Dogs sleeping in the bed

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2013
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Too late for us, but maybe not for you. Think twice about letting your dog on the bed. IIt's 2:00 am and I just woke up AGAIN without any blankets. Cold outside. Chilly inside. @!*^# dog is rolled up in the blankets like a burrito. Again.
The dog is trying to tell you something.....GET YOUR OWN BLANKET! :)
Haha... too funny!! :D We do luv our lil fur buddies.
I like it cold, my two smaller Poodles do not. It's that time of the year (last night in the 30s) when both of them are fighting for their spot under the covers. I'm not a skinny woman and my bed is only 32 inches wide. Yes, they wake me up and yes they are worth it. Big guy sleeps on the other single now but when we start our trip west, I'll have to make room for him at the foot of the bed. Luckily I'm short or nobody would get any sleep.
decodancer that's a three dog night. my puppy always sleeps on the bed with me no matter if there is room or not. highdesertranger
Start the night by telling the 90 pound german shepherd to stay off the bed. Wake up with said german shepherd's head on my shoulder. For the love of our pets.:) Jan
I have been sleeping with my #10 Dachshund since he was 5 weeks old. I will always let him sleep in my immediate vicinity! Even when I am tent camping with a narrow mummy bag. That requires patience and love for sure!
Lately I have been Boondocking in a woods-ish area that has some permanent resident landowners. One such person owns a fairly large dog, around #80.
The large dog has no guilt or shame at all about joining Angus and I in the very short, single wide bed I built across the back of my van.
I like to leave my side door open as much as possible so she just moseys on in and "sneaks" up on the bed a leg at a time, I am glad she is a lovely friendly dog! Her person has even learned where to find her if she is not in her usual places.

I wonder if she will come along when I move on? lol.
Sounds like you have become a grandmother; you get all the joy of another dog but none of the trouble! :)
My dog is my 'furnace', little bedwarmer,.. and dishwasher.. and garbage disposal.. and.. Willy.
Bela's my sleeping buddy, warmer, and security. She's kind of a Velcro dog; when sleeping she has to be right against me. I don't mind at all because she is very warm!


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I have a wire hair fox terror (I mean terrier) and two chiweenies AKA The Chiweenie Brothers. Yes, they sleep in my bed. The chiweenies are the best foot warmers I have ever found! They will be going with me when the times comes to hit the road.
I'm a little late to the party but wanted to add:
This is the story of my life!!! My husband and I share a SINGLE (size) bed with our 3 full-grown pitbulls and 1 120 lb Am. Bulldog! Every single night, without fail, you know where to find those dogs! :rolleyes:
Heh heh, I love having a small dog. At 6.5 lbs, she still manages to take up half of the bed.
it's more like I sleep in his bed.
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I've been thankful for my three in the last few nights. The space heater warms the van but with highs in the 20s, their water bowl in front still froze. We are snug as a bug with the tinys under the blanket beside me and my big guy laying at (across) my feet. The windows are not insulated as I can't stand a dark home and it actually warms the van during the day to have the sun shine in.
Hey all been a while since I posted but i have 3 little ones that sleep with me and two medium ones that I crate because they would sleep with me, but they have popped my air mattress to many times from playing around, yupper 5 dogs! I'm such a sucker!my old dog (15 1/2) drives me crazy at night with on / off the bed, I know her time is coming, so I just put up with it.... I find comfort with the dogs not just because of companionship but for protection, 4 are quiet the cockerpoo never shuts up when I am gone, which is an issue from time to time... but let a stranger come near my van and the world knows it. One of the people in an apartment where I stay says if she hears all the dogs bark she knows to look and see whats going on..... it's been almost single digits in PA