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Monday the garage door opener worked, Tuesday it didn't and once I got the door open I had to jam a long 2x4 in to keep door open to get car out. They stopped making this kind of opener a few years ago so there's no replacement parts available. The model that doesn't require a total reworking of everything is almost $300 w/o installation. The other kind is about $150 w/o installation but would definitely require hiring a company to do it.

I'm not sure how much more of things breaking down I can take. I have a long list of things that need fixed and since I can't do them they don't get done. Going to go jam something in door so can go to town and get something cold to drink. Wish me luck that I have the strength to get the jam in. :( I'll give the opener one last chance and maybe, just maybe my luck will run the other way and it will work.
If you're talking about a residential (at your house) garage door opener, nearly all of them have a release cord (usually red) that you can use to get the garage door to open manually. It's in case of power outages, but you can use it other times. You pull the cord and then you'll need to heft the door up by hand. Once you get the door fully opened, it should stay open on it's own.
If the garage door has a clicker thing, change the batteries. That is what I would try first. Then make sure there is nothing blocking or in the way of the electronic eye that may keep the door from moving (although this usually will keep the door up, but it's worth a try).
LOL. Even we women can't help but want to give advice to fix things. I appreciate the helpful intentions.

I installed the garage door opener so I'm quite familiar with it.  Never installed an electronic eye because those things annoy me and around here it wasn't really necessary.  First thing I checked was the remote even though I knew I'd just replaced the battery earlier this year.  Remote was fine and there's not even a noise from the opener with the remote right in front of it. I've used the release before and it's how I got out Tuesday---still had to jam a board so the door would stay up though.

I'd already gone online to try to troubleshoot to see if there was something I could fix---that's how I found out about no replacement parts available.  Also sounds like these were built so whole thing would have to be replaced in the event of failure---too bad because I've really liked the opener.  It has to be replaced but in the meantime (a long meantime) I'll just have to open/close the garage door manually and lock it then walk through the house and out to the car which wouldn't be a big deal other than my health issues.

I'm just really frustrated with the one thing after another when I can't make any inroads on the first things.  Makes me waffle on getting a van and getting out on the road first before just accepting my fate of living in a room in some facility next.
Sorry....we can't help it :)

You could always try to do what my father did once when he got really frustrated at the garage door.
Put your car in reverse and the pedal to the metal and back through the garage door (without opening it first).
anewbiewannabe said:
I'm not sure how much more of things breaking down I can take. I have a long list of things that need fixed and since I can't do them they don't get done. 
I don't knowwhere you're located but maybe offering driveway space (electricity and water?) in exchange for handyman work might bean option.
Yeah. No. :p It might give me a moment of pleasure but the cost would be too high. Hehehe I'd probably have to replace both garage doors because I wouldn't be able to find a match. Match, hmmm. Nope. Can't do that. LOL

I'll just keep on keeping on making do for now doing what I can until I can find a way to take care of things. Just gets damn frustrating sometimes. Too many brick walls and not enough doors or windows.
anewbiewannabe said:
I'll just keep on keeping on making do for now doing what I can until I can find a way to take care of things.  Just gets damn frustrating sometimes.  Too many brick walls and not enough doors or windows.

What a pain!  Definitely hear/feel ya on the frustration front.  Don't give up, believe in your dream for vandwelling!!!  

It's hard to know when /if someone wants suggestions or just looking to vent and be validated, so ignore me or please feel free tell me how I can better support you.  I just had the thought, do you have to park the car in the garage?  If you leave it in the driveway then you avoid the hassle of prying the door open as well as avoid the expense....just a thought!
Tents: the most common thing that can get in are squirrels-- they chew through the mesh. Some tents have a front and a back door -- that's new to me!

I'm just starting the purging, and THAT'S going to be an uphill battle! I will have to have a storage unit, because I couldn't afford to replace all the stuff that I have. And I can't get rid of ALL my books. At least I'm experienced in packing things TIGHT.

I can't get a van until I sell my property. Which is going to be an awful nuisance. This decrepit old mobile home isn't salable, so I'm not sure what to do about that. I'll have to get some opinions, eventually.

But I will be SO glad to get out of here!
Things breaking and upkeep. That is one of the reasons I want to live on the road. I'm tired of all the maintenance. I know there will be problems sooner or later with our motor home but at least it will be smaller than my house and yard and I still have to maintain a vehicle anyway so it might as well be on my motor home rather than a car. I try not to romanticize this coming lifestyle too much but it is hard not to. Lol. 
Going back to mechanical trouble on the road... I broke down in the boonies once and was worried about being taken advantage of by an unscrupulous shop, so decided to go into a Denny's (my car still ran, but was making awful noises), and I asked the waitresses who I should call - it worked great. The shop did the work for a fair price and gave me a ride to a rental car place - I was giving a presentation that night so couldn't wait while my car was fixed.
Yep, if it runs - it breaks. If you can keep ahead of the curve it helps but sometimes you get surprised. What gets me is when several things break at once.
WW, we do the same thing. Had our old van crap out in Rolla MO on Easter Sunday on time, asked a cleaning lady at the motel across the street if she knew anyone local we could call. She said her husband was sitting home doing nothing so she'd call him. He came into town, fixed us up for the cost of the part, and she gave us a couple of pieces of pie she'd baked. Really nice people!
I'm quietly working on getting items of clothes etc organized. Will do a shopping run for some equipment next week. Thinking it would be a good idea to rent storage for a month, just to put some things in for now. I am so impatient. Next week I will also have a couple of things done on the SUV, that will probably cost about $400.00
Cyndi, it's a great idea. :) I'm so far off the beaten path, in Ohio, for most of the regulars in here it would be an unjustifiable expense to come here.  I've got a beautiful space to park and hopefully the electric to the barn still works so it wouldn't be anything to set up a nice private camp, but the weather has been miserably hot and humid all summer.  If someone reads this and would be willing to go out of their way drop me a PM.  The idea of asking in public and then getting no takers would just add to the rejection heap I'm buried under.

