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Kimi, I looked for a long time before I found one. I don't know how many new ones I saw and was prepared to go that route but the ones I saw were made badly. Thankfully there are some that make the grade. I bought a 2002 Dynamax which is great. All cabinetry is solid oak and it has a lot of things in it normally seen as an upgrade in other coaches. I'm pleased as punch and it's 23 foot long. Born free is another brand that was well made and I'm sure there are others. They sure aren't all the same

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"Hopefully I can find some support here in hopes to filling my new dream.
with much love an respect... hope to see you all on the road ~kimi~"

I'm not on the road yet, I'm a wannabe, but I have been studying and copying stuff out of the forums for months. I'm so glad I started reading here before I made decisions about vehicle, equipment etc. I'm avoiding making some expensive mistakes. I feel like I will know just what I'm doing when I finally take off, and if I don't there will be friendly, helpful folks nearby to steer me straight. Good luck, and welcome!

I started with a used 37-foot class-A.  It had all the convinces but there were several things that I didn't like. 

It was a money pit.  I had to replace the fridge, the washer, the hot water heater, the sofa, and a window.  With all of this the total cost was about $11K.  Then I had to replace all of the tires, a starter relay, awning, all of the batteries, and the drive shaft.  We enjoyed it and took it on a trip up to Alaska, but when we got back, my wife informed me that she didn't want to drive anywhere long distance again.  So I put it up for sell. 

This past year I still wanted to travel, but didn't want to take the big rig out if I was going by myself, so I chose to go the Prius camper route.  This worked fairly well but was just a bit too cramped for me.  I got tired of always having to put on my pants while sitting down.  Also, cooking outside gets a bit old because of gnats.  If I had chosen to continue car camping, I would have gotten a "cooking tent" so that I could fend off the bugs.  While it was cramped, I took it on trips to Padre Island, Big Bend, Tombstone, Moab (Arches, Canyonlands), Bryce Canyon, Monument Valley, and Rocky Mountain NP.  

I recently purchased a class-B Travato 59K.  It's a bit more expensive than what most of the folks in the forum have, but I decided that I could afford it once I got the class-A sold.  I've already taken it on the road for a couple of reunions as well as spending some time in my home town.  I was seriously looking at one of the Wayfarer Van conversion kits, but I decided that I needed a bathroom and not just a potty-porty or a bucket.  If I were a bit younger and single that's the direction I would have gone, but I still want to be able to pick up my wife at an airport and let her stay with me once I reach a destination.  I doubt that she would be agreeable to a bucket. 

