I was in the thick of it on my trip so often too busy to post but I took pictures of things along the way I thought would help others.
In this case, here's what I was pulling in from my panels during Bulk charge, same time of day, sun directly overhead, as equal as I could get things with three different set of conditions.
1,380 watts flat mounted on the roof.
Six 230 watt panels seriesed for three banks of two.
Location was Seattle in August.
Time was between 11am and noon.
As I'm sure you can see, MidNite Solar Classic 150 charge controller.
Here's what I was pulling in with full sun:
Here's what I was pulling in with heavy cloud cover:
Here's what I was pulling in with full cloud cover and moderate drizzle:
The two absolute worst days I had were in southern Oregon during the rain with very low cloud cover/high fog where I was pulling in about 75 watts. Also, while broken down in Concord, CA with full sun but I was parked under heavy tree cover and was pulling in about 75 watts there as well.
I never got more than 800-850 in no matter what the conditions unless I was running something at the same time, when for example I was sunning my toaster oven I would pull in about 1,000-1,100 watts if I was parked in full sun.
In this case, here's what I was pulling in from my panels during Bulk charge, same time of day, sun directly overhead, as equal as I could get things with three different set of conditions.
1,380 watts flat mounted on the roof.
Six 230 watt panels seriesed for three banks of two.
Location was Seattle in August.
Time was between 11am and noon.
As I'm sure you can see, MidNite Solar Classic 150 charge controller.
Here's what I was pulling in with full sun:
Here's what I was pulling in with heavy cloud cover:
Here's what I was pulling in with full cloud cover and moderate drizzle:
The two absolute worst days I had were in southern Oregon during the rain with very low cloud cover/high fog where I was pulling in about 75 watts. Also, while broken down in Concord, CA with full sun but I was parked under heavy tree cover and was pulling in about 75 watts there as well.
I never got more than 800-850 in no matter what the conditions unless I was running something at the same time, when for example I was sunning my toaster oven I would pull in about 1,000-1,100 watts if I was parked in full sun.