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Haven't found my glasses yet. :p I haven't been looking for them though. I did find the scissors I was looking for the other day so I figure the glasses will turn up that way. I still have time yet since don't have any driving to do in next couple of days. I need one of those finder things for my glasses. LOL

Not going to look in the poison ivy by the garage until I have to. (Only thing different I did that day was to prune a tree by the garage before parking the car.)

Now that the storms have stopped and the humidity and heat is down I'm going to try to get something done today. I wish we could send all this rain out west where it's needed.

Anybody got anything sentimental that they *have* to keep and take with them? Can't decide whether that should be it's own thread.

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday. :)
If I lost my glasses I wouldn't be able to see well enough to find them!

Spent yesterday at the local Pride celebration (university town so we do it in the Fall rather than the traditional June), was very family friendly, which I'm not accustomed to. It's usually a bit more of a debauch, but this one was really fun anyway, had a great time and saw tons of people I know.
Queen, that's kind of a good thing. I only *have* to have mine for driving and being in public with wide spaces or I'd not be losing them. LOL

Sounds like a great event and good fun. :)
Queen: "If I lost my glasses I wouldn't be able to see well enough to find them!"

Early this summer I did EXACTLY that! I was out in the tall grass and was attacked by a wasp that nailed me in the face. I instinctively tried to brush it away and knocked my glasses off. And I couldn't see well enough to find them. So I went inside for a while, and then went back outside; the sun had moved and I could see the reflection off the lenses. WHEW!
TC, that is a definite WHEW!! I've started keeping my old glasses (the last pair before the new prescription or frames) in a case in the glove box, just in case.
TC, Oy! And Whew! I didn't even think of that! My old glasses are in a case in the car for some reason...I guess in a pinch I could use them. Gotta remember to keep them!

I used to be able to wear my sunglasses after dark in a pinch, but this last time they tinted so dark I couldn't even wear them on gray days even if the screws weren't stripped. I could barely see the speedometer in these on sunny days so after living in sunglasses most of my life I've learned to go without.
i keep my old glasses handy, too. When I was working (driving railroad crews around), I had taken my glasses off and was wiping my eye with a damp tissue, and the conductor got in and slammed the center armrest down as hard as he could, right on top of them. At least with the old glasses, I can usually see where the lines in the road are.
Doh! Why didn't I think of that!

I had made my errand list earlier and was going to go to town. Remembered my glasses are missing so put it off since I was going to have to hobble around to different offices in the court house. I wonder if I can see well enough in my old glasses to go tomorrow---need to go check so maybe if they'll work I'll find the missing pair. LOL Here's hoping I can at least see the lines in the road with them! :p
Didn't get all my errands in, but...BUT...found my glasses when I got home from driving in my old ones. :D I had put them on the shelf above where I usually put them so I didn't knock them off with grocery bags. LOL Found them when I just happened to be standing there and they were at eye height.  If they'd have been a snake they would have bit my nose. :p

By the by, am I missing it or is the self-defense post missing? I was going to answer it when I got home.
Missed a beautiful day. Fell asleep still waiting on Disability Determination to call me back after my return of her call. Still groggy. I guess, at least I didn't sleep through the call because it never came. Hope she returns calls in the mornings as I have things I must do this week and it's already Tuesday.

Sounds like lots of people moving forward or out getting their nomadic legs on. I worry sometimes whether I'll get to. Didn't help that I found an elusive unicorn van today for a decent price nearby. Have to keep reminding myself it's not my time yet. I think I'm missing my cat, that she was more of an emotional support animal than I realized. Prolly should keep this stuff to myself though. Oh well. As Popeye says...I yam what I yam.

Quick, somebody share about what's going on in her life, or her pet, or something. Maybe I should start a thread about me so this one doesn't end up just about me by virtue of me being stuck here.

