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Apr 26, 2014
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As a middle-aged female planning to live out of a vehicle in 14 months, I'm wondering about other "vandwellers". It seems from reading the forums that most are men or couples; closer to retirement age? I realize not everyone knows for sure, but any input to that?
Welcome! There are quite a few woman on the forum. The guys are great though, they are very helpful with issues such as safety and mechanical issues. I don't know how to send you to a particular post but is all about women traveling solo. I'm 53 so middle-aged describes me as well. Currently workamping but heading out for the open road in November. Take a look at my blog and also dragonfly's, we're both in prep mode.
I think as you move along and dig in, that you will be surprised at how many Women are out here...

there are several active on this forum... and several forums and clubs dedicated to travel and groups just in that area!

I have several friends that travel in a large group around the country as "Boondockers" that gets bigger each time we meet!!! you know about "the Girls Room"??

It's an area on this board dedicated to just the womens. :)

Another thing to look up is "Sisters on the Fly", which is an international group of gals who travel, fish, camp, gossip around campfires, and do whatever it is that women in groups do together.
Kahkeetsee: For any post you can click on the User's ID. Some of the posters have provided information about themselves. For example the poster right above me is Patrick46. His profile says:
"Location: Oregon Coastline
Bio: Self Employed Artist. I own and operate my own custom sign and graphics business, and I build choppers and hot-rods too. I also drive a Peterbilt Dumptruck on a casual basis.
I've traveled all over North America, from Mexico, to Alaska, and just about everywhere in between. I adore travel, and will take off cross-country at the drop of a hat. Weather by car, truck, motorcycle, RV, rickshaw, tricycle...I don't care.

Click on Control Panel for: User CP on the top right. Then on the left hand side it says Your Profile. Under it it says Edit Profile. You can then provide any information about yourself you care to share.

Lots of people have said a lot about themselves in various threads. Note in particular the Newcomer's Corner where people introduce themselves:
Oh great!!

Smear all my personal information out there in front of God and everybody!!! :p
(I really don't care)

(I do need to edit this 'cause they done sold my dumptruck on me!!) :(
I've met lots and lots of vandwellers and I think half are women or at least 40%.

And the majority of hem are older and are on very small social security checks. I've given it some thought and concluded that many women of the older generation were told to get married, stay home, and raise kids. So they did. Then hubby either dies or they divorce and when they are retirment age they didn't work and therefore don't have much social security.

That'll teach them to listen and follow societies advice!

The amazing thing is that almost universally the women I know are thriving in their vans. They seem to adapt to it much better than men! After a lifetime of taking care of someone else, it's finally time to concentrate on themselves!
You got it, Bob. Actually, I worked most of my adult life and have a small pension but after having spent my life taking care of others I am looking for freedom and adventure in my 'old age'.
Thanks everyone, and I'm relieved to find that I wouldn't be the oddball of any group....
Thanks everyone! I was hoping for a diverse group, and this sounds promising! Countdown has started: 12 months. My daughter will be in college (the youngest out of the nest!) Still looking at vehicles and planning for the very real possibility of living in a Kia Rio to start.