converting a conversion van??

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Active member
Aug 3, 2016
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Hi, I was wondering if i ciyld get some feedback on this van andwww specifically ideas in ng a conversion van :) but also curious as to whether or not silar panels could be mounted on an uneven roof like that... And also what changers  others have made to their similar conversion vans.

Lol... Fat fingers, a lil keypad, and a fone that inserts whatever it wants where it wants... We really can spell "korecktaly" here in the southland lol...

Note to self:  next time preview my post before posting lol...
Heck, lots of folks can't understand us southerners even when we are speaking. :p I would not want to try to post something I had to type using my phone either. LOL

Sorry I don't have the credentials to advise you on that van, but in case you have not seen how the forum is organized, there is a whole section on Vans and many discussions have pics showing conversion specifics.
I'd buy that in a heartbeat
I bought my 1997 E150 conversion last year. It's an after market conversion so there's some differences. I paid 4200 and it had 117,000 miles

there's a lot of wasted space, because of the conversion. I wish I had hands that worked. I'd make some real changes. I lived with the fold down bed the first year, but now have a custom bed. The upper cabinets with the stupid TV and speakers havebeen emptiedso I have more storage.

But, all in all I love the van and it's working just fine. I searched for 2 years looking at cargo and conversions. Would have preferred a cargo, but felt this one was a good solid vehicle with a future.

If a mechanic says it's all good I'd go for it.

Ilovemyvan did the most awesome renovations. When google upgraded they moved her pictures. I've been trying (not hard because you know... life) to find them.
Ilovemyvan found her photo gallery of her mods and renovations. It's seriously the best reno of a conversion van I have ever seen.

There's a couple of different threads describing the mods. The links embedded in the original posts don't work since google *upgraded* (using that term loosely)

Thanks, so much, for working on finding those pictures, Ilovemyvan! your efforts are REALLY appreciated!!!
I'm gobsmacked! An exercise in creativity, and a labor of love. Very clever, and expertly executed.
Was that Nicole's husband doing all the work? If so, he's certainly a keeper!
Reno said:
I'd buy that in a heartbeat

Lol.. Exactly what I did Reno!!!  Just been so busy at the Job now I havent really had time to check her out ( Other than drive her around town to/from work)... I cant wait till my next off day to check her out!!!

Great story about my beloved Bovina.. 
The family i bought her from flew into Miami from Spain 10 months ago, bought her in a day and have been vandwelling in her along with their 3 small children.. She has already been up the East coast, across Canada, down the West coast and back across.. They posted her because they are flying back to Spain in a few days.  I fell in love with her the first moment I saw her !!!  :heart:  :heart:   :heart:   made some great new amazing friends in the process also!!