Dog questions - to have or not have a dog

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It's the direct equivalent of asking "Should I have children?" to a bunch of strangers. No one can answer that but you.

I don't think the answer can have anything to do with your head or logic. Either your heart demands it, or it does not.

If your heart does not demand it, then you probably shouldn't. But, before you decide, start going to a Rescue display of their dogs and walk around and get to know the dogs. If one of them grabs you heart and won't let go--there is your answer, take him home,.
akrvbob said:
It's the direct equivalent of asking "Should I have children?" to a bunch of strangers. No one can answer that but you.

I don't think the answer can have anything to do with your head or logic. Either your heart demands it, or it does not.  

If your heart does not demand it, then you probably shouldn't. But, before you decide, start going to a Rescue display of their dogs and walk around and get to know the dogs. If one of them grabs you heart and won't let go--there is your answer, take him home,.

Perfect answer.

 Visiting the dogs at animal services "just to look" is how I ended up with 2 dogs, so I dare not walk into that place as long as these dogs are alive. They are pain in the butt dogs at home, but amazingly well behaved when I am camping, so I guess they are well suited for the nomadic lifestyle if I should take it up full time. Whenever I consider a vehicle to live in one of my main considerations is how is this going to work for my dogs because I can't imagine life without a dog.
Katewels said:
 Visiting the dogs at animal services "just to look" is how I ended up with 2 dogs, so I dare not walk into that place as long as these dogs are alive.
Boy can I relate to that!! I want em all!!

Whenever I consider a vehicle to live in one of my main considerations is how is this going to work for my dogs because I can't imagine life without a dog.
The remarkable thing is, by planning my life around giving my dogs their very best life, I've gven me my very best life--I guess I ain't nothin but an ole hounddog at heart!!
Park Kitchings said:
Certainly need to weigh the pros and cons as it's a major decision.  In my case the pros heavily outweigh the cons as the companionship and affection mine provides me is immeasurable.  I'd give up everything I own before I got rid of Petey.  Best friend I've ever had.


Where did you find the nice wash rack? How long is the dry cycle? Some people may freak, but I see the harness and the dog seems comfortable, (and maybe a little disgusted).  It may be difficult to explain how a dog can give you different looks, but they sure can. 

I am setting my rig up with my dog in mind. Cold is not an issue for her. She likes laying on her belly on the snow.Nikki2.jpg Nikki.jpg
I am setting it up with a generator and air conditioner. Hopefully I will not be in a climate to need them much. 
I have a small dog. It is her job to bark and my job to bite if necessary. For me the benefits of having a dog far outweigh the disadvantages. I got her as a pup when I was still working as a mobile mechanic. She went with me on calls. The customers would call the shop and ask for Nikki to come out, (not me). I would be outside in the heat working on broken machinery and she would be inside with the office ladies sharing their lunch.


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