Ever had one of THOSE days that just starts out bad and

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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2015
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goes down hill from there?  I think those are one of the worst types of bad days...... the ones that make you wonder if it was even worth getting out of bed.......ever.......again.

Today started out like that for me...sick at my stomach......couldn't close one of my hands.......back felt like a Saint Bernard instead of a fat Chihuahua had climbed over me and sat on me after performing a "I Gotta Go P dance".

Then before noon the phone rang about 8 to 10 times with only one call important enough  to respond to.........mainly computer dialed unsolicited calls about random things that I have no interest in. :rolleyes:

Now I'm mentioning no names....you know who you are    :)   posted a pic of a new animal coming into their life.........a cute white faced brindle pup with one of the saddest hound expressive faces I've seen.  Now today I'm already sick....mad..... and sad.....and so of course I had to cry...........so Queenie had to come sit on me AGAIN to see what was wrong with me....she is also my early warning system for very low blood sugar.

We made it outside in the late afternoon and watered all the flowers and potted plants [for some reason my grown son gets aggravated when I tell folks i have a bunch of pot plants......kids].

After the sun set & during late twilight Queenie and I went outside again.    My apt is in an old complex and we have clothes lines!  Then the yard slopes down to a wooded green belt.  There was a gentle
breeze.........the frogs were "singing"........I was throwing torn up multi grain bread out for the birds, squirrels and rabbits........Queenie was trying to catch low flying lightning bugs with a very funny look on her face as she looked around when they disappeared on her.  Suddenly it wasn't a bad day at all.

To me this was a good end to a bad day......not the worst day or even a close second place runner up to some that I've had.

It also brought home again to me one of the reasons I do not like living in town or a place with zero privacy...... & that no matter how bad I feel I need to go outdoors if I can.   I'm thinking of asking a good friend if I can sometimes put up a screen room in his back yard that backs up to a wooded area of a military base, it's fenced & a safe place to hang out in and sleep in.  It's secured and locked at all times. 

Even if I can't do any traveling right now I can still get outside in a quiet private space and just be surrounded by trees and natural light and birds.

So a day that sucked wasn't so bad, this time.    Now Clint Eastwood and Clyde are terrorizing folk and I gotta go.     :D

                                                    JEWELLANN aka TEXAS JBIRD
Tjaybird said:
goes down hill from there?  ....couldn't close one of my hands......
Now I'm mentioning no names....you know who you are    :)   posted a pic of a new animal coming into their life.........a cute white faced brindle pup with one of the saddest hound expressive faces I've seen.  Now today I'm already sick....mad..... and sad.....and so of course I had to cry...........so Queenie had to come sit on me AGAIN to see what was wrong with me....she is also my early warning system for very low blood sugar.
                                                    JEWELLANN aka TEXAS JBIRD

Hey I think I might know the guy you are talking about!  That pup does have one sad look on his face though doesn't he?  Not sure what life he's lived up until this point, but once I get him he's going to start living the good life.  I imagine he's gonna need a little work, but I have patience and we'll get a happy face out of him yet!

I can empathize with the hands.  My hands neither open nor close all the way.  People are always surprised what I can do with two hands that only work at about 40% though.  

Well the good news is, no matter how bad today is tomorrow is a brand new one.  It's like we get to hit the reset button every 24 hours.  Although it works both ways.........because when i'm having a really good day I don't want it to end!  

Hope you're feeling better soon, sometimes just throwing it out there can start turning your mood around.
Every Road Leads Home said:
Hey I think I might know the guy you are talking about!  That pup does have one sad look on his face though doesn't he?  Not sure what life he's lived up until this point, but once I get him he's going to start living the good life.  I imagine he's gonna need a little work, but I have patience and we'll get a happy face out of him yet!

I can empathize with the hands.  My hands neither open nor close all the way.  People are always surprised what I can do with two hands that only work at about 40% though.  

Well the good news is, no matter how bad today is tomorrow is a brand new one.  It's like we get to hit the reset button every 24 hours.  Although it works both ways.........because when i'm having a really good day I don't want it to end!  

