At that time, I was using biodegradable bags, and it did eat through those bags, so completely there was no trace of a bag left. That's why there was all the "mud" in the bottom of the bucket. Also, I had the bags sitting on two round cooking grills, their wires crisscrossed. One grill was about 75% dissolved into nothing, and the other grill held up just fine. They looked about the same, and I thought they were, but I now guess one was aluminum and the other stainless steel? Or possibly chrome plated? And probably the aluminum is what vanished. If you have the answer to that, let me know.
I have not tried regular plastic bags in that situation to know if they would be ruined by vinegar. If you have more information on any of the above (about plastic, or about vinegar affecting which metals), let me know. I'm still learning.
FYI: I likewise use vinegar in my pee bottle. So it never "stinks" and never grows "gunk"; it can be left sitting for weeks.