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Bast said:
Oh I can't tell you how  much I miss my cat Midnight. She died unexpectedly last month. She was a lot of emotional support. She'd curl up next to me and purr when she knew I was upset. I have often thought of the saying "When in my darkest hour I reached for a hand and found a paw." I don't know who it but it often fits.

Bast I'm so sad for your loss. I still miss my first fur baby as she was such an amazing companion and my first *baby.* I love that quote. :heart:

I must apologize to you and Mystic and anyone else who thought I had lost my cat. I wasn't thinking when I posted. I had to give her to my daughter because it's gotten too hard to take care of her right now and my comment was right after my daughter sent me a pic of her. I didn't realize until I gave her up how much companionship she gave me even though she's not the most affectionate of cats.
TrainChaser said:
Newbie:  "By the by, am I missing it or is the self-defense post missing? I was going to answer it when I got home."

It was deleted because I wasn't politically correct.  Like, after all these years, I'm going to start NOW?

Dayum. :( That stinks as I thought there was a lot of good information in it. Guess I missed the incorrect parts when I read because all I saw were truths. :huh: I planned to give it a full reply after I got back from town since I didn't have time before.

"start NOW"... :p
Just a few thoughts on my mind today, not individually thread-worthy.

My schedule this past week has been at the mercy of others and the weather so it always went past plan A and plan B. I think I saw a Z in there somewhere. LOL

Had to re-register to vote last week and from something I learned today about my county I'd bet there was some profiling going on for why my registration fell off. There was no legitimate reason.

Also, I sure wish I was a nomad already so I could go be support staff at Standing Rock. Protecting the water supply is important, to say the least.
Not mobile living yet, but spent three wonderful days in Red River, NM trout fishing in the small river that runs through town. Right now will be a great time to visit. High 30 nights, warm days. Monday through Thursday there are few people in town. As it gets closer to Thanksgiving, the town will be almost deserted as business owners shut down and take a vacation before ski season. Trout will disappear in river too.
Not sure of how many boondocking sites there are. Fawn Lake Campground is open. It's about two miles out of town.
If you are heading south then I suggest going through Angel Fire then 434 then 94. Remarkable scenery. Twisties. It's actually marshy. We stopped at Coyote Creek Campground for a potty break. Looks okay. Roadsides remarkably free of trash thanks to lots of volunteers honoring deceased loved ones.
^ It was darn near perfect. Could have had a few more trout netted, but overall it was great. So nice and cool too.
ty ladies for your great ideas I never thought about my local newspaper I'll have to call them, and yes Xena is my 50lb. Austrailian Cattle Dog anewqbie. And we also have two strip malls in town I can call them also ty Michele
Oh! Australian Cattle Dog! I love those! :)

I reached out and asked for help mowing from someone I know a bit ago. *fingers crossed for positive reply*
I'm off to visit my daughter today. Not really up for the drive since I ended up having to mow yesterday because my help change their mind. "No" would have been nicer and allowed me to have time to recuperate in between.

At least the weather is nice for the trip and it will be good to see her, though sooner than I had planned. If only Scottie could "beam me over."

Hope you all have a pleasant weekend. :)
I mentioned that "Scotty, beam me up" to a friend one day, and she suggested that I be careful what I wish for.

She said that if teleportation could be done, someone would probably install cheap parts in the transporter machine and start fouling things up, bigtime. Could you imagine people stepping into the transporter beam, and showing up somewhere else missing a few crucial brain cells? People would be getting dumber at a faster rate than they are now.
My trip showed me all kinds of signs that people are really getting dumb.  Nuff said about that though or I'll become political. :p

Way back when Star Trek first came on the TV and they showed the teleporter I always speculated about scrambled brain cells and such.  Then the episodes with teleportation problems came on and whoops, didn't seem the smartest thing.  Would be interesting to live long enough to see how it turns out but I doubt it's that close on the horizon.  It'd be nice though.

As much as I hurt I still had pleasant drives and enjoyed my mini trip and visit with my daughter.  I'm so grateful to watch her grow into such an amazing young woman. :)  I love watching her life unfold as she spreads her wings. :heart:

The leaves are late in their changing here and still almost green yet so I hope to get another drive in when they are at the peak of their beauty.  The autumn wildflowers were gorgeous nonetheless. :)  I do so enjoy the changing seasons.  This trip made me want even more to get on the road for real right now, darn it!  It re-energized my plans of prep for launch.  If only I could find a way to speed it up.  At least I'll be more than ready when the time comes. :)
We don't yet have a transporter but I as shocked when a few years ago we managed to make a rudimentary replicator. We just call it a 3d printer.
A friend's husband is a physicist, and he knows how to explain physics so regular people can understand.

One day, the subject of time travel came up. He said that someone might make a unit that could transport someone back on time, but they wouldn't be able to return. Here's how he explained it:

He said that time is like a river. Think of the river filled with small balls, like pingpong balls. Going back in time would be like wading across the river with the balls brushing past your legs. This would be fine. But to return, you would need to have the same set of balls brushing past you that went by when you went across the first time. Obviously, this could not happen. You might go SOMEWHERE, but not where/when you came from.
3D printing is amazing!  I like the stuff I've seen where they are using for the benefit of those in remote locations.

I had trouble grasping physics when I took it as coursework, but I think the issue was more the way the person taught.  Quantum physics and quantum mathematics were much easier for me to grasp.  I miss the discussions of the latter two but with the brain fog I have now I doubt I'd be able to be as much of a participant.  I may have to find someone to test that out on though because if I can get into focus and it was something I learned before the short-term memory issues I'm still able to retain information.  

There would be all kinds of implications with time travel as opposed to just going from place to place.  I like the theories about time that the author Richard Bach has.  Two of his titles are Illusions and One, with One dealing with the idea of time.

Spent the day napping and recovering from too much in too short a time.  Still trying to work out a stamina building program but I've got a long way to go on recovery.  I'm grateful one of my appointments for this week was cancelled so it won't add to the overexertion.
I look at the stuff they're producing with 3D, and I can't grasp it at all. I suspect that it takes a ton of equipment, too.
The equipment depends on what you want to print I have a colleague who bought his son a 3D pen for a 100.00 dollars at Sam's Club. It only prints hand held pieces but it was pretty amazing.
LadyJo said:
Found the tent I want. It will  hold up in winds and storms.

Yes, it's big. Think of it as a movable apartment.

Love this idea!  It could be a practical way for me to transition to living off the grid.  I would worry more about my safety sleeping alone in a tent vs an enclosed vehicle, but I like that I wouldn't have to worry about buying a new vehicle right away.

Please keep us posted on how this arrangement works out for you!

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