Eco Friendly Chemicals for Toilet

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Aug 14, 2013
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Newbie here! &nbsp;<br><br>My boyfriend and I will be living full-time in our 5th wheel. &nbsp;We have full hook-ups on the RV pad and are connected to a leach field. &nbsp;I'm wondering if there are any safer alternatives to the toilet chemicals used to break down the black water materials. &nbsp;I'm worried about these chemicals leaching into the ground and water supply. &nbsp;<br><br>Thanks in advance : )
&nbsp;You can buy bacterial cultures and enzymes, which break down the poo 'n whatnot in an ecologically friendly manner. ..Willy.
RidEx has been recommended for RV's, (as well as septic tanks). The park service in Colorado uses a eco- friendly and odor controller treatment&nbsp;similar to the ones in the&nbsp;camping and RV section at Walmart, such as Campa Chem by Camco. All of these are enzyme based designed to break down waste safely for your system, like Willy said. Just an FYI, yes, anything like chorine bleach would be harmful and detrimental to the enzyme action of these products.
Thanks for the suggestions! &nbsp;Any recommendations on particular brands that work well? &nbsp;
i use campa chem by thetford for my thetford porta potti...<br><br>it does a great job of keeping odors at bay and breaking down everything.<br><br>walmart sells an 8 pack of 8oz bottles for like $7-$8.&nbsp; my potti needs 2 oz each time i empty which is about every 7-10 days depending on burrito intake.<br><br>ive tried the TST orange stuff but it stunk. literally. might be because your not supposed to change brands/types without rinsing or whatever but i went right back to campachem<br><br>i also tried the campa chem in the pouches...took longer to dissolve which for me was no good since i empty so often and it didnt have time to do its thing as much as the liquid version.
<em><strong><span style="color: #888888;">Horseloggin,</span></strong></em><br><em><strong><span style="color: #888888;">I use natural Zeolite in my toilets, it speeds up the biomass process with no odour.</span></strong></em><br><em><strong><span style="color: #888888;">You might be interested to know it is widely used in the horse industry throughout the world as well.</span></strong></em><br><em><strong><span style="color: #888888;">Here's an Aussie link to lots of information but is probably available in the States.<br>Geoff<br><br><br></span><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></strong></em>
And then there is Poo Powder.&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>, where, you could eliminate the black water tank usage altogether by lining your existing RV toilet with a good trash bag like FLEX, do your business, then add some Poo Powder which turns liquids and solids into an odorless&nbsp;gel, then dispose of all. Good reviews on Amazon.
<em><strong><span style="color: #888888;">I looked on their website but couldn't find what its made of. eco wise can you tell me what Poo Powder is made of ?</span></strong></em>

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