Engine start problem with 95 Ford E150 van - Keep gas at 1/2 full and don't park on hills?

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An update here.  I told this story to a good friend who drives a Dodge carpool van to work every day for past 15 years.  He tells me his Dodge van has exactly the same problem anytime his van is running low on gas.  He says the van engine will start sputtering while driving when the gas is at a low level, and one time he almost got stuck while driving up a long hill, but just barely made it.  Geez, it appears this problem is more common that I though, and for both Ford and Dodge vans.  I suppose I should feel fortunate that my Ford van only has this problem when parked on hills with low gas, at least my van doesn't have engine problem while actually driving.
   Are you basing your "1/4 tank of gas" on your gauge reading or how many gallons it takes to fill it?  Perhaps you have less fuel in there than you think when it reads at 1/4 tank. 
I'm basing on what the needle says for gas level. It's entirely possible the tank may have been actually&nbsp;lower in gas.<br><br>This is the first van I've ever owned, as I've only had sedans and&nbsp;sports cars in the past, which&nbsp;never had such a problem with the gas tank low. &nbsp;Is this just a Ford (and Dodge) problem?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>It's just weird that this problem exists in Ford vans and SUVs, based on what I've read on the internet, as well as people I know from first hand experience.
This problem of the engine not starting is happening more frequently in the past couple weeks.&nbsp; Just last week I took the van to WheelWorks to have new wheels installed. After it was done a few hours later, the van engine would not start.&nbsp; 3 different employees at WheelWorks tried to get the engine to turn but wouldn't. Finally some 20 minutes later, the engine started and I was able to drive off.&nbsp; I even took a 2 minute video recording of this on my cellphone showing the dashboard lights and under the hood of what was going on while turning the key trying to start the engine.&nbsp; So obviously it's not just me having trouble starting the engine, but even others at shops that can't start the engine. Therefore it's not me not knowing what I'm doing.<br><br>Even worse, this problem has happened in the past few days whereby the gas tank is full and I'm parked on level ground!&nbsp; So there goes the theory of avoiding the problem by not parking on hills and keeping tank full...the problem still happens!&nbsp; I'm going to take the van to the same Ford dealership yet again next week for the 3rd time!&nbsp; Hopefully they can figure out this problem, as they keep telling me there's nothing wrong.&nbsp; Clearly there is something wrong, and clearly I have multiple video footage showing the problem.<br><br>Is it possible the ignition module or computer module needs replacement?&nbsp; I've heard this might be the culprit.&nbsp; Any ideas?<br><br>This is really frustrating me and getting me down. Makes me just about regret ever buying a Ford vehicle.&nbsp; I never had a problem like&nbsp;this with my BMWs and&nbsp;Mercedes. I wish I bought an import instead. Geez!&nbsp; Thanks for listening to my rant. I'm so frustrated.<br><br>Thanks, Casey<br><br><br>
caseyc, your problem seems to be a little more severe than mine (Dodge with Sporadic, infrequent Stalling). I'm thinking my problem is either fuel pump or computer, yet I'm working through other less expensive options that have been suggested by many on this forum (crossing my fingers).&nbsp;<br><br>I'm thinking it's your computer - I had a jeep do the same thing you're describing, it was very frustrating, both dealing with it and trying to figure out what the actual problem was (I bought and replaced numerous parts before actually replacing computer - in the end, computer was the problem). <strong><em>The Jeep would stall or not start at various times and in different situations</em>.</strong> <br><br>This is not the case with the problem I'm now having with my Dodge. <strong><em>My dodge only stalls during deceleration when coming to stop, with no problems on initial start</em></strong> - yet I'm not ruling out the computer or the fuel pump, I just want to see if hopefully it's a less expensive fix.<br><br>Wish You the Best!
Hi Ziggy,<br><br>A different mechanic suggested to me it might be a faulty computer module or ignition module.&nbsp;I already spent&nbsp;about $2000 replacing the fuel pump and&nbsp;starter, but to no avail.&nbsp;The absolute most frustrating part is that this problem won't replicate on command when I take the van to the Ford repair shop.&nbsp; They will start the engine with no problem every time for the next several days&nbsp;and tell me there's no problem.&nbsp; They do pressure tests and tell me there is no problem. They&nbsp;give me back my van and tell me there's no problem. Grrrrr!! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/mad.gif">&nbsp; I'm really starting to hate that Ford place.&nbsp; But since they are already aware of the "alleged" problem, I'm hoping they can find something when I bring it in next week, yet again.&nbsp; Because the problem is happening more frequently in the past couple weeks, there might be a better chance this problem actually happens while the van is at the Ford repair shop.&nbsp; Trying to make the darn problem happen while at the mechanic is always the tricky part!<br><br>Casey
F.O.R.D.&nbsp; =&nbsp; Found On Road Dead&nbsp; <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif"><img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif">
caseyc, give the blanket over the engine trick a try (mentioned in reply to you on my post) just until you can figure out whats going on. It's a crazy option to try...... but it did work for my ex-gf's vehicle, and it may work for you.
