daily amount of water use?

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2015
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Trying to figure out how big of a water container to buy. On average how much water do you guys use in a day?
Don't think in terms of how big a water jug to buy....think instead of where you're going to place water containers and how much you're willing/able to physically  handle. Remember that water weighs 8 lbs a gallon. I use nothing more than 2 1/2 gallon jugs! Most of my jugs are 1 gallon or less so that I can store them in random spare spaces.

How much I use depends on where I am. Right now I can walk 50' to a water spigot so I don't worry about how much I use. If I'm somewhere where water is not easily available then I watch my usage more carefully.

I've used less than 2 gallons in the past 4 days but I only do dishes every second cooked meal and most of my meals haven't required any water for food prep. My 'gray water' jug is about half full so part of the consumption is tea water. My toilet is waterless so there's no usage involved there.

In the beginning you should probably count on a gallon a day until you've gotten a handle on how much YOU use.
Carrying is relevant unless OP means installing an RV freshwater tank. In which case, I'd personally install as big of a tank as I could fit.

I bought a 22 gallon tank from a motorhome to install in my van. I ended up buying this class b which came with a 16 gallon tank installed, so I got rid of the 22 gallon tank.

If I'm being conservative I can stretch my 16 gallons out for about two weeks just taking quick showers and filling spray bottles from the sink to do dishes and such. If I have a girl with me, the water always goes in less than a week. If I'm near a spigot I know I can access consistently I don't bother conserving water so much and will go through it in a week myself too.

I don't drink from my freshwater tank. I only drink bottled water.
coffee/tea/drinking- 1 1/2 qts
cooking/dishes- 1 qt
dog- 1 qt
bathing - 1 pint
shampoo (every 2-3 days) - 1 qt

so about a gallon per day

I carry a 2.5 gal with a spigot kinda like this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005S4LOYY?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00
Walmart has 'em too.(they all seem to have leaking issues sometimes)
I reuse 2 qt juice bottles
Occasionally I by gallons at WM, and refill from trusted sources
Always have a 5 gallon -http://www.amazon.com/Coleman-Water-Carrier-5-Gallon-Blue/dp/B00168PI4S/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1448919564&sr=8-5&keywords=5+gallon+water+jug

Avoid the collapsible POS's

I normally have 10-12 gallons on board.
What about juice?  On the road I depend on juices to help keep me hydrated.
You can die of exposure in hours (you have that covered if your living in your vehicle)
You can die of Dehydration in a few days, depending on temperature and your physical condition.
It takes weeks or months to starve to death.

Plan accordingly, depending on your location. FEMA recommends minimum 1 gallon per day per person.
I carry 7 to 10 gallons in one gallon jugs; easy to store, easy to handle (8 lbs.), easy to fill.  I have never had a problem filling 1 gallon jugs.  I also carry a Katadyn backpacker water filter, 2 quart pot for boiling and iodine tablets for emergencies.  Longest I have gone is eight days before I could refill my water jugs.

In conservation mode I use ~ 1 gallon/day:  1/2 gallon for drinking, 1 quart for dog, 1 quart for dishes, hygene.  I shave with electric razor except on shower day, I use blade.

3 quarts for a shower (sun shower), usually twice a week.  I usually have access to a lake or stream and will use that water for showering.  Dog gets washed only if he gets muddy: ~1 gallon (again untreated water if available).

Laundry is done when I have access to municipal water (in 5 gallon bucket or laundromat).

-- Spiff
in the desert I carry 30 gallons minimum. this will last almost 3 weeks if I am careful. sometimes I carry a lot more. I plan on bringing 100+ gallons to RTR so I can demonstrate some gold recovery equipment. highdesertranger
I carry 2x 7 gallon jerry can style water jugs, which will last an average of 2 weeks, while taking a shower every day.

The footprint of these 2 jugs is only slightly larger than that of a single 5 gallon cube style jug, only a little bit taller.

I use trigger spray bottles for use with my dishpan sinks, and have one of the water jugs and one of the spray bottles painted black, so that the sun coming in through a window can provide my hot water when it's available.
livesimply5 said:
..how big of a water container to buy...how much water do you guys use in a day?

Q. Container size
A. Currently we are using 5 gallon jugs. BUT...we will be switching over to ~2.5>3 gallon cuz we ain't gettin' any younger : ) 

Q. How Much?
A. Well...my wife and I are fairly thrifty on the water use. For a five day period we will typically go through: ~8 gallons of drinking water, + ~4 gallons of clean-the-kitchen water, + ~4 gallons of shower water for 2x showers each.
Pretty small use IMO compared to some other's set ups. We have no running water which I think makes a HUGE difference in use. We have a spigot on the kitchen water container. Boil a kettle of water to mix with ambient temp water for a shower (1 gallon used max per shower...and it is luxurious. yup I said it. Wife luvs the simplicity).

I carry a 5 gal igloo cooler on the counter for drinking water - always filled with known clean and good water even if I have to buy it. Under the counter and connected to a hand pump I have a 5 gallon cube shaped container filled with clean water, but I don't care if it has a funny taste like from a campground faucet, as I use that for cleaning. I also just ordered a Scepter 5 gallon water container to put next to the ice chest - will likely keep it full of drinking water. It seems like we go through about a gallon per day per person when traveling, but this includes all uses including keeping a bowl out for the dog. If it's just me and I'm traveling for work, I go through a little bit more as I get real dirty and take at least a thorough sponge bath and wash my hair every night - doesn't take much to do whats left of my hair as I wear a buzz cut. My last camper had an electric water pump and i think we go through less now as the faucet never runs for things like washing hands or dishes. Something to consider as you build, and I don't really miss the convenience.
I use 7 to 10 gallons per week depending on how hot it is or if I bathe the dog or other extra needs. Does not include doing laundry.

I use 2.5 gallon jugs and a gravity water filter that holds a about 3.6 gallons. Am considering getting 5 gallon Sceptors as I can still carry two 5 gallon jugs at once. 5 gallons is heavy, though. I really like the 2.5 gallon Reliance Water-Pak. It is fairly strong and is a good shape and size to fit into cupboards. It stacks well, too.