Hope you're feeling better soon, sometimes just throwing it out there can start turning your mood around.

Thank You.  I know you are looking forward to your new arrival.  Queenie was my first puppy since about 1992.  In 2003 I inherited Angel my best friends 10 yr old toy poodle.  While cleaning out her room at her daughter-from Hell's request  I found a picture of he and I that was taken when he was 5 wks. old.

He moved from TX to SD to KY with me and had to be put to sleep at 15yrs...I grieved nearly as badly about that dog as I had his owner who was my oldest friend.  I said no more dogs until I held Queenie when she was 3wks. old...I wasn't even there to find a dog,  I went with a friend who had choice of the litter!

I wonder if your four legged friend is fully grown?  Just wait 'til he awakens you doing a " I GOTTA GO P DANCE" on top of you...and then sits on you until you start moving!  Well it's better than being P'd on, and that is the voice of experience speaking to ya!

I'm sorry to hear about your hands.  I can still close my left one tightly.  The right one is messed up due to bad carpel tunnel surgery in 2002 that's worse because of diabetic nerve damage and that ol' bad Ritis boy Arthur that's always here.  It's better If I just sit on my butt and don't try to move furniture, lift full totes or carry  more than 1 full grocery bag at a time, dig in the dirt, use my clothes lines etc.........that's just not my style and as it grows worse I fail to adjust accordingly.    I really get PO'd when I can't do the easiest thing like even shut pliers tight enough to open a bottle of pop...........I use to chain down loads of pipe for a living!!  

I agree about the re-set button.......every day we wake up is a good day   :D     Texas Jbird and Queenie
I'm on the pity pot right now, too. I don't often get down, but I have been for the last few days. I've been working hard
pretty steadily to learn to paint (more than draw) for about five years and don't see enough progress to continue.
I just started a drawing class, and I have almost no idea what the dude is talking about, or how to achieve that. Yes, this drawing, this type of drawing, is a departure from everything I've done, which is a good thing, but I wasn't competent in those either. Maybe instead of complaining, I should combine it with a basic drawing course. I just don't see the point.
I was doing this art stuff to keep my brain active, and for a sense of ???. So now what? Vege in front of the tv? twiddle thumbs?
Physical activity depends on physical ability, of course.
I really don't know what comes next. Maybe a bit of cleaning.

Take care. Enjoy your pups!
Yep, I've had those days.

Here's to turning it around any way you can!
Today started out that way.  The kids were active early, and did not make coffee!!! :dodgy:
dang kids. I mean no coffee, wth. if somebody is waking me up they better have coffee. highdesertranger
I blame my crappy day on yesterday. I felt great, washed dishes, gathered laundry and took it to the laundry room, cleaned the bathroom and part of the living room. Felt great, Went to bed early.

Woke up at 0730 and it would be easier to list the parts that didn't hurt. Cat is mewing, demanding to be fed even tho she has food in her bowl. If I didn't love her I would have drop kicked across the street. She sniffs her new food and doesn't eat a morsel.

I hobble over to the coffee maker, while I am filling the basket the kitten launches herself from the kitchen table onto my shoulder to watch, a habit she recently acquired. At least today I had a shirt on. Without a shirt involves claws and pain.

Soon that first cup of coffee and one of my allowed five cigarettes and life gets a bit better. I get a sales call from someone whos caller i d is Security and I get to practice my swear words. The big decision is ... Do I take the pain pill that works and makes me a zombie or just tough it out. Then I get a call from My Granddaughter and the aches seem to fade a lot. A nice visit and lunch with the kid and all is well with the world.

I hope yours got better... BeSafe.. Rob.
Tjaybird said:
Thank You.  I know you are looking forward to your new arrival.  Queenie was my first puppy since about 1992.  In 2003 I inherited Angel my best friends 10 yr old toy poodle.  While cleaning out her room at her daughter-from Hell's request  I found a picture of he and I that was taken when he was 5 wks. old.

I wonder if your four legged friend is fully grown?  Just wait 'til he awakens you doing a " I GOTTA GO P DANCE" on top of you...and then sits on you until you start moving!  Well it's better than being P'd on, and that is the voice of experience speaking to ya!