Hi Ziggy,<br><br>Thanks, that's an interesting idea, you never know.&nbsp; I just got off the phone with a different mechanic who says that if assuming it might be a faulty ignition/computer module, this will eventually fail over time, then my van won't start at all.&nbsp; Actually, for my situation that would be a GOOD thing!<br>I need for this problem to be a decisive and repeatable problem.&nbsp; But I also don't want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere if or when that happens.<br><br>Casey
gotto love computer controlled vehicles.&nbsp; eventually this will happen to all these vehicles it's just a matter of time.&nbsp; highdesertranger
My plan is to take the van back to the same Ford repair dealer yet again next week. &nbsp;If they can't figure it out, I will take to another mechanic who says it's not too expensive to replace the ignition module at around $200 and the computer module at around $400. It's not so much the cost, it's the fact that I keep paying for repairs trying to get this problem fixed, but the problem still persists. I just want for a mechanic to have the definitive answer to fix it right the first time. &nbsp;Grrrr!&nbsp;
OK, try replacing the Key switch assembly on the steering column. Sounds like a switch is going bad.<br><br>OR ------<br><br>Where is the fuel filter, Inside the tank? If not check it and see if anything inside could be causing the problem Years a go there was one filter that did cause problems. <br><br id="tinymce" class="mceContentBody ">You need to isloate the problem, like, does anything come on when you turn the key?? what about to acc? If everything looks good when you turn the key to the start position but the starter does not turn. You have said no to these before. Get you a tester, Are you getting spark? (timing light) If so, then fuel is the problem, take apart carb replace and clean.&nbsp; By-the-way, just cleaning a engine has been know to solve problems.<br><br>Did you try the starter fluid when cranking? Most auto parts stores carry it. <br><br>This is really weird. Just a guess, sounds like you have a break in one of the wires and it is only a break stationary when the van is at an angle for some time. It could be at a junction of some kind. Take apart every start connection and spray contact cleaner on de-???? cleaner on everything. I have seen these fail before.
<img rel="lightbox" class="bbc_img">Here's an update. I brought my van to the same Ford dealer for the 3rd time. I ended up paying $1,300 out the door for replacing the ignition module which includes other related parts. Plus they also changed the spark plugs and wirings. They told me they had to take out the "dog house" shield from underneath the interior dashboard in order to access the wires for replacing which took extra work. &nbsp;I've attached a copy of the invoice showing the details.<br><br>By the way, we are no longer going on the theory that my van engine has potential problems starting if gas tank is nearly empty and if parked on hills. &nbsp;The sporadic engine start problem occurred no matter whether if gas tank was full or if van parked on level ground. &nbsp;When I told the Ford dealer that, they then ruled out that symptom and said this new fix should hopefully do it.<br><br>This has been really annoying the heck out of me. Hopefully this 3rd repair fix will finally do the trick. On a related or unrelated note, as soon as I drove off the dealer lot, I noticed more engine noise inside the interior of the van coming from the engine. I never had this extra engine noise before, and it sort of sounds like a whurring sound that a refrigerator or air conditioner makes. &nbsp;It's loud enough to hear while at idle and driving, so I will probably take the van back to the dealer to have a look at it.&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 13px;">Oh brother, annoying!</span><br><br>Casey
Posted 04/17 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; #18 <br><br>Question: has this problem EVER happened when you are parked level?
<br><br>I guess this question was ignored...
boy I wish I could charge people those prices for a tune up and distributor rebuild.&nbsp; but I wouldn't be able to live with myself.&nbsp; what a bunch of pirates.&nbsp; highdesertranger
Yes this problem has occurred while parked on level ground as well as on full tank of gas.
I would find the cost of repair justified if the repair actually works. If not, then it's highway robbery.
extra noise indicate they didn't get the cover back correctly, or left some insulation out.
Well it's obviously too premature to make a judgement call if the last repair might be the perfect solution for the sporadic engine start problem. &nbsp;However, I can now say that when turning the key to start the ignition, the ignition now sounds like it has more power and I can hear the difference too. &nbsp;I liken it to the analogy of having a cold and trying to cough up whatever is in your throat but cannot because it's a dry cough. &nbsp;That's what it was like when my ignition had problems starting...a dry cough! &nbsp;Anyway, all my fingers and toes are crossed. I won't be able to say positively if this last fix does the job until maybe at least 3 or 4 months have passed by without any problems. &nbsp;This is literally the 3rd repair to try to fix this problem, I have already spent over $3,000 trying to resolve this problem. &nbsp;My van only cost $3,000 from the get-go! &nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/mad.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
cycle the key on and off 4 or 5 times next time it does it... try to listen for the fuel pump. Sounds to me like a bad fuel pump or bad ground to the pump, or a sticking fuel pump relay. By cycling the key I mean turning the key all the way just before the cranking position, turning it off and then repeating the same. You could have determined if it was a spark related issue with a $5 dollar inline spark tester. If you have a vehicle that is out of manufacturer warranty I wouldn't ever consider taking it to the stealership.