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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2015
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Figured I'd start a thread with no real topic except chit chat.

I'll go first. OMG! It's awesome to be having internet access for a few days after not having any for a couple/few months! I've been replying to posts so much I'm probably getting annoying by now but it's been great for me and I've learned so much. :D

I want to be out on the road so bad I can taste it! I enjoy driving and exploring and absolutely love all the different kinds of nature we have just in North America but I've been stuck for too long now just driving to town for groceries and doctors and stuff.

I've made it past one deadline I needed to so I'm that much further ahead, but the medical is being a pain on top of the pain. My ankle/foot is swollen again today for no clear reason. I've been dealing with doctors for 2 years now about my leg and foot. Currently my specialist is fighting insurance because insurance keeps denying my MRI. Ugh! I so don't want EMG and if the doctor doesn't stay mad at them and fighting them (I listened in on the phone call at last appointment) then he's going to want to use needles and electricity on me!!!!! Anyhow, that's on top of the fibromyalgia I've mentioned somewhere in here that I've been dealing with forever. That and the arthritis are why my doctor at the time "put me out to pasture" in my 40s when I was finally diagnosed.

Anyhow. Before I write a novel I'll stop and give someone else a chance if they'd like. :)
I'm still planning my escape. A couple more weeks until work can really end. Then time to get my Honda in tip top shape over a couple / few months before I head out. Of course the mechanical work will mean no savings during that time. Having zero mechanical skills means doing all I can to keep things running well before items have a chance to go south. Currently have a mechanic I can trust and it won't work the same way when I am on the road. Single, older women seem to be told all kinds of BS by mechanics. At least that has been my experience.

While getting all of the above in order I want to take a couple of test runs.
Need some quiet time in nature to de-stress. Need to get some time away from Mr. Pissy when things don't go his way.
Lol "Mr. Pissy".

I too am stuck for a while with medical and family medical issues. I still haven't sold my stuff which includes two campers I'll never use. I won't have to sell my home or properties as I've moved in my niece and her hubby and they took over all the stuff I no longer want to mess with.

Just basically waiting on a lawsuit I have to wait around for then I hope to get on with the rest of my life!

I do look at Craigslist almost daily at Class Bs close by...

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LadyJo said:
Currently have a mechanic I can trust and it won't work the same way when I am on the road. Single, older women seem to be told all kinds of BS by mechanics. At least that has been my experience.

It's great you have a mechanic you can trust to at least get you underway. I used to have a great shop I went to but then the owner retired and things changed. I'll find out how much I trust my current guys when I take my car back in about the power steering.  Mechanics, plumbers, Misters...been my experience too.

LadyJo said:
Need some quiet time in nature to de-stress.  Need to get some time away from Mr. Pissy when things don't go his way.

So will Mr. Pissy (hehehehehehe) be traveling with you one day?
So will Mr. Pissy (hehehehehehe) be traveling with you one day?

No how, no way, not happening. :)
Cammalu said:
I too am stuck for a while with medical and family medical issues.....Just basically waiting on a lawsuit I have to wait around for then I hope to get on with the rest of my life!  

I do look at Craigslist almost daily at Class Bs close by...

It stinks being stuck. If I didn't have to deal with house too, I think I'd almost just take off and have someone else sell everything for me just to have it over.

I pick up the Truck Trader whenever I'm out and see one. Haven't tried Craigslist since don't have my own internet. I'd drive myself crazy if I looked daily---admittedly it's a short trip. :D

I hope the lawsuit turns out well for you swiftly so you can be on your way! :)
I try not to look at vans for sale. My little Element will have to do. I know the care it has had over the last 4 yrs (it's 10 yrs old but paid for). I have laid out several plans for the inside, but still keep thinking I will just load it up with a tent etc. Then I will have a place to stand up. :)
Before I forget or my internet drops. If y'all don't see me at some point it's the internet thing again. So ramble on, with or without me. :)

It's been nice hanging out in here over the holiday weekend. I didn't figure anyone would be around. So, I'm grateful. :)
I'm saving for a (mini)van. I sold my car when we relocated from Ohio to California so my husband could accept an offer for his "dream job". The transmission and brakes were going on the car, and it really wasn't worth moving across the country. We've been a one car family for almost two years now. Public buses are sticky and stinky and slow. The plan is to get a minivan to use as a daily driver for me and carpool for school runs when our 3 year old little boy starts kindergarten in a couple years. Also for driving around when friends or family visit us, because my husband's car is too small. During the school year we'll hopefully find a few long weekends take the van on road trips, and when school is out for the winter and summer, do much longer trips and/or car camping.
LadyJo said:
I try not to look at vans for sale. My little Element will have to do. I know the care it has had over the last 4 yrs (it's 10 yrs old but paid for). I have laid out several plans for the inside, but still keep thinking I will just load it up with a tent etc. Then I will have a place to stand up. :)

Have you seen the tents that hook up to the back of the Element?  You leave the liftgate open and you basically have a tent room off the back of your vehicle.

