Does removal of the front passenger seat negatively affect vehicle insurance

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Oct 25, 2019
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Does the removal of the front passenger seat negatively affect vehicle insurance?
Great question. Unfortunately, neither I nor anyone else on the forum can really tell you how it would/wouldn't effect your insurance because that's going to depend on your insurance company and their policies regarding vehicle modifications.

By this I mean, just because something has worked for someone else (possibly in a different state since car insurance laws vary from State to state) does not mean that it will work for you with your vehicle with your company in your state.

So maybe the question you need the answer to is more like this - if you have removed your front seat in your modifications to your vehicle, 1) did you tell your insurance company and 2) if you told your insurance company how did that effect your policy, and 3) what insurance company do you use?

Best of luck,

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Not to my knowledge. It would be a problem if you had a passenger that didn't have a seat though, I would think. Easiest is to ask your insurance company. Different states have different rules.
I can say this with 100% certainty about it. I have never been asked if my vehicle has a front passenger seat. highdesertranger
If you have a wreck and a passenger goes thru the windshield because they were sitting on a milk crate, then yes.
I'm asking the question because it affects which vehicle I buy. My insurance broker can be a bit vague, especially in matters he doesn't want to deal with.
I'm not sure how one vehicle would be different from another without a passenger seat?
Sparker said:
...My insurance broker...

Well there's your problem. Buy insurance online.

Oh, and I removed the passenger seat. No insurance problems. As HDR said, no one ever asked, no one ever looked.
I have no idea exactly which vehicles are like this but in some of them if you remove a seat then the airbag setup will no longer work. In that type of instance you will have indeed created a possible situation where it might effect making a claim if you get hurt in an accident. You do want to avoid that scenario of not being protected by an airbag so do some research before you take out the seat. Obviously on older vehicles that don't have air bags there is no potential for this situation.
All these complicated questions in a country where you can legally haul migrant workers in a school bus with folding chairs in the center aisle. I know this because I almost missed it in the manual when getting my passenger endorsement for my CDL.