Creek water for bathing question

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I think it has to hold that temp of 150f for a certain amount of time? right. so I looked it up it's for 1 minute they also make a WAPI that tells you when the water has reached that temp. I am so glad this thread was started this will save me a lot of fuel. highdesertranger
Desire the same thing, plan to acquire a 12v marine pump and some means to heat the water on a stove or in a fire. Simplest means would be 20 feet of copper coil in a pot of boiling water with sufficient tubing/hose on each end. A 12v marine pump has about 20' of head to bring the water up from a clear lake, great thing to have to avoid carrying water up from the lake.
I swim and wash from creeks, rivers and lakes, all summer long, The way I wash is with a bucket I take it as far away from the lake or stream as I can, use a pot to pour water on myself soap up and rinse. I don't like to put soap in lakes and streams. If I am stopped for a day or more I have a black bucket that I fill and set it in the sun and use that, when it gets warm enough, sometimes it is too hot. If the stream looks muddy and dirty I don't bother otherwise if I can see the bottom I am in parasites and all. I don't use it for drinking but do carry a filter if I had to.
Growing up and living in beautiful MN all my life, I've never worried about parasites. I swim and bathe in the northern lakes every summer. Couldn't get me in the filthy lakes around the cities though. Gross.

It is good to understand it matters where you are. I've learned a lot in this thread. Thanks!
Where I grew up, we charged people a lot of money and gave them mud baths and  shower of geyser water.   :p  

As long as you do not have a manufacturing plant upstream~~~
buckwilk said:
The point of all this would be  ?

Because your question is so short and kinda vague and could be taken many different ways, I'm not sure what you mean. I say this because I would hate for anyone to think you are trolling and I'm sure you don't want this either.

I would love to hear your constructive opinion on this, what have you found out there in your many travels or what do you think of safety problems? Yay or nay?

I wouldn't hesitate to use creek water for bathing along as it is clear water I won't use cloudy water. I fill a bucket and bath out of it and dump it 100 ft from the creek, if there is one thing I hate when camping is creek water that tastes like bath or dish water!
hey I know 1 in a million. but when you have been in a Hot Spring then 6 months later someone got it from the same spring kinda makes you think. highdesertranger
gsfish said:
I guess it would but I've never been in a hot spring. One of those nose clip things might be in order.


BTW HDR, You have been doing a little complaining about your brain lately " my brain is burning again. highdesertranger " Might want to get that checked out.


Those orange foamy earplugs in Wally's shooting supplies section could work.
For balance

There is a difference between clear cool running water and what can grow in warm, stagnate water. When temperatures climb here we get beaches closing for e coli and such.

Even treated water can be dangerous when in contact with the mucus membranes of the nose. Remember those netti pots that were so popular a while back. People got lazy and used tap water and gave themselves meningitis.
Konaexpress said:
Because your question is so short and kinda vague and could be taken many different ways, I'm not sure what you mean. I say this because I would hate for anyone to think you are trolling and I'm sure you don't want this either.

I would love to hear your constructive opinion on this, what have you found out there in your many travels or what do you think of safety problems? Yay or nay?


I guess the idea that getting in a lake, stream, river, hot spring shares some commonality given the size of this world leaves me wondering, what is the point. Every water source is different, that there would be a common action or reaction to it isn't reasonable. Your question was, would a filter be useful for vandwellers. That anyone would filter lake, stream, river water before jumping in probably isn't going to happen. I believe the answer to your question is no.
buckwilk said:
 I guess the idea that getting in a lake, stream, river, hot spring shares some commonality given the size of this world leaves me wondering, what is the point. Every water source is different, that there would be a common action or reaction to it isn't reasonable. Your question was, would a filter be useful for vandwellers. That anyone would filter lake, stream, river water before jumping in probably isn't going to happen. I believe the answer to your question is no.

That's a fair enough. 

My intent was to use the filter for showering but it kinda got sidetracked to swimming so I just went with the flow.

Thanks for your input,
Cool idea and thanks. A bit pricey for me though so I would have to figure out how to make it for myself.

For those that do bathe in the great outdoors (pond, lake, river, etc), what soap do you prefer?  I try to not add nasty chemicals to nature, so I use the biodegradable "camp soap", usually the tube type in Wally's camping section.
Cammalu said:
I'm not sure if this totally belongs here but it kinda does.

It's a portable shower and you can reuse the same water over and over because it's filtered after each use. Will be available sometime next year after they tweak it some more but I thought the idea was very cool.

No way!  Water is either free or very cheap, and the idea of reusing it for showering sounds like a potential recipe for disaster.  I take my health much more seriously than that.
Konaexpress said:
If you know how to make a diy Berkey filter, I would love to know. I've only heard of them but have never seen one. I hear that are fantastic.


If you look up " boss of the swamp" on you tube, he made a homemade heroes.haha.. edit... berkey was auto corrected to heroes .had to leave it in.. I digress..... actually, he has a lot of great videos. I highly recommend .
Creek water left in the sun in clear PETE bottles get a pretty good level of UV sterilization. The sterilization method is increasing being used in third world countries with excellent results.

Muddy or cloudy water can be cleared by using Alum at the rate of one teaspoon to 50 litres of water. Alum is used as a flocculant to precipitate the suspended material out of the water column.