could not say this any better

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I see every bit of that in myself. I dislike my job. I dread going to the office so much that I stress about work when I'm not even there. I've been in the hospital twice due to bleeding ulcers caused from heavy drinking - my mode of self medication to relieve said stress. I have to continue going to work to pay for the medical bills caused by work in the first place... but then again, they pay me pretty well for the work that I do and I'm able to buy all those shiny new things! NOT! It's a vicious cycle and I want no part of it anymore.

Thanks a LOT for that, Wagoneer! It's a bit too profound for me on a Friday morning but I love that quote all the same.
Have to say I disagree with this.Not everyone has the same mentality as us wanderers.There are many people who enjoy their work,family and life.I guess it's just human nature to not be able to advocate something without denigrating other's choices.I certainly don't want to take lifestyle advice from someone walking around wearing a sheet.
You don't want to denigrate others choices but then you say you won't take advice from someone wearing a sheet? Seems to me you just denigrated *his* choice. Hmmm. ....
While this insightful statement will not resinate with all that read it or read into it, it is a statement. Sheet or no sheet.
 Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal? He wanted to transcend dental medication.   ;)

That is one quotation that is really a sad truth about a majority of American workers.  I am ready to start living again.  
well.when you are the reincarnation of awesome and everything is being provided for you that would be easy to say
I concede your point,Awesome Inch.My apologies to all who attire themselves with bedding.
Bob Dickerson said:
I concede your point,Awesome Inch.My apologies to all who attire themselves with bedding.

No worries brother. There are reasons monks wear those robes. I have immense respect for them.
Bob likes counterpoint . And I thank him for his insight. Just keep me away from the white sheets and hoods. I don't think they call 'em outfits sheets
and must be very comfy and worn for a reason. Men just get a raw deal when it comes to fashion girls have all the fun.