Dropping Out in VA

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Active member
Jul 23, 2017
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Sup Y'all?
My name is Dave and I am 29 years old. I have been living in Central Virginia for the last 11 years on and off again. I have had a pretty insane last few months and it has led me to this web site and Bob's YouTube channel. I watched what seemed like hundreds of hours of van conversion and off grid living videos. I knew I needed to move into my vehicle. 
I have been against the main stream since I was an angsty little punk in jr. high school. I never "grew out of it", like I was told I would. I never finished college and have worked service industry and craft beer jobs. A year ago this Wednesday I began a full time job with a beer distributor as the Craft Beer Specialist for the division. I made triple the amount of money I ever made, had benefits, tons of free beer, and got to travel around the country. It was so easy and I began to slack off. I would find myself to be very unhappy the end of the day. My job literally was to go to a resturaunt that we sold beer to and eat a burger or something else that was most likely unhealthy and drink two beers. I would go to the next account and repeat that a few more times. By the end of the day I would be so tired I would just sleep when I got home. I was gaining weight and becoming more and more depressed. I never had time to hang out with friends and I was isolating myself. Even worse, I couldn't go on road trips with my friends. Since I was younger I have always loved long road trips with friends. Growing up, I was lucky enough to have older friends in a band and I would carry their drums and sell merch to get into shows for free and I got to tour some parts of the country in a van. Fast forward to last year again, and before I started the job I drove from Portland Oregon back to Virginia with two of my best friends. I remember driving through the Mojave Desert and thinking to myself how life would be so cool if you could always be on a roadtrip. I didn't take that seriously until about two months ago. 
It was the end of June and I was driving in a rental car to Louisville to visit my friend before he moved to AK. it is about a 7.5 hour drive from where I live. I was by myself and didn't have cruise control. I began to get bored and started to drive faster and faster. I am not trying to excuse driving recklessly, but I really am not the kind of dude to drive like a maniac. I am still not sure why I was going as fast as I was, maybe I was sabotaging myself without knowing it. Regardless, I was pulled over going 104MPH in a 70MPH zone in Lexington, KY. I was cuffed immediately. I told him I had weed in the car because it was very obviously on the floor of my passenger side of the car. As far as I knew I was going to jail and was going to lose my job, and my friends were waiting on me in Louisville! He came back and wrote me a reckless driving ticket and told me to dump the weed and so I did. He let me go. I was shaking like a leaf when I finally drove off. I have really good bad luck. From here I had to tell HR that I got the ticket and that I as going to go over on my allowed amount of points on my license. I drove a company car and that was a big problem. I decided to quit before I was fired. I had no idea what to do next. That is when I found out about this web site and about all you crazy van dwellers. I cannot wait to become one myself. I have all my stuff in storage and I am getting my first van tomorrow! I will be building it out and then getting a cargo trailer. Hopefully by the spring I will be heading west. I can't wait to meet y'all out there. Let's have some fun.
Welcome Dave to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Hi Dave! You sound crazy. Make sure to reel that twenty something freewheelin' spirit in if we ever meet. Otherwise we might end up in some bodunk jail in Mexico wondering wtf happened last night! I'm easily influenced and tend to say "Hell yeah that sounds like an awesome idea!!!!" They rarely are.

All teasing aside, hope everything goes smooth on your build out and you're on the road fully provisioned soon.
Dave man I can really connect with your story. I also start slacking off when a job gets too easy or repetitive and it makes me really tired for some reason. I sleep all day, same unhappy feeling same depression. Good luck! Hopefully this is what we need for real peace and joy in our lives!
Wabbit said:
Hi Dave! You sound crazy. Make sure to reel that twenty something freewheelin' spirit in if we ever meet. Otherwise we might end up in some bodunk jail in Mexico wondering wtf happened last night! I'm easily influenced and tend to say "Hell yeah that sounds like an awesome idea!!!!" They rarely are.

All teasing aside, hope everything goes smooth on your build out and you're on the road fully provisioned soon.

Haha, I promise I am a pretty cautious dude for the most part. I appreciate the encouragement! I am about to go pick up the green machine I will be calling home in an hour. I am nervous like it is a first date or something!
Spitfire Riggz said:
Dave man I can really connect with your story. I also start slacking off when a job gets too easy or repetitive and it makes me really tired for some reason. I sleep all day, same unhappy feeling same depression. Good luck! Hopefully this is what we need for real peace and joy in our lives!

Yeah, I would do the same thing. I thought I was really sick or something because I would be so tired I would have to go home and sleep almost every day. I wish you luck as well. I think that this lifestyle will help promote peace and joy in my life, I am sure it will for you too!
check it out, ya bois got a van! I cleaned it out today and moved in a bunch of my gear. I think I am going to start gutting it later today. I hope to be sleeping in it by this weekend.


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