I'm sorry to hear about your hands.  I can still close my left one tightly.  The right one is messed up due to bad carpel tunnel surgery in 2002 that's worse because of diabetic nerve damage and that ol' bad Ritis boy Arthur that's always here.  It's better If I just sit on my butt and don't try to move furniture, lift full totes or carry  more than 1 full grocery bag at a time, dig in the dirt, use my clothes lines etc.........that's just not my style and as it grows worse I fail to adjust accordingly.    I really get PO'd when I can't do the easiest thing like even shut pliers tight enough to open a bottle of pop...........I use to chain down loads of pipe for a living!!  

I agree about the re-set button.......every day we wake up is a good day   :D     Texas Jbird and Queenie
Ha, half my dogs have been acquired the same way.  Not intending to get one, going with someone else to get one and then bam, I'm bringing a new dog home.  This one was planned, been looking the last few months and when i saw him I knew he was the one.  The rescue said he's about 65 lbs and they think about a year old, so most likely full grown.  My last dog was a mastiff that weighed 130 lbs, so this guy is small in comparison!  

I don't know why losing my hands hasn't bothered me more, especially coming from someone that made his living with them.  Dr's don't know how permanent the condition is.  i've been ever so slowly gaining some mobility back in them, so hoping eventually I can at least double the amount of movement I have now.  I thought I was the only one that opened soda bottles with pliers!, at one point I had to hold the bottle between my legs and use both hands on the pliers to get it opened.  I won't lie though, it tasted a lot better when I have to work so hard to get at it!  

Hoping today was a better day for you.
Ella1 said:
I'm on the pity pot right now, too. I don't often get down, but I have been for the last few days. I've been working hard
pretty steadily to learn to paint (more than draw) for about five years and don't see enough progress to continue.
I just started a drawing class, and I have almost no idea what the dude is talking about, or how to achieve that. Yes, this drawing, this type of drawing, is a departure from everything I've done, which is a good thing, but I wasn't competent in those either. Maybe instead of complaining, I should combine it with a basic drawing course. I just don't see the point.
I was doing this art stuff to keep my brain active, and for a sense of ???.  So now what? Vege in front of the tv? twiddle thumbs?
Physical activity depends on physical ability, of course.
I really don't know what comes next. Maybe a bit of cleaning.

Take care. Enjoy your pups!

You have stepped in it now!  I'm gonna PM the Big Cheese and let him know you used the C WORD!   :huh:

Perhaps you are just going thru a slump re: drawing and painting just now.  Are these things you really enjoy doing?  Have you thought of working in another medium?  Have you ever done thread embroidery?  I enjoy that but not counted cross stitch as my eyes are too bad for it at this time.

If you are just trying to exercise the old gray matter have you thought of volunteering at a skilled nursing facility?  I have had the National Basic Level training for Activity Director and they seem to always need help. A person doesn't need to be highly active themselves to help out....sometimes just reading out loud or visiting is a good thing and if you have any kind of well behaved animal you are a instant hit!

I have started coloring in coloring books.  It seem to make my fingers more limber...when I can hold on to them that is, also I'm learning to not be so right hand dominant.  I find it very calming and it helps me focus.  Today I was watching a movie, talking on the phone, and filling out a financial aid application on the computer...ALL at the same time...no focus going on there.   Now it's Lethal Weapon And CRVL so I've narrowed down to two   :p

People who can draw/paint.... sing ....or play music are folks I have a lot of admiration for.  I am hopeless at these.  A dear friend who died in 2003 was a self taught artist.   She would sketch people who caught her eye when we were out and about...on napkins in cafes even!  There was a painter on PBS many years ago that she watched and bought his books....he was amazing to watch, it was like he pulled things out of the air and put them on canvas.  I do not know his name, he had bushy brown hair and was very popular. 

