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Well-known member
May 17, 2011
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<font face="Georgia" size="3">Hello! I'm Ashley and I am living in a <a target="_blank" href="http://thetuckerbag.blogspot.com">converted 1997 Jetta</a> (still in progress and my never be done). Though it's been an on again-off again thing,</font><font size="3"> I'<font face="Georgia">m always looking for tips and suggestions to improve my semi permanent urban camping</font></font><font face="Georgia"> experience.</font><br>
Hi and Welcome! I'm Steve. Beyond that I can't think of anything else to say. I just ate and am fighting off the after lunch sleepies.<div><br></div><div><br><div><br></div><div><br></div></div>
Welcome Ashley, You will most certainly find the information you are looking for here. If it's not already written down, Ask! Someone will be able to answer!<br><br>I'm following your blog now, so I can stay updated on your progress <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br>
Hi Ashley,&nbsp; <br><br>I'm also following your blog now ... and will be going back to read your earlier posts too.<br><br>When I travel solo, I'm in a car too (a Prius).&nbsp; I'm a part-timer.&nbsp; Also, we just got a tiny trailer&nbsp;for when hubby wants to travel with me.<br><br>Glad you joined.<br><br>Suanne ... near Seattle<br><A href="http://SuanneOnline.blogspot.com" target=_blank>http://SuanneOnline.blogspot.com</A><br>
hiya ashley. and welcome!&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>i just checked out your blog, but unlike suanne, i can't find the follow button! i'm curious to see your layout in your vehicle, so will be catching up with your blog tonight.</div>
twokniveskatie said:
hiya ashley. and welcome!&nbsp;<DIV><BR></DIV><DIV>i just checked out your blog, but unlike suanne, i can't find the follow button! i'm curious to see your layout in your vehicle, so will be catching up with your blog tonight.</DIV><P>
</P><br>She doesn't have the widget up. Look at the top left of the page, you'll see a follow link. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br>
Arathi said:
If it's not already written down, Ask! Someone will be able to answer!<br>
<br><br>I'm sure I'll be putting that the test. As much as I love learning by doing, there are times I wish I'd had a group like this to bounce ideas off of<br>
Suanne said:
Also, we just got a tiny trailer&nbsp;for when hubby wants to travel with me.<br>
<br>That may be the coolest trailer ever!<br>
Welcome Butternut...glad you are with us and I think what you are doing is very cool...you are an adventurous young woman....<br>Stay tuned and I will add your blog to my follow list too....<br>Bri<br><br>
twokniveskatie said:
unlike suanne, i can't find the follow button!
</P>I couldn't find the "Follow" link anywhere on&nbsp;her blog.&nbsp; So, I copied the URL and went to my own Dashboard.&nbsp; I then clicked on the "Manage" link for the blogs that I follow and added it manually.&nbsp; Hope I've explained so it's understandable.<br><br>Suanne&nbsp;<br>
Another Masshole!&nbsp; Welcome!!!<br><br>Look out, the rest of you...we're taking over!&nbsp; <br>
Welcome, Ashley<br>Just visited your interesting blog (left a short&nbsp;comment). I'll be back to watch your progress.<br><br>Bob<br><br><br>
Hi Ashley, welcome to the site. Don't know too many car dwellers , but we have a few , and there are more at vandwellers site on yahoo. ( a prius and a corrola, to name a few). I like the room in my bus, but you get 3x the mpg ( at least!) that I do! Glad you joined and ask as many questions as you like.
For some reason, Blogger won't allow me to post, even as anon. So, in response to your food post:<br><br>
If you are able to, I say pick up a deep cycle battery, and hook up a 12v freezer. There's one on my blog. <br><A href="http://thevandweller.blogspot.com/" target=_blank>http://thevandweller.blogspot.com/</A><br>For some reason, although I'm signed in, it won't recognize that I am logged in to post this comment. The freezer shouldn't draw too much power to keep things cold, and if you're parked near an outlet, get a charger to keep the battery up and you should be fine. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>~Arathi