COLORADO CAMPER VAN LLC-**Do business at your own risk**

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2015
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Well... I should have heeded the warning about their work, and Derek's customer service or lack there of... Derek for the most part passes stuff off as acceptable, and even insinuated I did something to the top.

I drove through 5 states to get there, paid for a flight back home and a return flight to pick up the van... some 2,200 miles driving and expense... for this crap!

I feel for his new sale mgr Matt... the poor guy has no power and every time Derek does responds he just makes things worse... condescending, excuse riddled responses, and simply does not fully read/absorb what I said in emails to Matt.

The quality of the work is sub-par to say the least, the finish quality of the top sucks, the excuses are epic and way more effort put into them then truly addressing the problems and willing to make it all right.

Here is a short list of stuff I have issue with...

  • Gel coat finish damaged in multiple locationsPossible crack in topTop closes and opens crookedTop is off centered and drivers door hit rubber, and withing days put a hole in the rubber lipBolt on scissor action is auguring out on the passenger sideBolt on drivers side starting to do the sameScissor action hitting/rubbing on drivers side up top against a section they made to hide the mounting (I assume that what the dropped down box is)Dome lights between driver/passenger seats no longer workCarpet already coming offCarpet cut short near latch, plywood exposed
There are a few more things but this is enough for one pass... it paints the warning everyone should heed.

So lets start with the finish of the top... photos of the gelcoats cracks/chips/flawed mold... let me know if you think this is acceptable?
BTW... Derek feels all of these can just be wet sanded... I differ...

The photo below is yet one more damage location with a ridge line that looks like a crack, Derek says that is part of the mold and not a crack... well, wouldn't one fix it then? Wait until you read one of his excuses.

From Derek spelling errors and all...

The raised hairline crack is also cosmetic as the crack is in the gelcoat of the mold not your top so the line gets transfered over to the top. We will not replace it with another new top, the top you got is a "new top". New is relative,  your van is a van that has not been produced for 11 years and finding someone that is going to make a "new" mold for a van that is 11plus years old van because it has a couple cosmostic blemishis, is not going to happen. These molds cost over 10k per van and selling 3 or 4 astro van tops a year does not give us enough reason to spend that kind of money on a mold so that astros have a flawless top. So we are stuck using existing molds for old vans and spending our time and energy focusing on molds for new vans.

So I pay for flawless work, but I should not expect flawless work? So Derek knows this is in the gel of the mold without looking at it... but claims to know it existed but did not tell me? 
So am I wrong at being mad about his response? I am a red headed step child and I should not expect flawless work because my van is old... and that "NEW" is relative?

Here is a link to the video I shot of the passenger side bolt auguring on the scissor unit. 


You can see how the top does not rise or lower until tension is created. How long do you think this bolt will last like this? The drivers side was not doing it and sadly it has started now too. In regard to the top not closing/opening even... here is Derek's response...

The top will close and open uneven there is nothing to syncronize the two motors this has Zero affect on the performance of the top. We do have a way to syncronize them but it is sort of costly and most people do not want to pay the 2500$ price tag.

WHAT? Derek says... there is nothing to synchronize... then Derek says "We have a way to synchronize but it will cost me $2500? So he wants to charge me more money to fix a problem?

But wait... there's more............

If you want "and are willing to pay" that kind of accuracy I would be happy to supply it. so far your the first person that this has been an issue with.

So....... if I am the first person then you wouldn't have this option in place.... how could anyone have not wanted to pay that price as previously mentioned if I am the first person to complain about it??!!.... and if I want accuracy there is an additional charge?
Derek's integrity seems to have been exposed here...

So lets show how the top does not line up and closes/opens crooked (I say it is because of the bolt that is auguring out) and the scissor action not being centered (AKA top is not centered)
Photo of of the drivers and passenger side, the drivers side is dead tight against the frame/felt (the same side that overlaps the drivers door) Had the top been mounted on the scissor action slightly towards the passenger side this problem would probably not exist... there is clearance on the passenger side scissor action.

Looking up at drivers side...

Looking up at passenger side...

Comparison of drivers door opening on left, closing on right

PART 2.............

So what do you think of that?

Derek blames the adjustable latches that close it... if that were even the case (which it isn't by a long shot) Why was it that way at his shop?
Photo at his shop... look closely at the drivers door, the lip is over the top of the door, the same way it is now.

If you overtighten the latches it will cause the seal to interfere with he door when it left here we had it adjusted correctly and it was fitting nice

Seems Derek is speaking yet another untruth...
For starters Derek never even came out to greet or thank me... probably WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY to busy with his van that he is building in the back of the shop. I wonder if any of this would be acceptable on his van? Hmmmmm

Here's the hole the drivers door corner has already created...

So moving on to the carpet/felt (or what ever ya call it) installation... Honestly, I expected a better install than that.

So in regard to my dome lights not working... in fairness Derek did say he would pay to have it fixed... but his first response to the situation was just yet another irritation, AKA start with excuses... customers don't want to hear WHY it happened first, seriously. ADMIT it is unacceptable first... and what are the odds BOTH light bulbs go out for the drivers and passengers side? Just slinging to see what sticks... maybe I am getting too nit picky, but it's just one irritation piling on top of another.

dome light not working most likely it is either a bulb or the wire did not get hooked back to the light when it was reinstalled

So bottom line... Derek says he will pay to have the top wet-sanded, carpet glued and the dome light fixed... that doesn't even come close to fixing this crap.

