Getting VA health care

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2014
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El Paso
I have a question about health issues that I can't think where else to ask it. I know some of you are veterans, and I also know that there are some Vietnam vets out there too. I am a Vietnam vet, and I need an affordable source for health care. I served a single enlistment in the US Army, spent one year in Vietnam and was honorably discharged a while later. Do I qualify to get health care in a VA hospital?

I've heard some of you mention the VA hospitals, but I have no idea how I go about getting health problems looked into. I've looked online, and have registered with them that way, is that all I have to do?
Your eligibility for VA healthcare will depend on your financial status. I have had VA coverage for about 8 years now and they have treated me for several serious and expensive conditions. I probably would not be alive if it weren't for the VA. (1974 vet)

Take your DD214 and talk with them at the nearest facility and they will qualify you for immediate treatment. The fees are very reasonable or waived depending on your specific situation.

In spite of all the negative publicity, the VA is a good healthcare organization, especially compared to Kaiser Permanente.
I did not serve in Vietnam but I enlisted in the Army in 1972 and served 12 years. About 14 years ago I went back to school to get a degree in AutoCAD. While I was in school, with no income and without any medical insurance, I could get treatment through the VA. Here is a link to the VA eligibility guidelines.
My care is at the VA and I also work their. I will be retiring next year and hitting the road. Come into one of the hospitals and bring your DD 214 and they will set you up and made an ID card for you. It's easy. Also many places will give you a discount if you show them the card.... like Home depot, Lowe's, many other places. Many Vet's work their and we understand other vet's better that anyone else can.
make sure that you imply that you are homeless, and trying to get back on your feet again. There is a big push to help homeless veterans and you will get priority assistance.

The reality is there is a line to get VA veterans care. If you income is homeless levels you get it for free. Be prepared to wait all day.

And also be prepared to get into the local newspaper, when you are not getting helped. Its stupid but true.

There are two VA groups. The VBA which says what you get for help (rather nasty bureaucracy), and the VHA which says what medical care you get (which will fix urgent issues). The DD214 will get you urgent help if you walk into the ER VA hospital. But you will eventually need to get the full registration in the system, which is in backlog for a year to register.

If you live more that 50 miles away from a clinic or hospital , and you have VA benefits, you can get care at a regular doctor (once you are scheduled). This benefit is just rolling out now and will take six months to be available.

Kind of wonder how much DD214 fraud is happening out there. For a one shot ER visit, and you are homeless, and you are lawsuit proof (no assets) bet this is happening.
Thanks for the quick responses!
I'm living off SS and a tiny private pension, but it's enough to put me above the poverty line. I have no assets other than my van (and a car my son has in my name, so he can get cheap insurance).

I will get to the local VA hospital and make sure I'm registered (I did it decades ago) and get an id card.

If I want tests done, like hearing, will they do that? Do I have to make an appointment or just show up? I was an aircraft mechanic in the army before things like hearing loss was invented, my son says he thinks they'll pay for hearing aids.

Thanks for your help!
Checking the qualifying conditions on that VA website, it looks like I might possibly qualify due to my second hitch (USN for five and a half years). If I lose my current health plan due to expense, the VA may be a workable substitute.
Depending on just what your low income is you may be entirely free or on a copay. Since my income may vary from year to year I may have copay one year but not the next.
Most years are free but my current copay for a 30 day med supply is $8.00 and no copay for services. Yes you can get hearing tests and everything else at the VA.
I think the best way is to take your DD214 and go in person to the VA hospital to get signed up. They need to take your picture for your ID card and while you are there you can sign up for MyHealthVet so you can communicate on line and renew your meds. You might even be able to get a shower and a bite to eat. Just remember your training: Hurry up and wait. Good luck
I had hearing loss from Navy air craft. Three years ago I found out hearing loss is covered by VA so I got tested and received 10% disability. This opened the door to care and now I have hearing aids at no cost and other free care. At the hospital ask about help applying for disability from DAV. You only need declare your SS income. You are homeless and that does mean allot. Even just getting your med's covered is a big help.
The hearing test issue is true. They consider your military service to be the cause of its damage. Think even cigarette smoking could be cause in military service. All you need is one issue and you get help with the rest. But it is a long time between appointments.
Thanks for the responses, I am going to get signed up and then get a hearing test...
Today I found out I was already registered with the VA, I did it ages ago, when the Agent Orange thing was big. I've submitted an application for compensation for both my hearing, and prostate cancer (since it can be Agent Orange related). I'm still going to arrange a hearing test at the hospital, I have to do something, everyone tells me I'm deaf as a post...
anm - thanks for your service. Hope you get some help. The line is long. But it is functional. Hold your provider personally accountable. Use the VA online system to contact your doctor.
Well I did it, I'm now officially registered with the VA health care system. I should get my card in the mail, in a week or so. They put me at priority group 6...
First, let me thank you for your service.

