Gamma Lid bucket smells horrid inside

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Just a suggestion, as I don’t see it mentioned by anyone. Pelletized pine bedding, marketed as horse bedding and available at tractor supply (other farm stores may have their own brand/version of it), is good for wicking up moisture. It’s also very compact and at around $5-6 for a 40# bag, inexpensive as well. A little goes a very long way, it expands greatly as it absorbs moisture. 
I’ve used it in rabbit travel carriers, where the carrier floor is suspended above the waste tray (so they aren’t standing in their waste) and about a cup of the pellets is more than adequate for an 8 hour trip for a 10-15# rabbit.
You might try lining it with heavy-duty aluminum foil, and see if that works.

Just a suggestion.
Are you saving the used **** bags for some reason? I use a bucket lined with a bag and then dispose of the bag at the first opportunity that i can find.
Maybe if you used a bit of "odor absorbing kitty litter" it could help.
Spot86t said:
Just a suggestion, as I don’t see it mentioned by anyone. Pelletized pine bedding

This stuff is amazing, I've been using it in my lugabble loo since Day 1.  You don't need much and it really cuts any smell.
The vinegar????
So, you are storing poop bags for days on end on a rack with vinegar under it? Does the vinegar absorb all the odors or something?
I use a bucket, but just as a seat and container for the few seconds I do the deed. The bag is placed outside and disposed of asap, and stays outside for transport when driving. Its poo! Don't cherish it.
sometimes the easiest solution is the cheapest one... through the bucket away and get a new one.

During my year of minivan life I went through 3 buckets. (I also had a bad habbit of using the bucket while leaning on it because I didn't use any padding) 5 gallon buckets were cheap always well under 5 bucks I think usually 2-3 bucks only too. I just got the basic lid.. used a single 13gallon kitchen trash bag, a ziplock bag and then some kitty litter and some crystal fabric refresher or what..

Worked perfect for me in a Minivan even after day 13. Only issue I had was I wish it was a 6 gallon bucket so I could haul more of my um.... trash in it.. I slept with my head a few feet away so that was fine as well. Usually it might smell 5-10min after a deposit.. however once wrapped up tight the smell went away quickly as everything dried out or the smell just vented.

I wouldn't dare have sprayed ANYTHING liquid in said bucket. NO WAY! Plastic still absorbs stuff so just chuck it out and eat a better diet next time.
try a small cap full of first aid antiseptic liquid on the solids. this will kill the germs and the smell. it should also work in liquid if that also smells. then dispose of them when you are at a disposal site.

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