Well-known member
Hi everyone.... my name is Chris and I am in the process of preparing my van. It started out as a truck but hit a bump and turned into a van.<br><br>I have researched this ideal for the last three years as I "de-stuffified" (yes, I know that is not a word, but should be). I finally got to start on it back in Feburary. I have probably read every link on the left hand side of the page several times <u>except the one above home</u>. In all of that reading I never looked up and read forum. I found this out on the yahoo vandwellers group.<br><br>I have yet to be truly free of responsibilities but I am getting closer every day. My Mother passed away this past April and I am now house sitting until we find a buyer for a house that was built in 1843. Not just anyone wants to live in an old plantation home. That is beside the housing market being in the dumpster.<br><br>On an up note, my family has been in the mobile food concession business for more than 15yrs, so I am already fairly adapt at living on the road.<br><br>