Extreme Winter Insulating?

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2016
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I'm looking for ideas to insulate the back of the truck, where the topper is covering, during the winter. I don't trust that the roads are going to be 100% drive-able and I can see the idea of it causing a grid lock or me to have to wait it out in my car. That's why I already plan on making the bed I sleep in back there being a "winter survival item" for the winter kit of the truck. I plan on having a Mr. Buddy Heater with a 5 gallon propane tank as well. Here's where you guys come in. How can I trap the heat in? The more Macgyver the idea the better. I want anything you can think of. So far all I can think of is finding some cheap down blankets, putting grommets in it, and hanging it from the roof and sides of the truck topper. What ideas do you have? Please note, this is for a quick set up and tear down.
You would be better off planning to wrap that down blanket around you.

I have slept in my car on the road for years...from Miami, Florida to Bangor, Maine.

That down blanket with a featherbed underneath me is all I ever needed.
The buddy heater depends on fresh air to work and sealing your self in a topper with limited space makes it hard to find a place to put the heater and still have room to lay down. I made some poles for the topper that latched into the truck tail gate an held up the topper hatch door to expand the bed area. set the heater on a crate on the tail gate with a 12 volt fan blowing into the topper and attached canvas to the topper, truck, tailgate and two poles. I put carpet on the inside of the topper roof to catch and hold condensation but it was soaked in the morning so I opened the front slider windows and put the fan between the cab and topper sliding windows blowing into bed on low. I had a platform even with the top of wheel wells and memory foam mattress encased in a sleeping bag. Reflex covered on one side by gorilla tape and velcroed to the windows. Considered using the truck for heat but too many exhaust fumes found their way into the bed area, even considered extending the exhaust pipe. By the time I got enough ventilation to keep the heater going and condensation down it was more like sleeping in a tent that a house so a good sleeping bag is important. Warm weather was great, instead of canvas I just hung netting in place of canvas. Cold weather was more like survival.
on fiberglass tops I like to use Ensolite foam and then cover it with something like hull liner. highdesertranger
If its just for a survival and not for comfort I would just get a REALLY good sleeping bag some good blankets and a piece of foam you can roll out to lay on. I wouldn't bother with a heater just trap your body heat in the best you can.
In regards to air flow, I planned on having a little hole that I will place, where the door is, on the bottom. For cold air to escape and air to enter. I also plan on making a thing to fill the hole when not in use. Like a cap.
VanKitten said:
You would be better off planning to wrap that down blanket around you.

The body is pumping out 98°. It's easier to hold that heat in than to keep the space around you warm. Dress like a snowmobiler, Everest climber or Eskimo.
Any suitable sleeping bag will be a win. Down or synthetic. A backpack style mattress will also work.
Both can be used in the outdoors or in the truck.
Don't rely on a heater. Using one to boost interior temps briefly. Frost and condensation are extreme in the colder temps.

If you are building a dedicated bed platform, insulate the bottom.
I have a few questions for you before giving you some suggestions firstly are you using the truck as a work truck hence the need to take everything down and set it up quickly? What kind of temperatures are we talking about here? This morning it was minus 31C or minus 29F where I am. Are we talking about minus 10 minus 20? Some sort of indication as to what temperatures you're talking about will definitely help with the suggestions.

Using a propane heater in that small of an enclosed space with only a small hole for ventilation is begging for trouble. You're better off sleeping in the cab of the truck with the blankets hung over the windows and doors then you are in the back of the truck if you're not going to insulate the box of the truck. You can place Reflectix or a similar material onto cardboard that has been cut to fit into the front window of the truck almost like a reverse sunshade you would use during the summer. This is a smaller space that you would be able to heat using your truck. You will just have to ensure that the exhaust pipe is uncovered and periodically check it to make sure. Have a couple of Jerry Cans full in the box of the truck so if you do have to stay in the truck you have fuel.
I used outside floor drains with grates so I could install screen material under grates to keep out critters and pipe plugs to close. Above post offering really good advice as you will have a hard time staying warm and dry when out of a good sleeping bag in my experience.
Woltz said:
In regards to air flow, I planned on having a little hole that I will place, where the door is, on the bottom. For cold air to escape and air to enter. I also plan on making a thing to fill the hole when not in use. Like a cap.

