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- Jan 3, 2015
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Discover beautiful places (or where to stear clear of crowds )
The interactive heatmap shows the places people like, based on the number of panoramio photos at each place in the world. The dark areas have few photos, the red areas have more and the yellow areas have a large number of photos geotagged.
The hottest places have markers linking photos, streetview, wikipedia, wikivoyage, foursquare and google plus articles about the site. The place names are selected by the wikipedia readership numbers, foursquare checkins and google places suggestions. High-res street level heatmaps are available for top 15000 places of the world.
The interactive heatmap shows the places people like, based on the number of panoramio photos at each place in the world. The dark areas have few photos, the red areas have more and the yellow areas have a large number of photos geotagged.
The hottest places have markers linking photos, streetview, wikipedia, wikivoyage, foursquare and google plus articles about the site. The place names are selected by the wikipedia readership numbers, foursquare checkins and google places suggestions. High-res street level heatmaps are available for top 15000 places of the world.