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i'm totally for the idea and see the need to allow such living (and my wife and I wish to do so in our van once we ditch the jobs)...
though, I can sort of see the legal-writing-on-the-sign pole. Some city council will mess it up for the few that this style of living would benefit. In our town on the Oregon coast it is illegal to park overnight in a vehicle except in RV parks.

A thousand bucks a month for each van?!  Holy Bankruptcy, Batman!  :(  I get a 1 bedroom apartment in the Bay Area for that!  
But then I've been here for a while.  

With the amazing perks they give their employees, it's no wonder people are doing this.  As a "G-Bus" cover-driver/contract employee, I get all the same perks the full-time Google employees get.  
I slept in my van 5- nights a week for 2 1/2 months while covering a Google route.  It was very doable.  

My concern is that if too many people do this, it will draw unwanted attention from the city, and Google will put a stop to the practice.  

BigT said:
A thousand bucks a month for each van?!  Holy Bankruptcy, Batman!  :( 

It doesn't sound like people are living in these for very long term, maybe just using them while switching living situations or moving to the area. $30 probably beats hotel/motel rates in the area. It's an interesting idea although I share the concerns about attracting more attention.
accrete said:
i'm totally for the idea and see the need to allow such living (and my wife and I wish to do so in our van once we ditch the jobs)...
though, I can sort of see the legal-writing-on-the-sign pole. Some city council will mess it up for the few that this style of living would benefit. In our town on the Oregon coast it is illegal to park overnight in a vehicle except in RV parks.


SF is already against this with tiny homes. Theyre all but strictly banned. there is also legislations being discussed now in santa clara county regarding towing any vehicle, without notice, that appears to be lived in, an RV, or sits for 72 hours consecutively. While the 72 hour thing isn't new, its still ridiculous. what if i wanted to take a trip to vegas for a couple of days, or fly to NY for the week? am i going to have to worry about my car getting chalked and towed? what about my van/class b?

these city council members dont care about cost of living, or your lifestyle. Theyre trying to clean up the streets and they somehow think that those living in vans, scraping by in a harsh economy, are the anti-christ to civilized life.

Its ridiculous and is only going to get worse, not better.

[Edited for language and emphasis :p ]
iplayguitarintheshower said:
 Theyre trying to clean up the streets and they somehow think that those living in vans, scraping by in a harsh economy, are the anti-christ to civilized life.

I'm hoping they are the anti-Christ to civilized life!!
akrvbob said:
I'm hoping they are the anti-Christ to civilized life!!

I had to kick this up the ladder to the Theological Dept for analysis and interpretation...

Paraphrased from POGO:
"They have seen the enemy and the enemy is US !"
Thing is, for the area the price of renting is....Incredible...The cost of buying...Staggering.

I'm only glad I am not one of the vapid,self absorbed people thinking that the higher I go, the better off I am....