Don't forget there's a question up: Anything sentimental you *have* to bring with you to/in your nomad or new home?
anewbiewannabe said:
Don't forget there's a question up: Anything sentimental you *have* to bring with you to/in your nomad or new home?

Yes, Aesop The Aeriops. He's a little stuffed dinosaur I've had in every vehicle I've owned since 1979.  My girlfriend back then got the sewing pattern from The Metropolitan Museum catalog and made one for me; he used to be bright purple but now he's a light gray.  I just love him, you could steal my car and I wouldn't care, as long as you left Aesop for me.
one of these days I'll get to go to the Winter RTR in Quartsite AZ and meet up with the Tribe. my hopes and prayers are winter of 2017. me and my Xena girl hitting the road will be fun and I know she'll like it too. She loves car rides has all her life she'll be nine yrs old then. hope to meet some of u ladies and learn some new things. this is the first time I've posted in the girls room. I dont get on here that often cause I'd rather be on the road and cant be right yet. Love reading ya alls posts tho.trying to find some free wood to build a wooden topper for my truck. anyone in my area have any ideas. I'm in S.E. Iowa
anewbiewannabe, here,.... you can borrow a snuggle with my love-bug baby. :) Her name is Kali and she will definitely be coming with us if we ever go full-time RVing.

I'm still new here so I hope I am posting the pic correctly....


  • Kali sleeping.jpg
    Kali sleeping.jpg
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What a beauty your kittycat is!

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Oh I can't tell you how much I miss my cat Midnight. She died unexpectedly last month. She was a lot of emotional support. She'd curl up next to me and purr when she knew I was upset. I have often thought of the saying "When in my darkest hour I reached for a hand and found a paw." I don't know who it but it often fits.
Newbie: "By the by, am I missing it or is the self-defense post missing? I was going to answer it when I got home."

It was deleted because I wasn't politically correct. Like, after all these years, I'm going to start NOW?
Brenda2016 said:
trying to find some free wood to build a wooden topper for my truck. anyone in my area have any ideas. I'm in S.E. Iowa

Well I'm outside of Chicago but I've recently learnt of dumpster diving.  In fact, there's a strip mall near by that allows it during the hours of 7am-7pm.  I've seen wooden pallets back there.  You could always call stores first and ask anonymously what they do it their pallets and if they don't need them if you could have them.  Just an idea!
Queen said:
Yes, Aesop The Aeriops. He's a little stuffed dinosaur I've had in every vehicle I've owned since 1979.  My girlfriend back then got the sewing pattern from The Metropolitan Museum catalog and made one for me; he used to be bright purple but now he's a light gray.  I just love him, you could steal my car and I wouldn't care, as long as you left Aesop for me.

Queen, what a great story. :) I can appreciate your sentiment about "as long as you left Aesop" as I have a teddy bear that my daughter gave me at the airport the first time I was traveling for classes when she was little. It took every trip with me after that so it *has* to come.
Brenda2016 said:
trying to find some free wood to build a wooden topper for my truck. anyone in my area have any ideas. I'm in S.E. Iowa

Brenda, welcome. :) I'm guessing Xena is a doggie? What a great life this seems to be for all the dogs I see doing it. :) Getting to a RTR is a common goal.

I'm not in your area but I have a couple ideas that might be fruitful or give you a place to start searching. Craigslist and the local paper might have listings for possible free wood from teardowns and such. Would be too cool to find an old barn to repurpose the wood for a camper---that would probably have a cost to it and major work involved though. Also, you might check with a small town local newspaper---I got some nice pallets from ours free for the taking after asking. I don't know what the local feed mills do with theirs, might be worth checking. Hope this helps. :)
Mystic said:
anewbiewannabe, here,.... you can borrow a snuggle with my love-bug baby. :) Her name is Kali and she will definitely be coming with us if we ever go full-time RVing.

Mystic, aww thanks. :) Pic came through great. What a pretty kitty Kali is. :) Does she go for rides now? My first fur baby loved car rides.