My jackknife 3 section sofa bed became a nightmare, but I managed with it for several years. In that time I had re enforced the bent portions, tightened the springs, replaced the foam rubber, raised it further off the floor for more storage underneath.
The electrical portion used a central electrical motor with some speedo cables running to screw jacks on either side. These cables were in a position to easily get pulled out of place when storing things under the bed. When one side was pulled out, the bed would lower or raise cockeyed and get stuck
Fixing it required exactly 53 curses and 6 thrown tools. Whether any witnesses fled for the hills depended on their alcohol intake at the moment.
Eventually I quit ever turning it back into a sofa and left it flat and pulled the fuse.
It was a happy day when I pulled off the screw jacks, and the foam and busted out the sawzall cut it into pieces and sent it out in the recycling bin. I replaced it with a platform bed designed for maximum storage and ease of removal.
I retasked the actuator motor and one screw jack to electrically open and close one of the sliding conversion van windows behind my compressor fridge.