Freedom from BAD SMELLS!

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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2017
Reaction score
Arlington, Texas
I keep a gallon jug of White Vinegar in my van, and pour some into both my pee jug and my poop bucket. It totally denatures the contents into something that lacks any bad smell. Honestly.

But do you know the power of ozone?
Seriously, this little gadget works wonders! I was told most vans smell, from not being able to shower enough, not being able to wash the bedding often enough, and beloved pets leaving their mark everywhere. This is the model I bought, is "Amazon's Choice", and the listing shows a video of it being used to remove smoking odor from a car at a dealership for resale. It's great.

HOW OZONE WORKS: Regular oxygen molecules in the air consist of two oxygen atoms. In a fire, the heat breaks them apart so each oxygen atom can go stick to the material being burned. Ozone does the same thing except its molecules consist of THREE oxygen atoms. The third atom is an extra that doesn't stick to the first two very well, so it easily jumps off the molecule to join the material being consumed, "burning" it without a need for heat.

Due to complaints from others that my van "stinks", I bought this machine, and it works wonders, completely changing how things smell. It has a timer so you can close up your van and let it run an hour or two on it's own timer. But NEVER stay inside the van while it's running!!! The literature says it will kill your plants, your pets, your kids, germs, hidden mold, EVERYTHING including you! (Although mold spores are in a shell that lets them survive to grow new mold later.) When done, open the van door to let the ozone out and fresh air in for a few minutes before going back inside your van. (It's not scary or dangerous if you don't be stupid.)

This little machine really has been working wonders for me. 🥴
A couple of tablespoon of concentrated antibacterial dish soap in a portable toilet works great preventing smells from the pee contents. Put it into the pee container while it is empty.

But also on a portable toilet after you empty the toilet close the drop shoot valve and squirt antibacterial soap in that area. It helps to keep that gasket clean and lubricated. A hardened seal lets odors escape. Of course for a longer lasting lubricant you should get silicone plumbers grease and give that seal an occassional coating of that. Those toilet seals will harden over time from the action on them of urine crystal formations and the crystals will adhere to the gasket preventing a tight seal if you do not keep that seal lubricated. When that gasket gets hardened the smells are no longer contained in the toilet. Do not use petroleum based lubricants on that rubber seal, it will cause harm leading to the premature failure of the gasket. Stick to food grade silicone as a lubricant. They sell it in small tube or jars in the plumbing aisle of hardware or plumbing stores. Better size container for a space limited van dweller than carrying the big bottles of liquid sold as RV toilet seal lubricant.

Newbies who have not lived using a portable toilet long term would typically have no idea that you have to do seal maintance on those devices to keep them odor free. The gaskets will start hardening within a year from the urine if you don't do that routine maintenance chore. You have a seal at the bottom of the bowl, one for the vents and one on the cap on the tube you empty it with. Lubricate them as best as you can once a month.
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I wish they made Clorox in smaller bottles for newbies.

It's the one thing that can cheer newbies up the most: a drop or two in your pee jar will keep your Prius from stinking like a porta potti or make your '65 Chevy Nova smell like the mansion it was always meant to be.

Gotta keep your jacuzzi maintained if you want to hang with THIS spastic chick.🤣
Ozone machines are very useful at getting rid of lingering odors.
When I worked as a maintenance person at a resort we deployed them often. Usually in rooms that had been smoked in or had fish cooked in (full kitchens).

The rule was to turn it on on the timer, leave, come back x hours later & crack the windows.

I'm also a fan of good old Two Mules (borax). Great for about anything and everything, including deterring pests.
I've also had success with white vinegar or bleach in keeping my travel trailer smelling good. To add another idea here, I use essential oils for cleaning and air purifying. I use Purification oil in my air purifier and mix it with distilled water in a spray bottle instead of Febreeze. (Febreeze works well, but I prefer this smell over it). BTW Purification is a registered name from one particular company. Other companies have similar oils with slighly different names like Purify. So I'm not pushing any particular company, just the oil itself. Frankincense oil is also great in the air purifier and helps some people with breathing problems.
I have that ozone machine for a old property I had. If I had a larger RV I’d take it with me.
I see ozone generators at thrift store pretty frequently. I noticed several at thrift stores in Quartzsite this last week. But I have enough stuff to carry and do not have an odor issue as I open my door and do complete air exchanges on a regular basis.

Get a fan to help with that if needed.
I wish they made Clorox in smaller bottles for newbies.

It's the one thing that can cheer newbies up the most: a drop or two in your pee jar will keep your Prius from stinking like a porta potti or make your '65 Chevy Nova smell like the mansion it was always meant to be.

Gotta keep your jacuzzi maintained if you want to hang with THIS spastic chick.🤣
I have a smaller pint bottle. (Walmart) It’s easy to store in an upright position so you don’t have any of the catastrophes that only bleach can do! Lol
I wish they made Clorox in smaller bottles for newbies.

It's the one thing that can cheer newbies up the most: a drop or two in your pee jar will keep your Prius from stinking like a porta potti or make your '65 Chevy Nova smell like the mansion it was always meant to be.

Gotta keep your jacuzzi maintained if you want to hang with THIS spastic chick.🤣
I use this product instead of household bleach. It is bleach but instead of the more common sodium hyperchlorite it is Chlorine dioxide. It is much safer and less reactive than household bleach. It’s used commercially in water and food treatment because of this. The best part, you don’t need to carry liquid bleach in your vehicle. It is in tablet form and you mix with water to whatever your required concentration is.
A bag of these lasts forever. I use it to both treat my fresh water tank, deodorization and disinfectant. Chlorine dioxide is a gas in its natural state so it works much better than household bleach for a deodorizer. Be careful thought to not breath it in at higher concentrations. Follow directions. The company has data sheets on the webpage for how to mix it to the correct concentration for your specific application.
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Ozone machines are very useful at getting rid of lingering odors.
When I worked as a maintenance person at a resort we deployed them often. Usually in rooms that had been smoked in or had fish cooked in (full kitchens).

The rule was to turn it on on the timer, leave, come back x hours later & crack the windows.

I'm also a fan of good old Two Mules (borax). Great for about anything and everything, including deterring pests.
Please be very careful if you use ozone. It is extremely dangerous to your lungs even if you breath just a small amounts. It also degrades many different materials so using it frequently can ruin things, especially plastics and foam based material.

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