You may already know that your Primary Care Dr will make your referals to any of the Specialty Clinics. You don't have to wait on your card to be mailed to you. I don't know where you are but go in to the clinic or hospital and talk to either the Patient Advocate or someone in authority.

If you have filed for benefits from the V.A. here is the site to keep track of where your claim is as far as review. By benefits I mean disability claim.!-1883564855?execution=e1s1

Ebenefits is the site name if the link doesn't work. Register there and you can look up online what your status is while waiting for your claim.

I recommend someone filing a claim use a service such as the DAV or an organization that will help you follow through with your claim. The VA Service Officers work for the VA and are not always on your side.

I have been dealing with the VA since my return from Vietnam and I now take an adversarial (sp) position with them. If you get a Primary Care person who doesn't seem to want to help, fire them. You can go through a few until you find one who actually wants to help. The administrators at both the Dallas Hospital and the Ft Worth Outpatient clinic know me. Don't be shy about voicing any concerns.

There is more in dealing them and if you have any questions PM me or email me. You deserve the best care possible.

In country Dec 1967- Nov 1970. USMC.

Bob J.
In some places the VA medical system is truly outstanding, a model of what a government agency should be. But in some places it's terrible beyond belief! Here in Phoenix some terrible things have been unearthed and numerous vets died waiting for the care they were were promised and owed. It's a horrible tragedy. Then they falsified their records to hide it! Fortunately they've all been fired, I just hope there are criminal charges!

My point is you're mobile and if you don't get the care you deserve where you are there are places where you will. You may need to relocate to get it. We owe you! Make sure you get what you deserve!
Charleston SC VA hospital is in the top ten nationally for hospitals it's size in most reviews compared to public hospitals. It's where I work some times. And the location is terrific. If you are on the east coast make sure you visit here as a veteran. The associate director got promoted to director because of his great national recognized work with success in this hospital.
bobj said:
First, let me thank you for your service.

You may already know that your Primary Care Dr will make your referals to any of the Specialty Clinics. You don't have to wait on your card to be mailed to you. I don't know where you are but go in to the clinic or hospital and talk to either the Patient Advocate or someone in authority.

If you have filed for benefits from the V.A. here is the site to keep track of where your claim is as far as review. By benefits I mean disability claim.!-1883564855?execution=e1s1

Ebenefits is the site name if the link doesn't work. Register there and you can look up online what your status is while waiting for your claim.

I recommend someone filing a claim use a service such as the DAV or an organization that will help you follow through with your claim. The VA Service Officers work for the VA and are not always on your side.

I have been dealing with the VA since my return from Vietnam and I now take an adversarial (sp) position with them. If you get a Primary Care person who doesn't seem to want to help, fire them. You can go through a few until you find one who actually wants to help. The administrators at both the Dallas Hospital and the Ft Worth Outpatient clinic know me. Don't be shy about voicing any concerns.

There is more in dealing them and if you have any questions PM me or email me. You deserve the best care possible.

In country Dec 1967- Nov 1970. USMC.

Bob J.
Thank you bobj, and thank you for your service too...

So far the people at the El Paso VA facility seem very helpful and accommodating. El Paso is home to Ft Bliss so there is a very large military presence, possibly that's why? Anyway, time will tell...

akrvbob said:
In some places the VA medical system is truly outstanding, a model of what a government agency should be. But in some places it's terrible beyond belief! Here in Phoenix some terrible things have been unearthed and numerous vets died waiting for the care they were were promised and owed. It's a horrible tragedy. Then they falsified their records to hide it! Fortunately they've all been fired, I just hope there are criminal charges!

My point is you're mobile and if you don't get the care you deserve where you are there are places where you will. You may need to relocate to get it. We owe you! Make sure you get what you deserve!
Thanks Bob, I'll keep your advice in mind. So far the El Paso VA center seems good...
There is a homeless program initiative at most VA medical hospitals. Ask about it. See if your qualify from any former military duty.