A link to one place that sells them is below, but you can probably find something cheaper/better/different if you look around on the internet.
The tent looks interesting. I'll check into it more. It would be easy to set up, not sure how it would take bad weather. I have always had a 3 season tent that does well in wind, rain etc.
KASibson, I think it's great that you're planning to take van camping trips with the wee one. I think family trips are one of the best things we can give our kids---especially camping. :)  Sounds like the minivan will improve your life in other ways too. I've never lived anywhere where public transportation was an option so I can't begin to imagine having to ride the bus for most everything.

I love all the attachable tents and such though I need to be like a turtle and carry everything in my shell so that hopefully if I leave anything behind it won't be anything important---also so I don't drive away with the tent still attached and set up. :p

The memory stuff is really bugging me this morning. After having almost eidetic memory all my life I've gone to having the memory of a mud puddle in the blink of an eye. Feels like when I was about 40 I started practicing the forgetting of an 80yo so I'd be good at it when I'm 80 and I get better at it every year.  This bad can't be normal. :mad:

Gotta write my list so I don't forget the phone calls and other stuff that absolutely have to be taken care of this week. Hope y'all have a good day today. :)
I never took public transportation much growing up, and I'd still rather walk if where I'm going is close enough.

Re: The memory issue. Have you had your hormone levels checked? Sometimes if your hormones are out of whack they can mess with your memory, concentration, and other "brain things". Particularly if you're going through menopause (or about to). Thyroid levels can also cause problems, so it may not be just an estrogen issue.

NOTE: I'm not actually asking about your medical history, that's a personal thing and none of my business.
Please don't answer the question, it's more just a "you might want to consider getting your hormone levels checked if you haven't done so lately".

Ahhh, finally made it back here.  It doesn't bother me to touch on my hormone issues, especially if having the subject here gets someone else to get checked out and taken care of sooner.  And if another woman has a question or a suggestion but doesn't want to ask/say publicly I'm open to PMs.

Good call.  I know some of what I deal with is most likely hormone/thyroid/adrenal related because of other symptoms. Where I may not be considered normal for most things, of course my blood tests always come back just inside the normal range so I've been trying to find a doctor willing to run further tests or refer me to a specialist who will make that call. Ugh! Don't get me started on doctors and insurance for a woman with life-long health issues!

What a day! I had to do a full grocery run instead of just around the outside on a day when the swelling in my leg hurt. It wore me out to a state of being kind of slap happy and silly but I burnt that off in other threads. :p

Luckily a nice man was able to reach the juice I wanted on the top shelf that was out of my reach. I also visited somewhere where I got puppy kisses. :) I miss having a dog but don't plan to get another one.

I had a question in my head earlier that I was going to ask in this thread but I forgot it along the way since I've been home.  When I remember I'll ask it.

Hope everyone's had a good one. Take care all! :)
Learning some of this stuff is like trying to learn a foreign language with your ears plugged!

I went looking on the cell phone threads and XXXXX from trying to figure out the acronyms. Not worth it to me right now to ask since I can't do anything about it. Verizon is the only carrier that works where I live and sometimes if I turn my head wrong it will still drop calls. :p It would be so nice to have unlimited voice/data and be able to watch things on the internet for much less than I used to pay for internet through my landline provider. Sometimes it stinks living near a one horse town.
Oh yeah, before I forget again LadyJo, girl, we need to talk. :) I'd love to hear more about your european adventure and how you did it since my DD is interested in some travel that direction. It deffo deserves it's own thread though!
Hey Gals, nice thread!

I've been trying to rest my mind since the move back to Illinois; for the first time in eight years I don't have hourly care for my mom, an impending move, job and job hunting stress, all weighing on my mind 24/7. It's my time to take care of myself and try to quiet the monkey mind a bit, but every time I interact with another human they are just spewing negative energy. Many people seem so angry and stressed and just generally nasty, I'm not sure where it's coming from.

So, I'm trying kindness, just being generally decent to the people I meet up with. Who knows, maybe it will start a trend.
As long as you zip it tight, windows and doors there shouldn't be a problem. Unless you are talking about bears. I always zip tight if I am inside or out. Things can crawl in if you leave the door open at any time. Camped once where there were more than a few rattle snakes - tent was zipped tight as a drum!!!!
In a tent, always shake out your shoes before you put them on. A lot depends on where you camp and the time of year.

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