Chevy Express dome light issues...

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galladanb said:
Oh... Stanvan, did you mean the first post in this thread?

If so, thanks!
If not, which one exactly? Sometimes comments can and are taken several different ways?

No. it was about that post being my first post here in CRVL.

I just went out to the van to be sure, and...there goes that theory. I get the chime only on the front and side doors. The odometer also displays info and some warnings. I get chime and a "Cargo Door Open" in that display with the back door open.

Over in the Chevrolet forum, I described a dome light issue that turned out to be a bad override switch. I did what yours does, but with all the doors. It acted like the override was activated. I replaced the H/L switch assy, and it works fine now, override and all.  But in the weeks of trying to diagnose it, it became clear that the front and rear doors had to have the switch in the latch.  My first occupation in the late 70s/early 80s was in car stereo and just about any other accessory you could install. Like you, I can't find them, and it ain't for a lack of looking.  They just have to be in the latches.
Aw, well ok then, lol! I thought you might have been complimentary on how well I worded the first post to outline the issues....

I have not looked into chimes or displays yet. Just watched for the light as I opened or close a door. Maybe tomorrow!

UPDATE on the LEDs... They both work and light up with 12v applied.
There is a polarity concern. I had to turn them both around, lol!

I installed one into the dome light, and it works. I have no clue how I screwed up before!
I know, right?

AND... Wait for it... Now the drivers side door lights up the dome light. WHAT?
That's right, go figure...

But not the passenger side yet... WTH!!!

Oh well, I'll be back out there again tomorrow...

I managed to find online parts drawings for my Dodge. Maybe there is a chevy site.


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Found a u tube from a guy in Canada. He has an 05 Silverado, but it looks similar...

There may be a difference in parts, but I get the idea...

Here is that video, you may not need to view it, but it could be good for the record.

Yeah, I showed the part mainly to illustrate that the gm goofs actually hung a switch off of it...
Crazy right? No idea why they would go to a combo switch/latch when it would have been less effort to continue with what they have used in the past.

And not to mention the freakin cost of these newer style parts... Omg!
Absolutely crazy. But I had a '95 Olds Cutlass that fired the dome lights with a flick of the door handle, even when locked. I'm guessing for that time when there are no street lights, and you need the light to see your keys(before fobs were a thing).

And today's turn signals. It used to be there was a switch, a flasher, and bulbs. The flasher was a relay, and made a sound, not on purpose, but a sound, none the less. All on a single fuse. Today? A fuse for each bulb(and not a single label that even infers it's for a turn signal). The flasher(less than $10) replaced with a BCM(Body Control Module-doesn't sound cheap), and whatever electronics involved to make that clicking sound (remember that relay that made that sound, not "on purpose"?) come out your drivers door speaker, I KID YOU NOT!! Sorta make this door latch thing seem somewhat normal.
Right, I'm with you! Doesn't make a lot of sense...
After all we have a box on wheels, period. We really don't need a lot of sophiscation, certainly not as much as a vehicle that can carry 15 people.

I just want the Uber cheap version. I can add the features I want. So far, I've had to add seats, armrests, cruise, window tinting. And I want to add my choice of media player without having to use a friggin interface module, that cost nearly as much as a head unit. Just so I can have my dome light come on when I open the door or use my signal to change lanes.....

Just a box on wheels please... Lol!
Gone. The good ole days are gone.

So Dan, short of starting a new thread, what are you doing for media? I didn't want the OnStar, but I paid the $90 for the module because OnStar is a cell phone, and by law, is able to dial 911, regardless of whether you pay for service or not. And I'm not so interested in locking my keys in the car because I didn't hear some chime.

And I forgot to ask earlier, do the LED dome lights make a big difference?
Media in the van? Sadly nada.... I've been lusting for one of those mifi units that are five bucks a month. But she won't let me spring yet....

As for the LEDs, so far I have only seen them work in daylight. So no comparasion.
No voltage numbers to report.

I was just excited that I got the bulb to work, that was as far as I got...
I thought when you referred to media, you were talking about the stereo(chime module?).
Oh, I see what you mean now, sorry.

Yes, I was referring to the sound system. Mine is only a radio. No cd or jacks, or ports!
So I have had to add. I honestly can't recall what sounds if any my van makes, sorry...

I'm hoping Ron has saved one of his fancy extra dome lights for me!
UPDATE: - hopefully the last and final...

The LED's work fine, just make sure to flip them pole for pole to be sure.
It's unknown why they did not at first...

The dome lights all work fine now, again don't know why the passenger side did not.
All doors turn the light on, the override works as it should.

BONUS, thx to TEAMMUIR1, now have the reading light style with three bulbs, one dome, two reading lights on separate switches.... Yay! We're in business now!
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