Dumb dog owners

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2019
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Whidbey Isand WA
So I have a big 120+ dog. I call him my big dumb love. Great dog. Always ready for whatever we are doing next travels better then any other dog I have owned. As always with any dog he has his issues we are always working on. He is protective of me and hubby and his van and his home turf. We can usually keep him in check traveling as we know to keep him close and leashed. He has done his job very well a few times. He is also really gentle with kids even tiny ones. And if not feeling threatened he is just the biggest dumb love ever.

I live out in the country a bit no house on less the 2.2 acres(that's us) and everyone does a great job keeping dogs on their own turf. Well most of them do. There is one batshit crazy lady who thinks she is the best dog owner ever and knows everything about dogs. I was out walking my dog on leach in the area above her house and I hear her and her family out in their yard having a good time. Ok walk on the far side of the street don't want ANYTHING to do with her. Some other neighbors out filling the pot holes with gravel and said hello. ETC. And now it gets weird. The crazy lady's rotty comes out and starts threating my dog. I holler at the guy, her hubby, to call his dog as mine is getting defensive, not leaving my side, but very strongly ready. Their dog charges mine and the lady with the shovel and I get between the dogs to stop him. (Yea I know not really smart but) the lady put her shovel in the faces and the guy came out and got his dog no harm done dogs go their separate ways. So far so good. Blood bath avoided. But I hear the crazy lady kept yelling at me to "Let go of my dog!" Both me and the lady with the shovel are stunned. If I had let my dog go it would not have ended nearly so well. He was protecting me and hers was protecting their kids. I say "not a good idea mine is controlled and on a leash and no I will not let go." She started calling me a bunch of Let's say 4 letter names and her hubby just calmly walked his dog back to their yard. I do know that a dog on leash is more defensive than a dog off leash. But had mine been off leash he would not have stopped until the other was done. And I believe her dog would have done the same. Her hubby knows dogs really well and he has it usually under control. Though this is the second time I have had trouble with their dogs. Seriously some people.... Sorry I just had to vent.

If you are going to own a dog like mine or hers, you have to be aware and you have to work really hard to keep things under control. Fence, leash, training, & whatever. Please do a bit of research before getting something like this.
The size of the dog has nothing to do with it. Pretty much all creatures on earth are territorial.
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I met many a dumb dog owner :) Saved my lil' old dog many times out there.

I got the tiny dog now. Papillion. Walking a public trail that went behind homes near a small town down the hill came a big ol' mixed pit bull type dog. Playing with the kids in the yard. My Papillion was flying to this big dog to take on the challenge but I knew better. I dragged him back on his leash and scooped him up very fast. I picked up my Papillion cause he was also ready to fight to the death, yea like we ALL know how that was gonna go down.....when I did pick him up both were growling big time and I stopped and stood still til the scary dog got more relaxed in body and I took a step forward to keep walking the trail to leave.....and big stance and growl again so I just stopped again. Hold my ground. Down come 3 kids. Oldest of like, what, 12 has 'the dog by the collar' and I still just stand still. Like a 12 yr old is gonna HOLD that dog in any way if it pulls off from her. ugh. So I yell up the bank to the yard and say, any adults up there to come get this dog and your children? Down comes a woman who nicely apologizes and we chat a sec, takes the dog and walks it up the bank again and all disappear from sight and I turned and said, **** this trail. Ain't continuing on this trail cause it backs up across alot of homes in this area of the trail and I think, done. Home I go. Not worth it.

So dumb owner, off leash dog in unfenced yard right on a public trail to walk dogs? yup. dumb dog owner. I of course said to the woman after she took control of the dog that this was only gonna happen again to someone else and please leash the dog at all times. She smiled and of course then said the normal most dumb dog statement of all time, ohh but he is friendly....ok, not what I just experienced LOL She said then sorry again and left. Just sayin' yes to appease or did a dumb dog owner finally learn something new? who knows :)

