I'm confused, and certainly no expert! re: PMS<br>Are you referring to premenstrual syndrome or post menopausal syndrome?<br> <br>Funny thing is, with a little internet searching, I found some interesting suggestions to help alleviate the latter....To wit:<br>"To help minimize symptoms, other suggested lifestyle changes include increasing exercise, eating more fruits and vegetables, minimizing stress and limiting alcohol intake."<br>Now the 18th amendment grants you some cover, regardless. Moderation of course. Cheers!<br><br>Best wishes.<br>I digress...<br><br>Aunt Meg,<br>+1<span id="post_message_1276821405"><br>"guess i'm dumb then. i didn't even see the pun until it was pointed out LOL<br>don't think anything was meant by it. a very gracious gift we can give ourselves, is the ability to laugh in the mirror..</span>"<br><br>My thoughts, exactly! Well put.<br><reflecting on this now><br><br>OSO