I guess after 5 years you've had no trouble with the heater being so close to the tank! From what I've gleaned online it seems the heater should have a couple inches of clearance on each side. I guess the exterior doesn't get that hot? The manual is undecipherable and it doesn't seem to say anything about spacing.gonetoday, my '94 Econoline (sliding door, unfortunately) has a 2kw diesel heater and tank mounted to the left, next to the wall. Time flies, now five years. Notice the fuel line enters the top of the tank, which avoids possible leaks from a bottom fitting.
I finally discovered an occasional stink was due to the hole in the cap not having a check valve. It could breathe both in and out. Solved with a small screw removed when using, until swapping caps with a new one mentioned below.
I checked the cap I have and it has a valve. Makes sense to allow air in as fuel is used up. It would seem that there would need to be venting in the other direction to allow fumes to escape in hot weather. If you added a tubing extension on the cap (vented to the exterior) like they have on dirt bikes, that would vent in both directions.

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