but there is nothing worse than that stand off for sure and that stopping the blood bath that could easily happen in a flash. So happy you got thru that ok and no issues. I know one thing, you can't win alot of times with dumb dog owners :)
The neighbors let their dog run free with no fence?
They usually have well trained and stay close to home dogs, but no fence and they don't leash or anything else. Most the folks around here used to let dogs be lose, me too, when we had super friendly dogs. The dogs would just stay close to home. Like I said we have the smallest yard with just over 2 acres and no trails around anymore. But now there are at least 2 big nasty coyote packs, and they are pet killers, so nobody leaves dogs out alone or lets their dogs wonder. Coyotes are notorious at luring dogs off leash away from owners and then killing the dogs. I have seen and heard that more then I care to think about. I am just floored that she would want me to turn my dog loose and then cuss at me for not doing as she told. Like I said bat **** crazy and not just about dogs. We will just keep working with the big dumb love to keep him under control. I will start carrying pepper spray.
I biked a route where a darn dog always came off his porch and tried to bite my ankles as I pedaled by. I bought a cheapy little pepper spray and kept it ;tied to the handle bars and when close in my hand it went and when that dog came down, right in the snooze and stopped him super fast. Next time I biked past he came only 3/4 of the way down to the bike lane to attack my foot. I say that dog got real smart real fast. People should be grateful I trained their dog not to attack bikers, hey where is my fee on that one HA
There are way too many stupid people sharing the planet with the rest of us. And, there are just as many inconsiderate, or even downright aggressive/mean people. So, the rest of us need to be careful. There is no solution to the problem, unfortunately.
The pepper gel may be better for control, but I've heard there's a delay before it works.

Back in the Olde Dayes (before mace or pepper spray), I met a friend of my neighbor who would carry a spray can of pink paint. When he walked from his home to a small 6-boat dock, he took it with him for use on the neighbor's dogs. He said he never sprayed it in their face, aiming mainly for their hindquarters (sounds tricky). After a while, the owners started keeping their larger dogs closer to home. They complained -- but mostly about the color.
After a while, the owners started keeping their larger dogs closer to home. They complained -- but mostly about the color.
too funny. good idea.

back in the old days my Dad's neighbor had a big shepard. Pooped on our yard all the time and Dad asked neighbor to have his dog stop it and neighbor insisted it was NOT his dog. No, never. Dad put out a big ol' pile of Ex-Lax. Saw neighbor's dog just going the squirts all around and when he saw the neighbor out said what is wrong with your dog? Neighbor said no idea. He is sick with the runs. Dad said well I put out a big pile of Ex-Lax on my yard to stop whatever dog is pooping all the time, could this be your dog? Neighbor scoffed fast, no, no, no not my dog, he probably just ate some bad food I gave him...Dad said well since it can't be your dog I will continue to keep Ex-Lax out there for the offender. Dad said no more poop ever showed up on our lawn LOL That is one of the 'dumb dog owner' stories Dad would tell thru the decades on how to keep dogs off your yard with stupid owners HAHA

of course I would not suggest any one do this today :) but ol' days ya reaped what ya sowed is what my Dad said thru your actions and it worked tho with no harm to the dog. That also big barker hung around alot of years :)
Now you'd probably replace the ex lax with a camera, a shovel, and an invoice for poop removal and return services delivered to your neighbor.
If you are going to own a dog like mine or hers, you have to be aware and you have to work really hard to keep things under control. Fence, leash, training, & whatever. Please do a bit of research before getting something like this.
Some people are stupid about their dogs. The worst are people who have dogs that are bred to kill, but don't think they are dangerous. I've been "attacked" 1,000s of times by aggressive dogs... that probably would have bit me if I hadn't outrun them (on a bicycle) or stopped and faced them and slowly walked up the road. A few years ago I was attacked by two bull terriers, a pitbull, and a rat terrier (the rat was actually the leader, oddly enough). They blocked the road, and then surrounded me. I moved to the ditch opposite their house, but they wanted blood. I was bit at least 4 times before a guy two houses down saved me. Still have a gimpy left calf from when one of the bulls sunk in his fangs and yanked. I'd probably be dead if it had gone another minute though.

Nothing was done to the owner or dogs. Apparently in this county, your dogs biting someone is the same infraction as dogs off property without a leash.
Nothing was done to the owner or dogs. Apparently in this county, your dogs biting someone is the same infraction as dogs off property without a leash.

A personal injury lawyer would likely have taken your case to go after the negligent dog owner(s), if the town/city/county didn't treat dog biting seriously. Something to think about for future reference!?
A personal injury lawyer would likely have taken your case to go after the negligent dog owner(s), if the town/city/county didn't treat dog biting seriously.
Exactly. My last Golden was off-leash 95%+ of the time. That means when we were out, otherwise he was inside with me or in his dog run. But he was on a hard heel when we were walking or he was running next to my bicycle UNLESS he was released. And then I kept a close eye on him, or close enough for the circumstances.

