Domestic travel potentially curtailed/forbidden?

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Deepak Chopra says practice mental hygiene to improve your immune system - quiet your mind. Focus on your breath, repeat a mantra, practice your meditation. 

Here is a dopamine hit: we are all there for you in our abundant spirits.   -crofter
His site
barleyguy said:
......, the current known infection rate in the United States, .........
It is the current unknown infection rate that is causing the panic.   People panic because of what they imagine the size of the problem and whether they will be able to handle the effects on them, personally.    People overbuy and hoard just in case.   There are no clear signals from credibly authority on just how supply lines will fare if people are ordered to Shelter-in-place.
My state goes into stay at home mode at 5pm today, but for essential services and necessary travel to buy food, visit pharmacies and medical providers, fuel our vehicles, etc.

Supplies of food and other items in our grocery stores continue to come in, and shelves are restocked, with no shortages other than those created by people buying more than they need.

Our Governor and Public Health officials have been clear as to why, it is to slow the spread of this very, very contagious virus so as not to overwhelm our health care system.

Critically ill persons requiring hospitalization and possibly ventilators may exceed capacity to provide that care.

That is why we must all do what we can to slow the spread.
Ticklebellly said:
  There are no clear signals from credibly authority on just how supply lines will fare if people are ordered to Shelter-in-place.
Of course there are no clear signals, none of them have experienced it before unless they were volunteers working oversees in countries stricken with poverty, lack of medical facilities, lack of medical supplies, drought, inadequate food supplies, things such as cholera outbreaks, Ebola, widespread HIV, devastated areas from Wars, etc. But as a modern population with new broadcast we have seen some of the worst effects of it so we react to those extremes from our distant knowledge of how bad things have gotten in those far away places.
WanderingRose said:
Critically ill persons requiring hospitalization and possibly ventilators may exceed capacity to provide that care.

That is why we must all do what we can to slow the spread.
Medical supplies have already reached critically low levels as far as personnel protective equipment for workers in the medical field.The CDC already knows for sure that there will not be a sufficient supply of ventilators even if the 100,000 used units they have located can be refurbished in time.
StarliteRambler said:
I heard from a friend that if areas go into lock down one of the approved reasons for travel will be outdoor recreation. Hope that is the case.

My state has gone into stay at home mode, and outdoor recreation is walking your dog/yourself, taking a run, that kind of thing, not RV’ing or camping in the traditional sense of the word.

Whether traveling in nomad fashion or just for leisure, the more you move the more often you have to fill your fuel tank, not to mention buying essentials in different places.

Think of all the things you must touch, where each time you could transfer this virus to the next thing you touch, and even minimal contact with other people increases your likelihood you could catch it or give it or become an unknowing carrier.

You don’t have to have direct contact with an infected person to become ill or to carry this on.

We need to just all take a deep breath and hunker down for awhile.

It’s inconvenient, but for the greater good.
slow2day said:
Sure it sucks to lose your job, your investments and such and not to (temporarily) get the products you want but to most people it would suck even more to lose your life.

My point is that the current hysteria is hurting way more people than it's helping. Way way more. We need to stop acting like this, and we definitely need to not surrender freedom because of fear. Freedom isn't free.

A good start would be turning off the mass media news and never turning it back on again. That's not a good source of information, and it's feeding the hysteria. People are even starting to shame others for not participating in the irrationality.
Where should we then get our information, barleyguy?

Over 22,000 known cases in the US as of 10 seconds ago, per John Hopkins University, and rapidly increasing every day.

If the CDC has it all wrong about this growing threat, who has the facts we should listen to and use to guide our actions?
WanderingRose said:
Where should we then get our information, barleyguy?

Over 22,000 known cases in the US as of 10 seconds ago, per John Hopkins University, and rapidly increasing every day.

If the CDC has it all wrong about this growing threat, who has the facts we should listen to and use to guide our actions?

Word of mouth, friends and family, your local community. That's where you should get your information, and guide what's important to you. Also, individuals on the internet and YouTube giving their individual experiences, not people with a corporate agenda.

I do want to point out that 22,000 is 0.007% of 330 million. I agree with using common sense, avoiding large indoor gatherings (which there aren't any), wash your hands, and make good logical decisions. But I don't recommend buying into the fear and hysteria, and I still think this whole situation (and the world in general) would be better if people would quit watching the news.
There's news and then there's 'news' it seems. True, it's a problem for many people to be able to discern what is 'true' and what isn't these days and that does create problems and not only in dealing with a pandemic.

Take it as whole and don't necessarily believe a single source. Any info on the internet is automatically suspect because that can be manipulated by Russia,China or a 400 lb. guy living in a basement.

This forum is a community and there can be found incorrect info about many things including COVID.

"Word of mouth, friends and family...." Hmmmm. Where would they be getting their info? We're talking wide differences in geography, community population size and most importantly infection rate and thus a wide difference in experiences with what's happening.

I'm glad the news is telling me that I should avoid large population areas that have high infection rates.

This is not the time to stick your head in the sand.
slow2day said:
There's news and then there's 'news' it seems.  True, it's a problem for many people to be able to discern what is 'true' and what isn't these days and that does create problems and not only in dealing with a pandemic.

Take it as whole and don't necessarily believe a single source. Any info on the internet is automatically suspect because that can be manipulated by Russia,China or a 400 lb. guy living in a basement.

This forum is a community and there can be found incorrect info about many things including COVID.

"Word of mouth, friends and family...."  Hmmmm. Where would they be getting their info?  We're talking wide differences in geography, community population size and most importantly infection rate.

