Doomsday Dating: Find Love Before the World Ends

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Jan 24, 2011
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<div> <div id="ahead" class="posttitle"><h1><font face="Arial" size="3">Doomsday Dating: Find Love Before the World Ends</font></h1></div><div class="pst_st"><h2><font face="Arial" size="3">If you think the dating scene is rough now, try it after the Apocalypse.</font> </h2></div><div class="pst_dt">By <a rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank" href="">Kristin Wong</a> <br></div><div id="scplatformSocialToolbarMini_0" class="stb-minitb stb2-int scp-fontscale stb2-toolbar-has-initialized"><div class="stb2-wrap"><li class="stb2-li"><br></li></div></div><div id="abody" class="pst_bod"><p>“Don’t face the future alone.”</p> <p>That’s the slogan for the dating site <a target="_blank" title="" href=""><span class="longword">SurvivalistSingles.c<wbr>om.</span></a> If you’re looking for love—and also happen to be preparing for the end of the world—this is the website for you.</p> <p>Having officially launched in 2010, the online dating site has quadrupled in members, from 400 in 2010 to about 1,640, currently. Dedicated to "preppers," "survivalists" and "doomsdayers,” it’s one of the fastest growing dating sites on the web. Apparently, finding someone isn’t easy when you’re busy building your own gas masks. As one member explained to <a title="" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank" href="">CNN</a>:</p> <p>"It's hard to connect with someone who doesn't have a similar mindset. You can't explain why your truck is packed like you're always ready for an expedition--they don't get it. But when you meet another survivalist, you start talking about all this stuff and the women look at you like you have a million dollars in the bank."</p> <p>Andrea Burke is a 45-year-old middle school art teacher from Montana, and she took over the site last summer. She also happens to believe the near future will be bleak.</p> <p>"Most will agree that something is brewing that may change life as we know it, whether it be a collapse of the economy, an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) or other natural or government disaster," Burke said.</p> <p>Right now, <span class="longword">SurvivalistSingles.c<wbr>om</span> is free, but Andrea plans to start charging $5 a month. Not bad, especially considering the modern monetary system will be obsolete, anyway, come Dec. 21. Once Andrea starts charging, she says the new slogan will be:</p> <h5>"Find love for less than the price of a box of bullets.”</h5> <p>Most of the members are over the age of 50, and right now, there are about twice as many male members as females. </p> <p>But users aren’t just looking for love; they’re also seeking to join survival groups. For example, one female member, who goes by the screenname Arnold, boasts at least one unique skill she can contribute: making “humanure.” </p> <p>It’s exactly what you think it is.</p> <p>And if you’re going to join, you might as well familiarize yourself with this little acronym: TEOTWAWKI—<i>the end of the world as we know it</i>. You’ll see it all over members’ profiles, and no, they’re not just R.E.M. fans.</p></div> </div>
&nbsp;When it comes to online dating and such, it always brings to my mind this clip from years ago: <br>&nbsp;Oh well, I got my dog and she's plenty.<br><br>
<P>That's got to be a total sausage fest lol</P>
I'm torn between thinking this is either the most brilliant idea or laughing hysterically for an hour (maybe longer). I wonder if the writer is single though?<div><br></div>
ROFLMAO...Cyndi you are tooooo is going to get pretty slim...ESPECIALLY for us over 50...that is hilarious!<br>Bri<br><br>
bk2valve said:
ROFLMAO...Cyndi you are tooooo is going to get pretty slim...ESPECIALLY for us over 50...that is hilarious!<br>Bri<br><br>
<br><br>Looks like you developed a bit of a stutter there.<br>
I do not see anything wrong with it now, or when I first saw this last year. Laughing at them/me is like laughing at yourselves. How many get the whole cheaper living thing, the small living thing, the mobile living thing, they whole keep enough preps to get you through a small emergency thing?
WildernessReturn said:
I do not see anything wrong with it now, or when I first saw this last year. Laughing at them/me is like laughing at yourselves. How many get the whole cheaper living thing, the small living thing, the mobile living thing, they whole keep enough preps to get you through a small emergency thing?
<br><br>Nah.. it's the whole 'online dating' thing. Always struck me as rather sad. ..Willy.<br>
<span id="post_message_1272938345">Looks like you developed a bit of a stutter there.</span>
<br><br>I guess I did Willy, I was laughing so hard...<br>Bri<br><br>
Hey, I've heard that you meet some real classy babes at the Flying J's.<div><br></div>
And don't forget Walmart! I get the pics once in a while....<br>Bri<br><br>
&nbsp;It's not in the Flying J where you'll meet these fabulous babes.. but in the parking lot. As for the Walmarts, be careful, or you'll end up like this guy:<br><br>Warning! - Walmart Parking Lot Scam<br>&gt; <br>&gt; I just wanted others to not fall into the same 'trap'<br>&gt; that I have. Be<br>&gt; forwarned!!<br>&gt; <br>&gt; A 'heads up' for you and any friends who may be<br>&gt; regular Walmart<br>&gt; customers.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam<br>&gt; while out<br>&gt; shopping.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be<br>&gt; quite traumatic. Don't be naive enough to think it<br>&gt; couldn't happen to you.<br>&gt; Here's how the scam works:<br>&gt; <br>&gt; Two seriously good-looking 18-year-old girls come over<br>&gt; to your car as you're packing your shopping in the<br>&gt; trunk.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and<br>&gt; Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their<br>&gt; skimpy t-shirts.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; It's impossible not to look.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say<br>&gt; 'No' and instead ask you for a ride to another Walmart<br>&gt; .<br>&gt; <br>&gt; You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way,<br>&gt; they start having sex with each other.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and<br>&gt; performs sex<br>&gt; on you, while the other one steals your wallet.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; I've had my wallet stolen June 4th, 9th, 10th, twice<br>&gt; on the 12th, three times just yesterday, and very<br>&gt; likely again this upcoming weekend.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; Again - please beware!<br><br>You been warned.. Willy.<br><br>
&nbsp;I plan to get an early start on my second childhood. So far, I've got 'immature' down pat. Next comes 'irresponsible'. ..Willy.<br>
Yeah got that....I am firmly in mine and the segue was painless since I never bothered to grow up. I never really like grown-ups all that much...they always seemed pissed off and stressed out...not a pretty thing....screw that....I am as mature as I'll ever get....<br>Bri<br><br>
In all seriousness, there's a wrench for every nut. 1 in 5 relationships starts online these days. My younger brother met his wife on, and I met Trish, my wife, on cupid. 5 years and still ain't kilt each other, must be doing something right.
Spring is here folks, and tends some to think of the ritual of love... It has been going on since the beginning of time... Awww to be young again and in love....<br>
Hey, call me a sucker, but I joined. It's free, you spend 30 minutes setting it all up, and then it is out there fishing for you forever. Why not join? I'm not a fanatical prepper, but I am to a small degree. Bob<br>

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