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Jan 12, 2017
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Here I am at work, for 16hrs. and realize I purchased the wrong vehicle for dwelling. I hadn't planned on vandwelling when I purchased it, but am feeling so "cornered" lately.  I'm a very, very introverted person and although RTR looks like it'd be fun, I'd be freaking out, too many people!  I have a college degree, worked for the USDA several years, (permanent PT, no retirement) and just have widow's benefit of Social Security and work PT because I can't afford to NOT work, rent, car pymt and ins. I have to work to pay ult. and will be down almost $300. on medicare in Feb.  I'd be perfect to vandwell and survive, but bills and pymts have me swamped.  I make about $200. too much a year, (gross) to get any help on ult or health care. Just in tears tonight because I think this is all so far out of reach, to vandwell.  Thanks for "listening"
You're not alone. I could have easily written most of your post word for word.

if you have the wrong vehicle you can always just get a cheap pop-up to use instead (assuming you have somewhere for it)
If you don't mind my asking, how old are you? Also, what vehicle do you have? Just try to hang in here and maybe someone will have some ideas. There is almost always a way out of a situation, but it can require some research and giving up some things that you feel are needed but just might not be.

Have you subscribed to Bob's youtube channel? What about went back and read through his blogs?

Not to pry, but the more specific you can be, the more help you can get or maybe find someone that is close to your situation and has come forth out of the "trap". Hang in there! : )
Call in sick for a shift or two.
You now make $200 less per year.

Live in a vehicle fulltime.
No rent payment.
No utilities payment.
Double up on car payment.

You decide your car is too small.
Trade it for a bigger one.

Too many people at RTR.
Go to a smaller gathering.
What's your current vehicle? I like Bardo's comment on a tent. I've had Subaru's for years and have tent camped out of them maybe 60 days per year. Tent, pad, tarp and your good to go.

I'm with you the number of campers at RTR, it was overwelming to be sure. I stayed 2 nights nearby with the Boomers and Escapers....
I have to work extra to get by, plus pay for overpayment for working too much for Social Security!  Am taking almost 3 weeks off in Feb, gotta use it or lose it.  Won't make enough to pay my ult, rent, car pymt, car ins, food, etc.....without working extra.

I feel as if I'm waiting to die and this is all there is, no freedom. My Bean dog and Genghis Cat keep me going.
I have a friend in Fla. that drives a HHR.  The only problems she has had with it are ones she has caused by running over curbs.  

I lived in a Caprice during my second divorce, Everything is workable.  You just have to talk with someone that has nothing to gain from your problems.  Welcome to the Tribe.  

Read lots of posts, check out The Girls Room here, and you just might someone that will be able to help.  I will not tell you who to talk to.  You have to decide on your own.  The posters rating is usually a good way to judge the poster.  Most of the gals here are people I would trust with my last dollar. 

Best of luck.    :)
Snow Gypsy said:
If you don't mind my asking, how old are you?  Also, what vehicle do you have?  Just try to hang in here and maybe someone will have some ideas.  There is almost always a way out of a situation, but it can require some research and giving up some things that you feel are needed but just might not be.  

Have you subscribed to Bob's youtube channel?  What about went back and read through his blogs?  

Not to pry, but the more specific you can be, the more help you can get or maybe find someone that is close to your situation and has come forth out of the "trap".  Hang in there! : )

Thank you, I'll be 65 in Feb.  Have an hhr, which I now realize is junk and I have much more to pay on it.  Husband passed suddenly in 2009, and I had to rehome over 16, fully vetted foster animals.  I filed bankruptcy last year, but forgot some, still paying off.  Have 2 chronic pain diseases, and in remission on another fatal disease, BUT, IT COULD BE WORSE!!  Been on an antidepressant for over 30 years. I love Bob's youtube channel, have to check out his blogs. Thank you!
Deal Breaker said:
What's your current vehicle? I like Bardo's comment on a tent. I've had Subaru's for years and have tent camped out of them maybe 60 days per year. Tent, pad, tarp and your good to go.

I'm with you the number of campers at RTR, it was overwelming to be sure. I stayed 2 nights nearby with the Boomers and Escapers....

Have a 2011 hhr with 74,569 miles, have had it since April 2016. I thought I'd checked well before I got it, but evidently didn't.  No problems yet, my trusted mechanic said I did well, (high praise from him), so I was happy at first.  Little things have popped up, nothing major yet.  I can sleep in it, but where I'm from in Ohio, vandwelling is very much frowned on and the police are nasty about it, a tent city was leveled a year or so ago. And frankly after seeing what I saw in southern Ohio with the USDA, I'm a little afraid to go too far off grid.
I'm very new at using a forum, so please don't think I'm being rude if I don't answer or thank you, I'm trying to! Thanks for all the suggestions also!
vandwelling in ohio is going to cost you more than getting even a decent apartment + utilities. It's a bad idea financially. its costs too much to heat/AC.

if you stop working and start vd'ing you can get SNAP, and go to warmer weather. You already have an income. BLM camping costs $180 for 7 off months and $300 for 5 ON (summer) months. That is very reasonable.

so you're left with a car payment, insurance, gas. What else? should qualify for low income help on medicare. No?
Beansmom said:
I'm very new at using a forum, so please don't think I'm being rude if I don't answer or thank you, I'm trying to!  Thanks for all the suggestions also!

The Girls Room.  Guys not allowed, as we really are from another planet and do not understand what you are saying!  They will help you in a way we guys cant.  :blush:
If you ask , you'll get suggestions and ideas thrown out at you .
You get to pick and choose which might be helpful.
There's a box at the bottom(fourth from the right) of every post to thank someone.
There's another on the left side to rate someone you feel really helped you or even someone else.
Answer whenever you can , nobody will get ticked if you don't so no pressure , just if you have time .

Oh yeah , you don't need to freak out , there is always a path forward >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1-pay off the truck then trade in/sale and get a van

2-stop by a couple auto dealers and tell them, "i have this and owe this and want a van" and see what they can do,it's all numbers to them so if they think they can make a buck...

3-invent something everyone wants and become a millionaire
Are you in a position, if everything else can come together, to leave Ohio and relocate elsewhere? At 65, are you at full retirement age? If so, have you filed on your own behalf? You mentioned a "widow's" pension, is that social security on your husband's account? What insurance are you paying? Medicare? Vehicle?

Seems you're working too hard to just get by. Got to be another answer.

I googled for the one woman that I am aware of that has spent many months living out of her car, not full-time, but she has it down to a science: and here is a video, it says she lives out of it 6 months, looks to me like she could easily do it this way full-time if she wanted:
the car can be wrecked beyond repair in the snow/ice. IJS
bardo said:
the car can be wrecked beyond repair in the snow/ice. IJS

Bought snow tires, don't help much though, false sense of security!!
Good. When it's totalled you get an insurance check and you can get a way better vehicle.