Empty Nester Back-up Plan

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New member
Feb 15, 2020
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Hi everyone!

My name is Sheri, I'm a SoCal native. Before kids, I used to travel constantly. When I decided to raise a family, I put my roots down wild Idaho and struggled hard to stay in one place. I did well on the domestic front. My babies are nearly grown and I am putting a plan in place for my soon-to-be empty nest (I have about two years left). I've purchased a Dodge Conversion Van - I call her Honey - as well as 20 acres in rural southeastern AZ. 

I found my van on Craigslist for $2500. She is in great shape. I've so far removed the middle seats, and will also remove the convertible back seat and replace it with a bed on a higher frame for better storage. I've used black Styrofoam filled poster board cut to size for privacy on each of the already tinted windows, and a blackout curtain hung behind the front seats. I purchased a 30 Amp Male to 15 Amp female dogbone adapter with outdoor extension cord for plugging in at RV parks, as well as a 375W Auto Inverter with two outlets for charging laptops, cameras, etc while on the road. For the time, she will only be taking intermittent trips between Idaho and Arizona, and other short journeys. I plan to add solar along with other upgrades in time, as needed.

My fiance and I are looking into zoning laws and loopholes for the AZ property. Like so many people here, the idea of creating a resting place appeals to me. Someplace to regroup between travels, as well as a place to retire to eventually. Someplace where we can be left alone.

So that's the plan so far. My friends all think I'm crazy but I guess that isn't stopping me...
Welcome Sheri to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

Hello Sheri and welcome! We have seen quite a few Dodge van conversions here in Canada and they do make one of the best vehicles when it comes to different layouts one can make for them. One of them we seen was the owner had built a one piece sit-down shower in the back and they're good for tow ratings if one desires a trailer. Would love to see your conversion!

- Karen and Eclair

Sounds like you have a great plan and are working it.