.
Plant based/vegetarian here. I follow Dr.s Esselstyn, T. Colin Campbell, Ornish, Barnard, McDougall and Greger as well as registered dietician Julieanna Haver and Jeff Novick. I had a lot of damage to repair because of some very bad medical advice. Everything is on hold atm because I am focusing on moving out of here but I'll be kicking things back up as soon as I'm settled into van life.
Yah I eat a lot of veggies, but my weakness for the occasional 2" Fillet Mignon medallion has kicked me out of the Vegetarian brotherhood, like momma said everything in moderation, i do get it though
I've been a professional dieter all of my life.  The last 70# I have managed to keep off for seven years now.  It's a lifestyle and behavioral change, for sure.  But just a few little easy tips that have helped me and maybe others.

1.  Salad:  Serve the dressing on the side.  Dip your fork tines into the dressing, then place the salad bite on the fork.  You will still get the flavor of the dressing and use much less of it.

2.  Coffee creamer:  I love the flavored stuff but tend to use way too much (like having candy for breakfast).  So I dilute the creamer with non-fat milk, about 50/50.  Still get the flavor and half the sugar/calories.

Soda/soft drinks:  Dilute with sparkling water, just enough to flavor it. You still get the carbonation so it feels like soda and you still get the the flavor.  I've just started doing this to reduce my caffeine intake from three coke zeros a day to almost none.

These are just a few things that help me, and maybe they'll work for you.

Best wishes!
And now that I've finished dinner, I remembered these.

If you like salsa/picante sauce, it makes a great salad dressing!  This I do add directly to a salad and it's really good.  Only five calories per tablespoon.  Want it creamy?  Add just a little ranch dressing or just a tiny bit of sour cream.  Zing!

Sandwiches/burgers:  I don't buy regular bread; I get the 100% whole wheat sandwich rounds (half the calories than regular bread).  Instead of mayo and cheese, I use the Laughing Cow wedge spreads (Light), one wedge is 35 calories and will spread both slices of bread.  It also adds the cheese flavor so it does double duty.  And add lots of veggies, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onion and jalapeños -- makes a lean sammich or burger that is very satisfying. And less than 300 calories, depending on how much meat you use.  I use 1/4# 96% lean ground beef.

When cooking meats, use just enough oil or Pam to prevent sticking.  Once the meat is seared, add a couple tablespoons of water and cover with a lid. The meat will steam and still taste "fried".  This works well with the very lean meats.

I learned most of this from others.  So any tips any of you can share, I would love to hear them.

135# and holding.
Sodas have all sorts of horrible things in them...poison, literally? They wear hazmat suits...

if you are having difficulty going cold turkey from the sugar and fizz try sparkling water or club soda with quinine.

Here's a great read (it's in the Smithsonian for it's documentation of what causes disease and it's cures listed) Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr Joel Wallach.
Stargazer said:
If you like salsa/picante sauce, it makes a great salad dressing!  This I do add directly to a salad and it's really good.  Only five calories per tablespoon.  Want it creamy?  Add just a little ranch dressing or just a tiny bit of sour cream.  Zing!
I can't do straight salsa for dressing, but one trick that helps me when I'm 'being good' is to use Cottage Cheese and Salsa as dressing, creamy (somewhat) and the salsa adds some flavor to that bland cheese, which provides protein

Lots of short walks, for those who can, add up to more benefit than one long walk, think 5 minutes every hour you've been sitting
I misspoke... I meant Tonic water (with quinine).

My main loss came mostly after I gave up gluten. The rest after I gave up oatmeal when Dr Wallach explained how oats are "gluten" free but have their own "gluten" called gliadin... Just fyi.
I had some unexpected good news today. Went in for my DOT physical and found out I had lost 10 pounds. I've been so focused on moving out that I wasn't paying attention.
Do you think it was that you quit stressing over trying to lose weight, or that you have been so busy you haven't been eating the same foods or as much..or what?
Too busy to eat! I'll get so hyper-focused on whatever I'm doing it'll be 3pm before I realize I haven't eaten! I should know better. Every time I move I lose 20 lbs. because of the same thing. lol
Most of us are heading into holiday time... and my main goal is to maintain where I'm at. It's probably not the best time to think about those last 5 lbs but instead focus upon not adding the proverbial 5 lbs most people do.

Just say no sounds good to me...and skipping any party I to which I might be invited? (Nah, not invites ;) ) I added this last election week so now to go back to where I was with healthy eating. I planned this though... planned it! I bought comfort foods I really enjoy (yes, some even with gluten!) and figured I would be eating holed up for a few days, or for celebrating :D (PS I'm celebrating God's grace.)

I've been more active than usual and thank Dr Joel Wallach's 90 essentials ( for helping me not get into a pain flare like I would have (for 30 years)... it's the only thing that has changed of late for the better :)

Y'all take care of yourselves! Think good thoughts... don't beat yourself up with negative thinking (you know--- you DO know--- "should" "could" "would" haves.. don't should on yourself etc... ;) ) no food is bad if it's real food... you're not bad for eating it either! Make healthy choices... we'll all get through the holidays!
I'm still at it, down to 186 and riding a bike again.  I'm pretty much sore all over.  I've started doing the Royal Canadian Air Force fitness program.  It's great, takes 10 minutes per day and requires no equipment.  Tom Brady, (the greatest football player of all time) has a book about fitness that I'd love to get, but it costs $200!  I'm going to ask him if I can get an electronic copy.  In the meantime, with xmas, it will be important to avoid eating the wrong stuff!