Michele, yes it can be hard to tell the difference. I try to ask questions when I want help and make statements when I vent but there are enough people who want suggestions that don't use questions that it makes it tough.  Other than security, with the miserable heat I park in the garage because getting into an oven to drive is way more exhausting than having to jam the door up will have to be.  When the weather gets nicer and I know I have to drive a couple days in a row I'll leave the car out in between.  It's a great suggestion and I might not have thought about it considering the brain fog. :)

No matter what I do have to replace the opener and quite a few other things around here need fixed as each one could make a buyer think they can drop the price by a considerable sum.  It's a long painful story about how things got this way so I won't be sharing it all.  I do continue to do what I can as I'm able.  

I had hoped that the medical would be in a place where I could do more by now considering how long I've been dealing with the injuries that added onto my illness.  Before that I could do just about anything around here myself even if it took a little longer, unless it required extra hands.  The only thing I didn't do was work with electric beyond replacing outlets, switches, and fixtures.

Anyhow, just stuff I've got to deal with. Enough about me. :)
Not sure whether I should break this into separate posts or not.  Guess I'll just keep it together for now since internet is being wonky and making posting difficult.

Queen, sounds like you really deserve and need a break. Hope you get that monkey mind quieted soon. :)

LadyJo, that tent looks awesome. :) I used to love tent camping even as recent as 10 years ago.  BTW, did you see my comment about your european adventure? Would love to hear about it and maybe learn something. My DD is wanting to do something like that.  I think it deserves it's own thread though.  Sounds like you are making progress, do you have a launch date or just when you are ready?

TrainChaser, the first thing I thought of when I read squirrels was wondering if they would avoid peppermint oil like mice do---but then bears might be attracted by it and I think squirrels would be easier to deal with. :p LOL

Jaxtonsgram, yeah simplifying to just having a traveling home sure cuts down on how many things can need fixing.  It is hard not to romanticize it, just have to remember there will be off days.  Having these forums somehow makes it easier to deal with the off days, in my mind. :)

Wander Woman, what a great story. :)

LadyJo, yeah, Murphy has taken up residence with me or so it seems. :p  I didn't get out of this house fast enough so everything that can go wrong IS at the worst possible time.

Queen, another great story. :) So nice to hear those.

The brutal heat and humidity won today. Had to keep the house closed up to keep it less hot. It's finally cooled off and the humidity isn't as bad so I have the doors open. I wish this house had wheels! I'd be outta here! :D
anewbiewannabe said:
Cyndi, it's a great idea. :) I'm so far off the beaten path, in Ohio, for most of the regulars in here it would be an unjustifiable expense to come here.  

I've lived all over Ohio :D
Born in Cleveland, went to college near Akron, spent a bunch of years near Toledo, then Columbus for nearly a decade.
(I live on the other side of the country now.)
The tent is awesome. It will handle 50 mph winds, heavy rain. Pretty much anything other than snow. Took me a long time searching online to find it. The last 2 tents were as well built and lasted more than 10yrs each. As there is no way I can stand, or sit straight up if I have a full platform - a tent it is. I can sleep in the SUV if I don't feel comfortable in the area.

No exact date to be able to get on the road yet. Very much hoping it will be in the next 2 to 3 weeks. Just have to wait for the ducks to line up.
KASibson, I've been stuck in southern Ohio most of my life. Managed to escape once to LA and my dream job but had to come back to take care of my grandma because I was the only single in the family. I'm grateful I was able to do that for her but I never realized then that they would have had to find another solution if I didn't come back and I really wish I hadn't.

LadyJo, WOW! So great that you will be out there doing it so soon! :)

It's been a day for me and it's only 2pm. Couldn't find my glasses to drive, searched everywhere a few times. I've only got 3 places I normally put them but alas. Luckily I had my sunglasses with stripped screws in the car so I wore them.

Worked out well because the check engine light came on when I started the car so I took it to the mechanics (still open) for them to read the code. Something about small leak in engine gas vapors or vacuum system---anyhow, he took the gas cap off and put it back on, cleared the code and started it up and code has stayed gone. He explained it to me but I've forgotten already---important part is car is safe to drive for now and he recommended a tuneup.

I'm still trying to figure out where my glasses are as I have to have them to drive which means they have to be at home somewhere. :p
"... the first thing I thought of when I read squirrels was wondering if they would avoid peppermint oil like mice do---but then bears might be attracted by it and I think squirrels would be easier to deal with."

All of the commercial squirrel repellents that I've found contain pepper, a bear attractant. I'm with you on making the choice between them!

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