Eco Friendly Alternatives

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Maybe this thread needs a moderator open a new thread and move into it the conversations of persons responding who insist on trying to solve the major issues instead of recommending eco friendly products they use in their own Van life? Those are two different topics.

You are 100% right.

So, rather than surgically intervene, post by post, separating out the wheat from the chaff, I chose to broaden the thread title to mesh comfortably with the existing contents of the thread. We can do that...we have the technology! This thread itself was a spinoff and as such, it had a bit of a rough start.

But we could still make use of a new thread that focuses on small eco-friendly consumer products for vanlife.

Thinking about small reusable items. Since glass isn't exactly a Nomads best friend if it breaks, maybe finding tough reusable containers would make sense if used enough.

Maybe using metal water jugs as food containers could work. Some are larger than others. They seal well. Have multi use as they can contain wet or dry foods. Can be used for many things as well as cooking. Easy to clean. Great for leftovers.

The cost would be more up front. But they would last forever.

Then again I see them at various discount stores for $5-10. And possibly at thrift shops as well.
...a moderator open a new thread...actually...
I see we have a volunteer.
Thanks for stepping up and doing whatever is necessary to keep 'those people' -- and we all know who they are -- in line, on track, and focused.
Did I de-rail the de-rail?
Again [spanks keyboard]?
lol lol lol etcetera etcetera etcetera.
I would never spank my keyboard.
A sternly-worded scolding, yes, probably.

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