 One time when I bought my first home in SD I asked Frankie to paint two landscapes for me... one in shades of blue and one with coral, pinks and reds.  So I have a landscape in shades of blue of a cabin in the woods at night by a creek in the snow in moonlight with shinning stars,  and a picture of a  gorgeous sunset over water where you can see the breeze play through the trees.  These things are part of my N.W.I.H. group of belongings because no matter how far or where I move to or down size to there is No Way In Hell certain keepsakes will ever be left behind.  I consider myself more of a crafts person than an artist...I like to repurpous items.....do needle crafts and sew.   I use to do a lot with wood furniture however lately I'm afraid to try to use a drill or my sander...I sold my saws as I figured a hole in a hand and some skin abrasions wouldn't be as bad as cutting off body parts.   :(  

I know it's hard not to beat ourselves up at times when we get down in the blues....just remember not to leave any marks  as someone will drop a dime on you as sure as shooting!  May we all have a better day tomorrow   :D 
                                      Jewellann and The Snore Hound
Gunny said:
I blame my crappy day on yesterday. I felt great, washed dishes, gathered laundry and took it to the laundry room, cleaned the bathroom and part of the living room. Felt great, Went to bed early.

Woke up at 0730  and it would be easier to list the parts that didn't hurt. Cat is mewing, demanding to be fed even tho she has food in her bowl. If I didn't love her I would have drop kicked across the street. She sniffs her new food and doesn't eat a morsel.

I hobble over to the coffee maker, while I am filling the basket the kitten launches herself from the kitchen table onto my shoulder to watch, a habit she recently acquired. At least today I had a shirt on. Without a shirt involves claws and pain.

Soon that first cup of coffee and one of my allowed five cigarettes and life gets a bit better. I get a sales call from someone whos caller i d is Security and I get to practice my swear words. The big decision is ... Do I take the pain pill that works and makes me a zombie or just tough it out. Then I get a call from My Granddaughter and the aches seem to fade a lot. A nice visit and lunch with the kid and all is well with the world.

I hope yours got better... BeSafe.. Rob.

You should be careful...some folks think Zombies are way cool :cool: they could already be watching you :huh: 

I'm glad I'm not the only one who after a active day wakes up on the following one and sez oh crap......I've been shot at and hit and s**t at and that got me too!  Maybe I am the only one who sez that....I'll have to ask myself and see...or start a poll? :D 

Don't cha hate those calls!  If they can't pronounce my first name right I tell them I died.  One called so many times and asked for my husband who died in 1993 I just had enough.....So I told him that I didn't have the number however if he called 411 for the Richland Memorial Cementary at Greenville Ave. and Forrest Lane in Ricardson TX and ask for my husband when he talked to him tell him to get right home.  The man never called again....maybe he spoke to Gary and got everything straightened out :angel:

I like grandkids you can have fun with them then get'em all wound up and send them home...I told my son he'd be sorry for not minding his Mama.......My Mama tried to curse me...really...she said she hoped I had one just like me!  
JewelAnn, I think we are close in age...My Dad's absolute favorite saying was " I feel like I've been hit at and missed and shit at and hit" I follow that creed.

My Daughter in-law uses very little sweeteners in her cooking, her choice, it's her house.... but My Granddaughters favorite place to eat is Golden Corral with a 40 ft dessert layout.

I have been fired several times as babysitter for her but she always comes back. We have Cookies and Cream Ice Cream before she leaves. Life is good on those days.
Every Road Leads Home said:
Ha, half my dogs have been acquired the same way.  Not intending to get one, going with someone else to get one and then bam, I'm bringing a new dog home.  This one was planned, been looking the last few months and when i saw him I knew he was the one.  The rescue said he's about 65 lbs and they think about a year old, so most likely full grown.  My last dog was a mastiff that weighed 130 lbs, so this guy is small in comparison!  

I don't know why losing my hands hasn't bothered me more, especially coming from someone that made his living with them.  Dr's don't know how permanent the condition is.  i've been ever so slowly gaining some mobility back in them, so hoping eventually I can at least double the amount of movement I have now.  I thought I was the only one that opened soda bottles with pliers!, at one point I had to hold the bottle between my legs and use both hands on the pliers to get it opened.  I won't lie though, it tasted a lot better when I have to work so hard to get at it!  