I could be wrong about this, but I don't think you are going to get air flow from a single small hole.  Air cannot both enter and escape through the same hole at the same time.  And if you want NATURAL airflow, you need one hole up high and one low.  Warm, stale air (and moisture) will escape from the upper hole, and be replaced by fresh cold air coming in through the lower hole.  I understand that you're trying to hold the warm air in, but if you want to limit the expelled air to the colder air near the floor, you are going to need a powered exhaust fan, I think.  Can possibly get by with a computer fan, which shouldn't draw too much power. But with a setup like that, I don't think you will be exhausting the stale air, moisture, carbon dioxide, ect.  that's going to stay at the top.  I think.
Use the KISS principle. Good weather appropriate clothing, and comfortable sleeping pad and a high quality winter sleeping bag. If you want heat consider adding an auxiliary battery that recharges off the truck when running and possible a solar panel on the topper to help keep it charged. Run a 12V heating blanket off this to keep warm while sleeping. No worry about fuel, fumes, condensation, etc.
Enough pad to insulate under you , a couple of good sleeping bags doubled up , plus wearing layers of polypro and fleece will be enough down to the single digits . Add dog(s)for extra if you need it.

I have lived (and AM living) in the extreme NE corner .
In the back of a pickup a 29' class A and a 23' class C .
With the occasional snow cave thrown in just cuz I can......................
If this is for just the occasional stuck away from home, and not living in full time, then I'm with the others on keeping it simple. I just drove to Fargo in January. Slept 2 nights in my truck comfortably with an air temp around 0 Farenhite. I just slept in the back seat with a moving blanket under me for extra padding. And my mummy bag I take hunting that is rated for -30. Never even zipped it all the way up. And even in a large crew cab my body heat was enough to keep the inside temp reasonable enough that getting out of the bag in the morning wasn't an issue. Definitely keep a window cracked open so moisture from your breath can escape. If I need to do it again. I probably will make up some reflectex covers for the windows. But that would be about it.
If you're just making a CYA outfit for possible winter issues I would suggest a multi layer Army surplus sleeping bag. Warm, adjustable, and pack well. Also carry a box of hand or foot warmers. Get in the bag, toss in 3-4 warmers and your good for 8 hours.
I like to travel and spent 6 months in my truck camper last year and covered 20,000 miles. 

My coldest night was 9°F and I was perfectly comfortable 

Unless you are handicapped or gadawful lazy you should have some income. It's easy to find a pickup truck and nearly as easy to find a good truck camper.

My Bigfoot 3000 series is rated to -20° and was used by the a Canadian Mounties above the arctic circle. I've injected foam in the spots that were missing insulation and added solar panels including two that are place on the nose for winter sun angles and shedding snow. 

I won't go into a lot of detail but the key thing is you can make it better and modify it to suit you. My goals were reduced propane useage and enough power to run a TV and electric blanket. I am just as comfortable as in a home. 

I threw away my tent and rear seat and started camping (not living in) a K5 Blazer, it quickly became apparent that I needed a 3/4 ton or 1 ton next time around. I went with a 1 ton diesel and a Leer cap, planning to upgrade as I cut more money. 

Going from bare minimum--a Blazer with an ice box, futon 
 and down comforter to a Truck camper and I ask myself why didn't I do it sooner.  I was cheap. I wish I financed it and had it sooner.

Final thoughts.  Get a diesel and extra large fuel tank. Driving slow 55-60,  I get better fuel economy than most and that is unimportant except fir one thing. Good fuel economy and a large tank mean range. Once you leave the interstates it's nice not to worry about fuel.  Lastly if your camper is comfy, you won't be in a rush. Pull over when trafficking c is bad and wait it out watching pre recorded westerns on your TiVo willor sleeping. The more comfortable your camper the less of a hurry you will be. 

Good luck and I recommend Bigfoot campers
Good advice. We just crossed Siberia, well a year and a half ago, just editing footage so it feels like yesterday. Even in brutal cold and the wind making sidecicles off the mirrors warmth wasn't as much of an issue as condensation. One of the experts on this trip said the average adult exhales close to a liter (think a 26 and a micky) of moisture overnight, if they are correctly hydrated. That seemed like a bunch to me but he was certainly an expert in winter survival so I believe him. We used special closed vent/fan devices on the roof. I think the english name started with a V, but I can remember now. Air came in a window vent and out through those units. Never got wet. Slept in the H1 Alpha one night after an emergency and white out conditions. Three of us. Same gear as we had in the regular contained trucks but no ventilation. We were all cold in the morning and damp. Moisture is the killer.
VanKitten said:
You would be better off planning to wrap that down blanket around you.

Yes, start by insulating yourself. You generate 98°. Trap that free always-with-you heat.
I think he's got the right idea.

There's all types of heat exchangers, including DIY that cost about nothing. The Passivhaus standard calls for the building to be airtight- except the heat exchanger, and my understanding is buildings that meet the standard use little more than body heat and heat from appliance motors to heat the building. There's one on the middle of my state, so it's not just a fair weather thing.

Although a sleeping bag may keep you warm, they're not comfortable and you still have to face getting out of the thing and into the cold air  in the morning. I bet people in sleeping bags set bladder size and duration world records ...