So I guess the key is to think through what your goals are.  Once you have done that, then think about what type of rig would best fit those goals.
Hi everyone. Retired forester here from Washington state. Wife and I enjoy traveling in our truck camper. She always said she married a gypsy.
I would not be comfortable in a class A... way to big for me to drive (and i know i don't need THAT much space). I really don't care if I poop in a bucket.. would probable not use the toilet black tank in RV anyways... but the Class B are still too confined for me. I would love one for travel, short term stays and camping... but i would rathere stay in my home than live in one full time. That is why I originally thought a coverted cargo trailer would be great. One major concern is if I live in a vehicle and it breaksdown... then I would have my trailer to live in. Then people say towing trailer is real pain. I plan on driving a bit... staying alot. I love to camp and have all the gear to add to my home on wheels. I am not looking to be on the road all the time. I like to stay places for awhile 2wks-2mos then get on the road to next destination. Those class B are too expensive for me anyways but thanks so much for your experience. best to you and yours! OH YEAH... If i was 20/30 yrs younger everything would be so different LOL
I to am a diehard gardener and absolutely have no intention of giving it up. I feel fresh food and clean water is essential for our health. I been doing much reading on GMO foods and contaminated water, and yes bottled water is contaminated to. You spurred a idea while reading your post. Rather than packing a bunch of potted plants around in already cramped spaces, would a time share type community garden be of interest to anyone? We could arrange for other like minded gardener, campers to share gardening, camping space to rotate in every 14 days etc. to over see and maintain garden, close to pond, river water supplies. This kind of system would even work for rabbits, chickens, or other small game with a minimal amount of work, just a thought!
Forester said:
Hi everyone. Retired forester here from Washington state. Wife and I enjoy traveling in our truck camper. She always said she married a gypsy.
Please tell me where you caught that fish. My wife and I plan on taking a trip to Washington st. to visit her parents soon and that's what I like to do fish, and garden.
Hi Casper!
The thought of this brings tears of joy to my heart. Since becoming older I can not tend to a full garden as i have most of my life so sharing the duties and the rewards is a fantastic idea! I have so many heirloom seeds to share as well. One thing I'm trying to figure out is if my distiller will work on a RV... cuz I distill all the water I drink... I hear ya on the gmo issue too hence why I have been growing soo much of my own food! Hell maube I need a tractor trailer rig with skylights and I can drive anywhere and still have food... mobile growing farm LOL and have the compost for it too HAHAHA
I to have put much though into the water distiller RV issue, I feel to be one of the most important problems we all face. Right now we use a one gallon electric distiller I bought on Amazon for around $100, and a reverse osmosis water filter for slightly more. I know that unless we are plugged into the grid neither one of these will be of any use to us, we can't afford to run a generator full time and it takes 4 to 5 hrs to run a gallon of water. The best alternative I can think of so far is to pick up a small stainless steel beer keg and some copper line and turn it into a still that would work over a camp fire, or over a propane camp stove, solar would also be a good option, but not sure if it could produce enough water to sustain us. I would be glad to help you on the still if you need it. As far as the garden goes, I'm very interested in the heirloom seeds you spoke of, I to have a cachet of heirloom survival seeds that I bought on Amazon, the only thing is you never know if they really are non GMO until you try them and sometimes still can't tell. I would certainly not let your age or disability be a reason to exclude you from benefiting from a communal garden. I have put much thought into ways to simplify that also, the water supply/location seem to be the most important. I ran across a YouTube video a while back on how to make a homemade hydraulic ram pump that costs very little to make and pumps water continuously with no electricity. One would only need to turn a valve once in a while over a short span say 14 days. Anyway let me know if you need help with the still.
tx2sturgis said:
Tank top and shorts?

Can I buy you a drink?

Sir I would be proud to drink with you, as long as I don't have to apologize for it later, but will if nessisary.

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Yeah those daisy dukes look so good on you casper....


BTW, I'm SURE the off-topic hammer is hovering over us right now!
It sounds like a cargo trailer is perfect for you! It's true, there is a hassle factor in towing but since you will you will drive little and stay much, that is more than offset by the advantages they give you in a nice home when you are stationary.

If I were you, I would keep it at the top of the list.
casper said:
I to am a diehard gardener and absolutely have no intention of giving it up. I feel fresh food and clean water is essential for our health. I been doing much reading on GMO foods and contaminated water, and yes bottled water is contaminated to. You spurred a idea while reading your post. Rather than packing a bunch of potted plants around in already cramped spaces, would a time share type community garden be of interest to anyone? We could arrange  for other like minded gardener, campers to share gardening, camping space to rotate in every 14 days etc. to over see and maintain garden, close to pond, river water supplies. This kind of system would even work for rabbits, chickens, or other small game with a minimal amount of work, just a thought!

~ Casper ~ 
The communal garden idea sounds excellent....the biggest issue will be where to set this up, since everyone here is mobile
(or dreams of being). Have you a particular part of the country in mind? 
I love gardening so much that I almost considered a houseboat since a few people I know who live on them here (on the Hudson River/ Manhattan) have plenty of deck space for container gardening. Then I realized I don't really want to contend with waves under my house and thought the RV idea sounded better. But...the gardens! 

Last thing to say is, having a small seed-sprouter is a way to guarantee fresh greens all the time. I like sunflower, because one "growth" can give you enough for a salad or two. Very healthy, low-space usage away to get your greens while on the road. 
Let's maybe open a new thread about the communal garden idea!
I have not worked out all the details yet, it would take coordination and planning for sure. I'm thinking the desert if water can be found would be ideal. It's probably just a pipe dream and nothing will come of it.