Hoping today was a better day for you.

Today was better as I made myself do nothing....almost...I cooked hamburgers and took care of Queenie who was on my very last nerve for most of the day.  I'm pretty sure she was reacting to my stress levels and a blood sugar that was up to 294 at one point.

I have a "helpful hint" to opening things.  There are these little round rubber disks with holes in them to "grip"" jar lids with to help open them...they are even called jar openers [I think] & they are at some $ stores and Wally world.  That's not the hint.  At the same stores and lots of others there is a non-skid shelf liner made from the same stuff.   A 3 or 4 inch by 12 in. strip can be wrapped around jars and bottles and then clasped between your forearm and torso while using another piece to grip the cap. :D or if you have good leg muscles gripped like you did it.  I knew all those muscles from my bare back horse races and skating would come in handy.....even a hundred years later!  Also some times I give lids a good wack right in the middle and a few on the sides....If I'm lucky this breaks the vacume seal and not the jar and then they are a lot easier to open  I don't know your specific situation with your hands.  I do know that a surgeon told me I needed surgery on my right hand or the middle finger would not open and close independently of the others....2yrs ago...he was right for a while.. I baby it and did little movements on it while watching TV and it's way better.  Now it's my thumbs acting up... they don't want to bend.  The left was completely frozen and now it bends a little, I work them by gentley moving them with the other hand..I try to keep up some muscle tone and not let tendons/ligament shorten or freeze.  I'm not telling you to do this...just saying what my experience has been.  I am so afraid that if I don't get a decent travelling vehicle soon I may never be able to do some serious road running just because of my hands. 

                        Well I've got some lemons.  Who is that man with the vodka?   ;)

I think I'll Take Wed. off too...at least my "pay check" will not be lower [I hope]       Jewellann
Hey, those are some good tips!  I had Lyme disease for three years before getting a correct diagnosis and correct treatments.  So it had a lot of time to mangle up all my joints.  It hit my hands and feet the worst though.....ha talk about bad luck.  Losing your hands and feet really limit a person on what they can do!  It's never really caused me any real depression though, all the Dr's ask me how i'm not depressed.  I've always been pretty good at making the best of my situation and I always know there are people worse off than me and that makes me feel guilty on the rare occasion when I do get down on myself.  I figure there are plenty of people out there that would trade their condition for mine and then I feel like I owe it to them to make the best of what I have.  Losing the ability to travel has been the hardest part, I've always just hopped in my truck and went whenever I got hit with the travel bug.  But in the last few months i've gained back a lot of mobility and it's actually looking like road trips will be a real possibility again in the very near future and that motivates me to keep pushing forward like no other!

Saw this on the internet and thought you might get a good laugh out of it.


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    Rock Bottom.jpg
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Tjaybird said:
You have stepped in it now!  I'm gonna PM the Big Cheese and let him know you used the C WORD!   :huh:
Hi. Wasn't ignoring you, didn't clean that day, either. A bit of yard work, IIRC, but for the last three days I have been cleaning. Due in part to a decreased dose of a drug, iIm feeling better and more able sometimes. I cic clean, but what would have taken me a couple of hours even just a few years ago, now takes days...

Tjaybird said:
Perhaps you are just going thru a slump re: drawing and painting just now.  Are these things you really enjoy doing?  Have you thought of working in another medium?  Have you ever done thread embroidery?  I enjoy that but not counted cross stitch as my eyes are too bad for it at this time.
Yes, I think it's a slump, of even burn out. And yes, when it's not frustrating, , it's enjoyable, relaxing even at it's most intense. L-o-n-g time ago did embroidery, including huck, or swedish weaving. No more. I'll go back to painting people or dogs when I start again. I just need a break I think.

Tjaybird said:
If you are just trying to exercise the old gray matter have you thought of volunteering at a skilled nursing facility?  I have had the National Basic Level training for Activity Director and they seem to always need help. A person doesn't need to be highly active themselves to help out....sometimes just reading out loud or visiting is a good thing and if you have any kind of well behaved animal you are a instant hit!
I'm chemically reactive. That kind of thing is just out for me. I do some volunteer work, but not on that scale. Sure wish I could, though. Maybe next time around.

