Cold Brian's Conversion.

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Cold Brian

Active member
Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
I got my van! She is a beauty! It is a 2005 Chevy Express passenger van with all wheel drive. Only 48000 miles. I think I got a great deal and have a 5 year, 100,000 mile (on top of the 48,000 miles) power train warranty. The outside is literally pristine; looks brand new. There is no way this thing wasn't garaged to look this good, no way. Seems in perfect mechanical shape. The awd handled my current very steep, icy driveway today no problem. The inside has minor wear and tear, which is unimportant because I am redoing the inside.<br><br>The conversion is going to get off to a little bit of a slow start due to my medical conditions. I have already recruited someone to help with the floor, which is where I plan on starting. I will have to recruit more help with anything resembling grunt work. Luckily I have a relative and a few good friends around here, some of whom are interested in my conversion. Money is a little tight, too. Hopefully only temporarily. <br><br>I will post updates when I have them.
Congratulations! Looks like a beauty!
Very nice Brian...good for you! It is a beauty....have a great time and much good luck in your conversion....<br>Bri
AWD what a great find. Good luck and keep us posted.
<span style="white-space: nowrap;">Thanks, ccbreder.</span><br><br>Yeah, it really limited my options and raised the price on what I was going to have to spend, but awd was my number one priority. I can't even get up the driveway here without it.&nbsp;
Very nice ride you found there...&nbsp; <br><br>I am using my truck with camper top for a weekend RV and planning to build a tiny travel trailer on a small flat bed I just bought (for $200... made me very happy) but, recently, I have been thinking about trading the whole thing in for a nice cargo van to convert.&nbsp; <br><br>Can't wait to see how your project progresses!&nbsp; Good luck and congratulations!<br><br>Peace, Love and Tranquility!<br>Bodhi
Sweet!&nbsp; Looking forward to following your progress!
Thank you, Kim and Bodhi.<br><br>Gathered some of the first of my parts today.<br><br>Question for you van experts out there: Anyone know how to lower or turn off that back up warning alarm, or whatever it is called, on a 2005 Chevy Express? I don't mind it in the daytime, but it is like an air raid siren at night. I have to slowly back up or back out of a steep narrow driveway and it can take a good 30 seconds or more at night. Other houses are close, and I don't want to be rude.<br><br>Thanks in advance.
It's going slow due to my medical limitations, but got the floor in. Sorry about the slow progress and lack of updates. Needed a little help with the wood. Haven't let up one day though. The day we got the 30" inch snowstorm in the northeast I dug a tunnel though the snow under the van and drilled some holes with my left arm.<br><br>Bed and Thetford toilet next on the list.
For the last 15 years, I have owned 2 4wd trucks and 1 awd car. This AWD van is BY FAR the best vehicle I have ever had in the snow. It is unbelievable on a steep, icy driveway.&nbsp;
Pretty cool looking guy...your name is spelled right and you don't even look all that cold..LOL Thanks for the are doing great on the build...keep up the good work and keep us posted...<br>Brian the elder
Thanks, Brian! I assume you are&nbsp;referring&nbsp;to the those misguided&nbsp;individuals&nbsp;who spell "Brian" with a "Y." Just kidding.<br><br>I don't look all that cold because that day it was warmer outside than in the&nbsp;house! Lol. And I got my van!
<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">...yeppers, and those unfortunates who spell our name Brain....little do they know...not a good name for this<br>Bri
Question for you van experts out there: Anyone know how to lower or turn off that back up warning alarm
<BR><BR>Find the alarm and unplug the wire going to it.<BR><BR>BTW,&nbsp; what is height of ceiling from the floor?<BR>Good looking van.
LongJohn, from the floor I put in to the highest point on the ceiling is 51-52 inches. It is several inches shorter in a few spots due to vents and temperature controls. I am six foot and move around ok in there, so far, even as it is starting to fill up with my stuff. A hightop would have been sweet, but the only one I saw with awd was waaaay out of my budget.<br><br>Will look for the alarm. I imagine it is somewhere in the rear maybe? God it is loud.
<EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Hi Brian,</SPAN></STRONG></EM><BR><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">I'm following your progress and I think your doing quite well considering what the weather looks like in those pictures. The reversing buzzer should be located between the rails of your van probably somewhere in front of your spare tyre. (if its underneath) Some reversing buzzers are also built in to the actual rear light globe&nbsp;that comes on when you select reverse.</SPAN></STRONG></EM><BR><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Keep us posted on progress. oh and stay warm, mate.</SPAN></STRONG></EM><BR><BR><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Geoff</SPAN></STRONG></EM>
Hey man, nice work so far! &nbsp;I'm a Brian, too! &nbsp;I see you're in New England - what part? &nbsp;I'm in CT, feeling quite cold also... Getting my van ready over the next few weeks and then driving out to California. &nbsp;Can't wait to be Warm Brian!<br><br>Good luck with the rest of your conversion, keep us updated!
Thanks, Geoff, and nice to meet you. I will try to get under there in the next few days and poke around.<br><br>Hi, Brian! Nice to meet you, too. There are a lot of Brians on here. lol. We could probably have a RTR just for Brians.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">&nbsp;Or maybe one for New England?<br><br>I am in NH. Not a native but have been here almost 18 years, since I left the service. Lost my house a few months ago and am bouncing around the Monadnock region (SW NH) for now. My condolences on the weather; you guys got hit even worse than us and we got hammered.<br><br>Question for any one of you about internet and phone. I have an iPhone 5 (Verizon) and use a Verizon Jetpack for internet. Is there some kind of signal booster anyone would like to recommend?<br><br>Couple of pics below. I got my bed and toilet in. For the bed I am using a cot. I am kind of limited right now physically so didn't build my own. I actually find cots pretty comfy though and really like it. Plenty of storage space beneath and only 18 lbs. The toilet is a Thetford. Will put heavier straps on it once I fill it up. Working on my table/desk right now, which is small and I can handle. Trying to keep it simple with enough room to move around without shuffling things. I think I have a good plan. Will post better pics over the next week.