We were leaving for a walk one day when the neighbor’s Papillon got out and started coming for my dog. Told my dog to sit. Neighbor’s dog ran in circles around us screaming (in dog-speak) “I gonna’ kill you! Want your throat ripped out, big guy? You better watch out or I‘ll kill you. My dog just sat there, would look at me, I’d give him a calm ‘Good boy’ and then he’d look at the dog. Trained versus untrained.
Beighbor came out and apologized. It was cool. what she didn’t notice is that I had been slightly shifting my position throughout the little dog’s tirade. If he had bitten my dog I would have kicked him hard enough that he might need medical attention if he survived. F**k with the bull, get the horns.
A personal injury lawyer would likely have taken your case to go after the negligent dog owner(s), if the town/city/county didn't treat dog biting seriously. Something to think about for future reference!?
I have some negative experience, I guess... regarding how the system works. Note that the case would have been tried in the same county that doesn't even have a law regarding dog bites! And at that time I didn't know I'd have any long term issues... which is usually the case.

13 years ago I was squarely hit (while bike riding) by a truck traveling 55 mph. We both thought I was dead, and we were both were very glad I wasn't. The 82 year old driver didn't see me even though I'd made every effort to be seen. He got a ticket; no question who was at fault. As it turns out, my back was badly jacked (extreme spasms any time I moved), and much of my body was munched (one big contusion) but the hospital couldn't find any broken bones. A lawyer friend offered to take my case, but I had a very positive attitude that I'd fully recover and the guy's insurance company (Geico) would pay my bills and I wouldn't need a lawyer. That was a big mistake.

The biggest issue was the back spasms; short periods of intense pain (many times a day) and very sore the rest of the time. After a few weeks of it not improving at all I went to a chiropractor, since the surgeon just wanted to do surgery... and he helped greatly. At least I was functional then and would have the spasms every few weeks, and then a few days of recovery. My plan was to just stay active and see how it went... only consider surgery as a last option. Over the next few months I seemed to be doing better. Meanwhile Geico was calling periodically to see how I was doing, and I was always honest with my progress. After ~6 months improvement seemed to stall, and ~1 year after the crash I had the worst spasm in a long time; I was an invalid for a week. The next time Geico called I told them about it, and the reply was "we think you hurt yourself doing something else and we are done with you". I was shocked. This was before Obamacare. I was paying for health insurance but they wouldn't cover anything that remotely had to do with a preexisting condition that should have been resolved by someone else. I was worried that I'd eventually need surgery that would bankrupt me. So I got a lawyer. My friend wasn't available, unfortunately.

To make this already way too long story shorter.... apparently chiropractors don't really count, and a year after the fact is way too long to build a court case. My lawyer thought it would be easy money, but when Geico showed just a little bit of backbone, he backed off (Geico's lawyer was someone he'd lost a case to in the past). I couldn't get him to even threaten to go to court! I spent way too many hours trying to build a case (over nearly 2 years) and my lawyer didn't do squat. I eventually settled for an amount that paid my medical bills and my lawyer, and left me with $2k... and a still bad back and left elbow that still hadn't healed. Currently my back is a problem that will likely not improve and I live with it, but my elbow seems pretty good.

So... my advice is to either get a lawyer and go all in on day one... or let the chips fall where they may, and accept whatever happens.
I have some negative experience…
I think anybody who has dealt with out legal system has ended up feeling as if they have been attached to an object with an incline plane wrapped helically around an axis.
After a few weeks of it not improving at all I went to a chiropractor, since the surgeon just wanted to do surgery... and he helped greatly.
Hmmm, just read about a chiropractor paralyzing a patient from the neck down while doing a neck adjustment.
I was worried that I'd eventually need surgery that would bankrupt me. So I got a lawyer. .
Ahh, NOW the doctor.

... apparently chiropractors don't really count
I don’t count them as real doctors, and I am not alone in that opinion. I think chiropractory is better than many types of nontraditional care, But they are no more doctors than physical therapist are doctors. That being said it would seem just to be a matter of the policy that you have and if it covers chiropractors.
I don’t count them as real doctors, and I am not alone in that opinion.
IMO way too many "real doctors" don't count as real doctors anymore. Chiros don't count in court to testify to my injuries, treatment, or progress. I'd never been to one before, but the doc wasn't doing anything, so thought I'd try it. I got PT for awhile, but that seemed like a joke. I had no insurance for the chiro. I got an MRI and the chiro said there were many locations on my spine with damage, but nothing obviously "it". This was concurred by an MD. So surgery would be "try this and see". I do exercises for it and I'm careful.

Bottom line is that you need doctors that treat you continuously and will testify in court, and I didn't have that.