Tjaybird said:
I have started coloring in coloring books.  It seem to make my fingers more limber...when I can hold on to them that is, also I'm learning to not be so right hand dominant.  I find it very calming and it helps me focus.  Today I was watching a movie, talking on the phone, and filling out a financial aid application on the computer...ALL at the same time...no focus going on there.   Now it's Lethal Weapon And CRVL so I've narrowed down to two   :p
Glad the coloring is helping your hands and fingers. Soon you'll be doing more!

Tjaybird said:
People who can draw/paint.... sing ....or play music are folks I have a lot of admiration for.  I am hopeless at these.  A dear friend who died in 2003 was a self taught artist.   She would sketch people who caught her eye when we were out and about...on napkins in cafes even!  There was a painter on PBS many years ago that she watched and bought his books....he was amazing to watch, it was like he pulled things out of the air and put them on canvas.  I do not know his name, he had bushy brown hair and was very popular. 
Me, too. I'll get there some day.

Tjaybird said:
I know it's hard not to beat ourselves up at times when we get down in the blues....just remember not to leave any marks  as someone will drop a dime on you as sure as shooting!  May we all have a better day tomorrow   :D 
LOL--good point. Thanks for your support!

take care.
Ella1 said:
Hi. Wasn't ignoring you, didn't clean that day, either. A bit of yard work, IIRC, but for the last three days I have been cleaning. Due in part to a decreased dose of a drug, iIm feeling better and more able sometimes. I cic clean, but what would have taken me a couple of hours even just a few years ago, now takes days...

Yes, I think it's a slump, of even burn out. And yes, when it's not frustrating, , it's enjoyable, relaxing even at it's most intense. L-o-n-g time ago did embroidery, including huck, or swedish weaving. No more. I'll go back to painting people or dogs when I start again. I just need a break I think.

I'm chemically reactive. That kind of thing is just out for me. I do some volunteer work, but not on that scale. Sure wish I could, though. Maybe next time around.

Glad the coloring is helping your hands and fingers. Soon you'll be doing more!

Me, too. I'll get there some day.

LOL--good point.  Thanks for your support!

take care.

Ella...No worries on the response time   :)  If you keep using that C word I'm gonna have to report you!  I thought Queenie would help out but OH NO she just wants to lay around, eat..and bite men who try to mess with her...no, wait that's me...no it's her...sometimes I confuse myself!  She is worse than I am about wanting to do housework...guess I'll keep her..not just anyone could get away with dancing on me as a wake up call.

I have to closely watch my meds and what I take with what and when.  I found that my blood pressure medicine makes me dizzy if I take a whole pill so I cut them in 1/2 and take about 2 hours apart.  Same thing on 800mg Ibuprofen.  When I told the DR. that when I take 1000mg Metformin at a time that I become lethargic and have no energy...his response.....hmmm I never heard of that before, so I take 500mg 4x a day instead of 1000mg 2x a day...at least I do get it all down, more or less    :s 

  I started crocheting a pair of pot holders a few days ago.........well I started crocheting a pot holder a few days ago...I get so frustrated when I have trouble doing things that didn't use to be so hard, like this simple square pot holder.  I have actually won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place at the county fair with crocheted POT HOLDERS...good thing I saved them, ribbons attached of course...that was my first and last fair entrance. 

 Some times I do things just to be able to say "Hey man I did that one time" 
 I'm a firm believer in "Try it you might like it".   :p

I hope you get to feeling better and get out of your slump.  If we sit on "pity pots" too long we'll need to get some pool noodles like Bob put on his " potty pot".     :D

Have a good week end,  Queenie and I are going out for a mid-nite meander and scare some frogs....they jump and she jumps...It's a sight for sure!             Jewellann
Ella1 said:
Be careful with her around COLORADO RIVER TOADS. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_River_toad
It's highly poisonous. Don't let her near them.  A friend lost her golden lab to one, on the edge of a golf course in Tucson.