I am bummed beyond words... this has been a perfect storm of a cluster F**K
You really got screwed... Sorry for that I feel for you. You should probably open a complaint to the Better Business Bureau.

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I have not heard of a screwing this bad in a very long time.

I would write a letter and prepare to send it to everyone you can think of. BBB, Chamber of Commerce, local TV News, Radio and Newspaper outlets.then I would take it to him and show him the list of recipients and let him know that's what's going to happen if he doesn't make good on the work and the expenses.

That or get a lawyer. I don't know what you spent but with travel etc, it may be more that small claims court.

I'm so sorry your dealing with this mess.
What a bummer to have gone thru all that effort and end up with so many problems :/

If you paid with plastic, often you have some options that start with contesting payment, might be worth looking into.
if you want something done right...
i feel your pain,normal people would get a lawyer,i got my rage and have no problem letting it lose
throw a hissy fit so bad he would do anything thing to get rid of me

just remember its just money and a van,no body has died
I am so sorry. that's so messed up. I don't even know what else to say. I would find the group that is most using their services and get the word out. your posts are damning. highdesertranger
Thanks for your indepth report,
That is some shoddy workmanship no matter what the cost, I hope you find some kinda way for them to make it right

Derek finally gave me a contact name locally to repair and wet sand the gel coat... and to have my dome lights fixed and carpet re-glued.

He did not address the bolt at the pivot point of the scissor action, bulb seal hole and why door is hitting it, over all alignment issue of the top, and the binding of the scissor action at the top. The place i am going is a boat repair shop that allegedly does great gelcoat work, so that is a start. 

It appears I will probably have to find a sports mobile type place to address the other issues.

Stay tuned... please stay in your seat with your seat belt fastened, we could hit some more turbulence!

SO I went to the shop Derek picked out... well... (SMH) It's a company that specializes in making fiberglass Canoe molds, but they will not work on the dome lights etc, that is not what they do. SO I have more visits with other companies at this point. 

I cannot share what was said... all I can say is "WOW"... tomorrow Derek will get the invoice for the repairs, this will be interesting to say the least!

Here's another photo of damage that the repair shop found (had some shade and its noticeable, took photo in sunlight for my crappy cameras sake)... le sigh... how can anyone HONESTLY say they didn't notice the gelcoat damage during the install etc, when the damage is at the bulb seal you installed, and the very sticker that is your companies logo??? (the smudge is just dirt by the logo) Outstanding craftsmanship and attention to detail right there folks...

Derek has yet to respond on how he will address the bolt at the pivot point that is auguring or many other issues I have pointed out. If he thinks ignoring me I will then go away... I am the baddest tick know to man kind, I will burrow to the the marrow until the problems are fixed.
Wow, I'm not even sure what I'd do in that situation. Sorry you gotta deal with the aftermath. I'd put out a word of caution on the expedition portal forum as a lot of people look there for info on what company to use for this type of work. Good luck getting it all resolved.
Every Road Leads Home said:
Wow,  I'm not even sure what I'd do in that situation.  Sorry you gotta deal with the aftermath.  I'd put out a word of caution on the expedition portal forum as a lot of people look there for info on what company to use for this type of work.  Good luck getting it all resolved.

LOL... first place I posted... been getting a lot PM's from folks, poor work and customer service has been an on going problem for many.
GotSmart said:
Time to contact the Colorado AG.

^ That ........

And Google to find the email "complaint department" of every State Atty Generals office AND every states BBB office.

Send them all a copy of the email you send to this businessman detailing the unresolved problems. The issue will remain "open" until the company replies in every case.

After all, as you can attest there seems to be a problem.

Just my 2¢
Thanks Guys... AG is in my contact list... tomorrow with Derek's response on the gelcoat repairs will be a huge indicator of my next steps.
The owner who wrote this article PM'd me and said I should post a link to their chapter 6...

It is a summation of their experience with Colorado Camper Vans, there is more stuff buried in the other chapters, but chapter 6 shows a close call avoiding injury.

This shows a constant pattern of poor workmanship, and is a strong indicator of predictive behavior... zebra's do not change their stripes.

Got the estimate... and here is the rest of the story!

When I met with the contact person that Derek spoke with yesterday even he was not happy with Derek. Derek wanted a quote then and there and the guy would not give it to him without seeing my van (DUH)
The contact was telling Derek what they do and how they would probably approach it, and what their Hrly rate was... and Derek was telling him it was too much from the get go! The contact was not too happy, saying who is this guy telling me how to run my business? Derek also demanded that he not give me the estimate quote... SMH!

So the drum roll.... $5,181.93 is the bill to repair the top!!!

The big problem will be the type resin that was used to build the top, it may not be compatible... sigh... but it's not like Derek would agree anyway.
"Well... I should have heeded the warning about their work, and Derek's customer service or lack there of... "

Do you mean you KNEW that they did bad work and did it, anyway?

I looked around online, and they seem to have a poor rep. And it's Derek's name that keeps coming up.
Yup... it sounded like with the new sales mgr (Matt) that just maybe things would be better... I was proven wrong :(
Matt has the heart to do things better, but he doesn't have the power.
Well that's a little mind blowing you'd drive 2200 miles to have work done at a place you knew had a bad reputation, when plenty of other well reviewed reputable companies exist out there. Why take the risk when there are no risk options available?