This is not the time to stick your head in the sand.

What does getting your information from local sources have to do with sticking your head in the sand? Local sources will tell you what's happening locally, not what's happening hundreds or thousands of miles from you.

Yes, the things happening hundreds of miles from you will eventually affect what's happening locally. But don't focus on the nation or the world and lose sight of what's going on around you. That would be sticking your head in the sand.

Also, you don't need to focus on the topics the news is choosing to focus on. Go watch or read some stuff that makes you happy and inspired. If you like gardening watch some gardening content. If you like building stuff watch some content about building stuff. If you like humor, go watch something funny.

The agenda of the mass media is to make you afraid not to watch. If you're afraid not to watch, you watch, and they sell advertisements, and make money. Don't be afraid not to watch.
I agree totaly about the news being unreliable but so is word of mouth. Some rumors that have been circulating are the source of panic. You have to think about where their info is coming from. Trace it back to the source if you can and its usually the tv or radio or newspaper. I prefer the newspaper because of the TP shortage I can use it after I read it. And that might be OK since most of what they print is BS. All jokes aside no matter the source of your info you have to intelligently sort it out resisting their bias and hysteria. AND - IF YOU DON'T KNOW FOR CERTAIN THAT IT IS THE TRUTH - DON'T SPREAD IT YOURSELF. I think I will listen to talk radio for an hour and then NPR for an hour and discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle. One very positive thing about this is all the humor we are getting with TP jokes and the like.
I agree total about the news being unreliable but so is word of mouth. Some rumors that have been circulating are the source of panic. You have to think about where their info is coming from. Trace it back to the source if you can and its usually the tv or radio or newspaper. I prefer the newspaper because of the TP shortage I can use it after I read it. And that might be OK since most of what they print is BS. All jokes aside no matter the source of your info you have to intelligently sort it out resisting their bias and hysteria. AND - IF YOU DON'T KNOW FOR CERTAIN THAT IT IS THE TRUTH - DON'T SPREAD IT YOURSELF. I think I will listen to talk radio for a hour and then NPR for a hour and discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle. One very positive thing about this is all the humor we are getting with TP jokes and the like.
nature lover said:
I agree total about the news being unreliable but so is word of mouth.  Some rumors that have been circulating are the source of panic.  You have to think about where their info is coming from.  Trace it back to the source if you can and its usually the tv or radio or newspaper.  I prefer the newspaper because of the TP shortage I can use it after I read it.  And that might be OK since most of what they print is BS.  All jokes aside no matter the source of your info you have to intelligently sort it out resisting their bias and hysteria.  AND - IF YOU DON'T KNOW FOR CERTAIN THAT IT IS THE TRUTH  - DON'T SPREAD IT YOURSELF. I think I will listen to talk radio for a hour and then NPR for a hour and discover that the truth is somewhere in the middle.  One very positive thing about this is all the humor we are getting with TP jokes and the like.

That's a pretty good point. Maybe I should subscribe to the newspaper so I have a backup source of toilet paper. And with them cutting subscription rates to stay distributed, it might even be cheaper than buying it when it's available.
slow2day said:
I guess to some it is true that ignorance is bliss. Why should I need to know what's happening 1000's of miles away?

Well, because I have family and friends that live 1000's of miles away.

If you want to know what's happening with your family and friends, talk to your family and friends.

Also, looking at something other than the news isn't ignorance. Personally, I watch legal education so I know my rights, I watch channels about RVs so I learn about camping and traveling, and I have a job that requires a deep knowledge base. Thinking that not watching the news makes you ignorant implies that you think the news is important. I don't agree. Disagreement and ignorance aren't the same thing.
Okay, I deleted some of the back and forth bickering - probably should have deleted more. Be nice to each other. Being cut off from our normal routines can make everyone edgy. Also no politics, please.
Mods are the greatest around here, tactfully keeping the forums on the track set by owners. Thank you
MaTaLa said:
Mods are the greatest around here, tactfully keeping the forums on the track set by owners. Thank you

I agree. Also, being kind and brave enough to explain why things were moderated is classy and constructive.
People talk about news like it has some type integrity. I am FAR from sticking my head in the sand...I just choose to ignore fear mongering.

I am doing ok. Doing pretty much same thing I have been doing since I went full time.
Was doing social distancing before it was cool. I spoke with my daughter, she's fine and the rest of my life has been so simplified I don't need the news. The few forum's I view have plenty of corporate news references.
Tomorrow I am intending to head to Southern Cal and work/stay on a boat.

I probably discern as well as any average Joe.
WanderingRose said:
Where should we then get our information, barleyguy?

Over 22,000 known cases in the US as of 10 seconds ago, per John Hopkins University, and rapidly increasing every day.

If the CDC has it all wrong about this growing threat, who has the facts we should listen to and use to guide our actions?
The more detailed and graphic news is coming out of Europe. The Chinese experience of this illness was sanitized before being reported to westerners, and now journalists are kicked out of China. One youtube account by an Austrailian man who was "left behind" in China when his family returned home was chilling. After a teaspoon of youtube documentaries, I had to go back to the fake news we have in America to calm down. 

For your own health, you should not watch it all. Doctors talk about the PTSD they are experiencing from attending so many deaths. Same goes from being in an fear/ anxiety mode all day. There is usually an evening report, watch that and then do something else. Make sure you are getting enough vitamin C and vitamin D for your immunity. Meditate at least daily.

 ~crofter (hunkered down for the duration)

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