Full-Timers In Canada

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That's definitely the plan, Willy. I have friends in Vancouver.
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Nope, cuz they just plain ain't tuff enuf.. at least during the winter. Summer, we get plenty of USA folk here, but they seem to mostly have plenty o' munny, drive the high dollar rigs, and lurk in RV parks. ..Willy.
<br><br>I'll admit I wouldn't be 'tuff enuf' to spend the winter for sure. An Alaskan winter is out also. Yeah, the moneyed folks sure could afford that $5/gall. gas better than me! My plan to ride a motorcycle to AK is on hold and I may end up just checking out BC by van instead. <br></span>
&nbsp;Yup, gas sure is expensive here when compared to the US, which is probably why I don't see the poorer folk coming up for a visit.. and the need for a passport. A pity that. Also, booze 'n smokes cost an arm &amp; a leg here, though weed is cheap and plentiful if someone is into that sorta thing. ..Willy.