Dog is a 4 legged tick magnet

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2014
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He has the pills and the Advantage fur drops and he gets flea and tick baths, but they still get on him and he brings them to us. No more romping in the woods for him, and oh boy, is he pissed off about that! I don't know if the deer ticks where we are carry Lyme disease and I don't want to find out by getting it.

He is white and he is regularly clipped, so pests are easier to find when they get on him than they would be if he were dark and long haired. He spends a lot more time in close physical proximity to us than he did in the house and he obviously picks up more vermin in the woods and fields than he did in our mostly tamed backyard. I imagine this is normal for rv dogs. How do you control these pests?
Def be very careful. I got Lyme disease that went undiagnosed for three years and it did a number on me. Put me on crutches at 31 and caused a host of other mobility/arthritis issues that I'm still dealing with four years later. Finally on the right treatments, but once it sets in, it's a beast to get rid of. Off crutches and doing a lot better, but still got a long road of recovery ahead!

I live in an area, plagued with Lyme and looking forward to moving off the East Coast this year just to get away from these things!
My old Border Collie would come home from every camping excursion covered in them, nothing seemed to help. So I got in the habit of calling her up on the picnic table and feeling her all over, brushing her, and then methodically pulling off all the ticks. It sucked, but she was never so happy as when she could run in the woods.
Every Road Leads Home said:
Def be very careful.  I got Lyme disease that went undiagnosed for three years and it did a number on me.  Put me on crutches at 31 and caused a host of other mobility/arthritis issues that I'm still dealing with four years later.  Finally on the right treatments, but once it sets in, it's a beast to get rid of.  Off crutches and doing a lot better, but still got a long road of recovery ahead!  

I live in an area, plagued with Lyme and looking forward to moving off the East Coast this year just to get away from these things!
We had a friend who got it 25 or 30 years ago, before it was well known. It put her in a wheelchair,  permanently,  before they finally figured out what was wrong. It's not something to take lightly.
Advantage, to the best of my knowledge, does not protect against ticks.

There is a product that does but I can't seem to find any information on what ticks it does protect against (there are different species of ticks) which wouldn't help me anyways since I don't know what type of ticks you have in your area.

I used it for years on MacKenzie because of a case of mites that he had. As a Collie he couldn't have Ivermectin but could have the Selemectin that's in Revolution.

Since Phizer no longer owns the company that makes Revolution I can't seem to find the manufacturers' website, only all kinds of petmed sites.

I'd check with my vet IIWM and discuss the protocol for moving your dog to Revolution. I did find that some vets were reluctant to discuss the drug with me. My only conclusion after much research at the time, was that it cut down the number of prescriptions/meds that I needed to buy from them since it worked on heartworm as well as fleas, ticks and mites.

You can always ask at for help for your specific area as well.
Bravecto has worked well for my dog. In fact, it's the only thing we found to be effective.
I found the best repellent was Advantix by Bayer. it works best imo. however they want you to use it year around, I however use it just in the high flea and tick months, spring though summer. highdesertranger
I have found that different areas of the country one or more of the products will not work as well. The bugs get immune. Here in South Jersey, the store bought no longer work for me. My daughter sends me one from the animal shelter in Florida that does the job very well. Try some different brands.
ccbreder brings up a good point I have noticed this too. one year one brand works great the next year not as good. highdesertranger
Thanks for posting this, just went through my first finding one Saturday, totally freaked me out, still does when I think about it. Feel like a bad doggie mama. Reassuring to know resonable people like yourselves deal with them too. Stinks any of have to.n

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