Disabled Veterans and National Parks

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Ziggy Moon

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2013
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<br>I'm not sure if this is common knowledge for most, or even if it has been mentioned in previous threads that I haven't found.<br><br>I just wanted to share with all fellow Veterans - just in case they would ever have the need, or want, to use the following. <br><br><em><strong>Although it is not specifically offered as a pass to Disabled Veterans</strong></em>, Our National Parks will provide a free lifetime pass to all Veterans with a Service Connected Disability, regardless of percentage of disability.<br><br><br><strong>What is the <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Access Pass</span>?</strong><p>A free, lifetime pass - available to U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States that have been medically determined to have a <strong>permanent disability - </strong>that provides access to more than 2,000 recreation sites managed by five Federal agencies.<br><br></p><ol><li><strong>Who qualifies for the Access Pass?</strong><p>The Access Pass may be issued to U.S. citizens or permanent residents of any age that have been medically determined to have a <strong>permanent disability</strong> that severely limits one or more major life activities.</p></li><li><strong>If I am partially disabled do I qualify for the Access Pass?</strong><p>The disability requirements for the Access Pass are not based on percentage of disability. To qualify for the Pass the disability must be permanent and limit one or more major life activities.<br><br></p></li><li><strong>Where can I use my Access Pass?</strong><p><em>Please contact a site directly if you have a question about pass acceptance and fees.</em></p><p>The Forest Service, the National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, and Bureau of Reclamation honor the Access Pass at sites where Entrance or Standard Amenity Fees are charged.</p><ul><li>Bureau of Land Management - www.blm.gov</li><li>Bureau of Reclamation - www.usbr.gov</li><li>Fish and Wildlife Service - www.fws.gov</li><li>USDA Forest Service - www.fs.fed.us</li><li>National Park Service - www.nps.gov</li></ul><p>In addition, the Corps of Engineers and Tennessee Valley Authority may honor the Access Pass for entrance or camping discounts. <br><br><strong><br>For the above and more information visit</strong>; <br><br>http://store.usgs.gov/pass/access.html<br><br>.<br><br></p></li></ol>
Thanks for this information. I have had my ACCESS PASS for a few years but have only used it a few times to visit Ft. Pickens in/near Pensacola. If I ever get out on the road, I'm hoping that it will help out with things to do and places to see.
just want to thank all of you vets out there.&nbsp; free passes are the least we all can do for all of you.&nbsp; we all owe you so much more.&nbsp; highdesertranger
The Access Pass is available to all people with a disability, not just veterans.&nbsp; It also gives 1/2 price to most Forest Service campgrounds, free entrance/day use to most FS areas that charge, etc.&nbsp; Simialr benifits at BLM, ACOE, and other federal facilities.&nbsp; The Senior Pass is pretty much the same for old people.&nbsp; For those of us not qualifying for one of the above, the anual interagency pass ($80/year) offers all but the 1/2 price camping.
<p>@ Terry - Thank you for Your Service!<br><br>@ Highdesertranger - Thank You Very Much!<br><br><br><span id="post_message_1278069507"><span id="post_message_1278069507">
</span><span id="post_message_1278069507"><span id="post_message_1278077771">The Access Pass is available to all people with a disability, not just veterans.</span>
</span><em><span id="post_message_1278069507"><em><br></em></span><strong><br>@ blars - </strong></em>I did mention this when I wrote;</span></p><p><span id="post_message_1278069507"><em><strong> "</strong></em></span><span id="post_message_1278069507"><em><strong><span id="post_message_1278069507"><em><strong>Although it is not specifically offered as a pass to Disabled Veterans</strong></em>, </span></strong><span id="post_message_1278069507">Our National Parks will provide a free lifetime pass to all Veterans with a Service Connected Disability, <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: #ff0000; text-decoration: underline;">regardless of percentage of disability</span></span>."</span><strong><span id="post_message_1278069507"><br><br><br></span> </strong></em>My intention was to make disabled veterans aware of the fact that they would qualify for this pass regardless of the determined percentage of disability - in other words, if a veterans had a service connected disability rated at just 10% - he/she would qualify for the Access Pass.</span><span id="post_message_1278069507"> Many disabled Vets are not aware of this, and the national parks do not do a good enough job (my opinion) in making veterans aware of this fact.<strong><br></strong></span></p>
thanks ziggy moon. I just picked up my pass at cumberland gap national park and we are in the camp ground for 3 nights at 1/2 price
That's Awesome, Travlin man!&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">&nbsp;
It's not half price anymore,it's a little less,but still a nice discount. I've used mine 4 times in the last month. The price was half,plus a couple of dollars. Fee sites such as day use are still free though.<br><br>