Fuel tank for diesel heater.

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Jan 27, 2020
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Minnesota Iron Range
So I didn’t have time to finish hooking up my fuel tank before I left home. Last minute everything really tossed me off my game. Anyways, I left the fitting that goes in that fuel tank at home... I’m guessing my kitchen table. Haha! What’s the chance of finding something like that around Quartzsite here? Or any other recommendations? If I could find even another cap I’d try and poke a hole and suck the fuel out. Do I try that route? Kinda ran outta green bottles for my buddy heater and they didn’t have any in Parker. Was even thinking of getting another heater for backup and parts...

? ideas?
Wont help you here, but I always recommend that a person who is buying one of these for use in a van/RV/camper, etc, should buy TWO identical units so they will have a spare of everything....cuz like you pointed out, you can't find spare parts for these at the big box store, RV supply, or the hardware store as you travel.

You have to be your OWN parts house.
For the buddy heater I use a 20 lbs tank with the adapter hose... One tank lasts me over a month usually.
I have a new diesel heater that I don't need since I sold the van and bought a cargo trailer. I have vented outside propane heat in it. I can ship you the tank or the heater free if you would like. Just let me know, if interested.
As long as you can get the fuel hose into the tank, through a hole in the tank or cap, and hold the end below the fuel level, it'll work.
Thanks camper... very generous. I’m going to try putting fuel in and sucking it out. My son will be checking on my house Wednesday back home. If this don’t work I’ll have him see if it’s still on my table. If he finds it he can send it.
What hugemoth said above.  Mine has been sucking fuel from a line fed down into the fuel from the top for four years, even though there is a gap (bubble) at the top in the line.  I can see the pulses from the fuel pump when viewing that bubble.  My tank is inside.  No worries about a leak from a fitting at the bottom of a tank.  Two 1/4" nuts on the end of the line keeps it submerged. Hole drilled in top of tank just large enough for a tight fit.

My heater was supplied with flexible translucent fuel line that softened from diesel at the pump and in the tank, seen just a few weeks ago.

MrNoodly, thanks for the standpipe link.
jasper said:
...No worries about a leak from a fitting at the bottom of a tank...

It's not a good idea to have the fuel line coming from the bottom of the tank anyway. Sediment can get into system. With a stand pipe cut about a quarter inch short of the bottom you can avoid that.
Thanks... there was a great video series in the link above. I positioned my tank, and although I have that bubble up top it is working. I’m not feeling 100% so I’m staying away from people for now. As far as the fitting at the bottom, your right, you don’t want it right at the bottom. But with the vinyl line that came with that’s the better option. It’s working... but that’s a bit of a strain for the pump. The harder line would be a far better option I see after watching some videos on that thanks to the link provided above. You have to scroll down a bit and the video is embedded in another tutorial. But very very imformative. Thank you so much!
For sediment, etc., a strainer/filter on the end of the pickup tube or an inline filter outside of the tank.
FYI here is photo of fitting supplied with Chinese heater tank.

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I used a marine 6 gallon fuel tank. Tossed the Chinese made fuel tank after reading about someone's tank springing a leak down the seam.