Drones, again . . .

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Optimistic Paranoid

Well-known member
Jan 12, 2013
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We've had a few threads on drones before.  This AP report just came out:

So many people are registering drones and applying for drone pilot licenses that federal aviation officials said Friday they are contemplating the possibility of millions of unmanned aircraft crowding the nation’s skies in the not-too-distant future.

In the nine months since the Federal Aviation Administration created a drone registration system, more than 550,000 unmanned aircraft have been registered with the agency, said Earl Lawrence, director of the FAA’s drone office.

Speaking at the first meeting of a new government-industry drone advisory committee, Lawrence said new registrations are coming in at a rate of 2,000 a day. By comparison, the FAA says there are 260,165 manned aircraft registered in the U.S.

The FAA began issuing drone pilot licenses to commercial operators less than a month ago. Already, 13,710 people have applied to take the pilot exam, and 5,080 have passed it, Lawrence said. It’s clear the agency’s estimate of 15,000 licensed drone pilots by the end of 2016 will easily be exceeded, he said.  The FAA now forecasts there will be more than 1.3 million licensed drone pilots by 2020.

Lawrence asked the 35 committee members and dozens of attendees at the meeting: Will there eventually be hundreds of thousands of drones in the nation’s skies? Or will there be millions?

Hobbyists and commercial operators alike are required by the FAA to register their aircraft, but agency officials acknowledged that they have no way of measuring how many unregistered drones are in use.

U.S. drone sales are expected to top 2.4 million aircraft this year, more than double last year’s sales, according to the Consumer Technology Association, whose members include drone manufacturers.

NASA is working with industry and the FAA to create a new low-altitude air traffic control system specifically for drones. Industry and government officials say such a system will be needed if there are to eventually be widespread drone deliveries by Amazon and other companies. Google and the Chipotle Mexican restaurant chain are currently testing drone deliveries of burritos at Virginia Tech.
Now if they can just figure out a way to deliver a pizza to the window of my driverless Van while doing 70.
FAA is searching for the answer to a question never asked. Most, the vast majority of these "drones", will be used at extreme low levels inside cities or parks, well out of the way of manned aircraft. They are spooking at nothing.
I hope to buy one and learn how to pilot it before they really start crunching down. I love them! I don't fly in planes anymore so it would be my way of living vicariously through the drone. lol
We've already had a few idiots get in the way of firefighters trying to do their job in putting out forest fires
might need to think on that, while were handing out permits
That's happened here as well, plus the ones buzzing planes. The human being has an amazing capacity for inventing new ways to be stupid.
I love, love, love this topic....its at its best how to show just how screwed up a new idea can make life.  The F.A.A. had been asked to regulate this years ago....at least five years ago.  But for once I don't think the fault is theirs alone.  This is a huge matter with far reaching implications.  Drones can be absolutely mosquito tiny sized, and if you've yet to see them, well, you will soon, nearly Lear/Citation jet sized.  They are already experimenting with 747 sized autonomous aircraft.  If you think Amazon or the fast food folks have anything on Fed Ex or UPS...you got a lot to learn.  Imagine the savings for Fed Ex if they could lay off their 200K a year pilots!!!  Its absolutely happening folks. 

The consumer products division could have joined in with the F.A.A. and have gotten a handle on this years ago, and they should have.  A whole lot of the FAA hold up was trying not to create regulations it couldn't enforce.  Now its realizing its going to be difficult to enforce any regulations at all.  That is the bad news.

The good news is the average American has a seventh grade level of intelligence and their attention span gets shorter every year (no offense intended to anyone).  A lot of these drones purchased this year, will have literally been crashed and burned long before this time next year.  Another huge chunk of those purchased now while the interest is so "hot" will end up "parked" on a shelf in the garage somewhere, because well...people will just loose interest. Others will develop mechanical "issues" exceeding the grasp of the owner, and that will be that...onto the next thing.

Imagine we are only a short way from standing in a park watching a friend or loved one, taking their vows, as this stupid little drone zooms about the wedding taking pictures of the event, whilst dodging another drone "following" a runner through the park, all the while another drones irritating buzz can be heard as it ZZZzzzzooooooommms about taking a movie about fido the dog who is energetically chasing his "Dogercize" drone with the dog bone dangling as encourage to the mutt to move.  And here comes bicyclist with another "follow-me" drone that is filming s/he for fun and in case the unthinkable should happen that he is dislocated from the bike, in a way that he shouldn't have been. 

But wait....there is more!!!

While the park is "buzzing" with excitement....here comes this other aircraft....a UAC a huge weather monitoring drone, about the size of a compact car flies overhead.  And a short time later here comes six more GIANT drones....carrying fire suppressant.  The fire fighter drones are huge...so they can carry fire suppressant materials.  Fortunately they operate at lower altitudes, because unbeknown to us, a giant drone delivering packages for Fed EX just flew by as well.  Yup....this could be the goings on all around you.  

Drones are soon to be standard issue.  We need to act at many level of government and get a handle on the world of drones, before they get further exploited and abused and become a menace to society and all of us as well.  They are very cool and capable devices that can do a great many life enhancing thing.  They can also be dangerous and annoying. 

I really look forward to your thought and comments on this which