Chest pain questions need advice.

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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2015
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I have been having chest and upper back pains for over three weeks. My left forearm in center has slight pain also. This is the third time this has happened to me. A year and a half ago I went to the emergency room. They figured it was my heart so they did nuclear stress test then decided to do an Angiogram on me. The Cardiologist at a very good heart hospital afterward said my heart was fine i had no blockages or angina. I remember him saying to me that if you have chest pains in the future it won't be your heart. They told me to take some heartburn medicine over the counter and also Alleve. I still had the same pains be they went away after awhile.

So my heart was given a clean bill of health about a year and a half ago. I am 62 and a light smoker. So three weeks ago my pains came up again, they effect me when at work I walk around and standing. My upper back is the main pain i have now. It has improved.

I went to another cardiologist and they want me to take the expensive echo and nuclear stress test again. I would hate to have to pay another $3k and find out it wasn't my heart.

I just started collecting my SS and planned on only working for a few more months before quitting my job and travel in my van.
You should definitely ignore the cardiologist and take advice from a random person on the Internet who lives in a van.

(That said, I do sympathize with your dilemma)

Did any of your doctors suggest that you stop smoking?
Yes did suggest to quit smoking. I have smoked so long I find it hard to quit. I am taking blood presure medine and heart med the new cardiolist prescribed me.
Well I have heard that it is one of the hardest addictions to break. Good luck.
It is hard to quit smoking. I did it 25 years ago. My mother quit at 70 years old and she is now 90. You can do it.
When my back or neck get outta-whack ( <- medical terminology) I get referred pain anywhere from my big toe to my chest. For me, massage therapy provides the most relief, but chiropractors can be great too...
Look up the new meds.  

I get a lot of side effects.  If you think something is not right, it might just be a reaction to a new med.  

When did the new meds start>?  (ask yourself), do your research, and then factor on the changing job stress and chill!

Only you can make the health decisions.  Not us.
ascii_man said:
You should definitely ignore the cardiologist and take advice from a random person on the Internet who lives in a van.

I think he wins for the most hilarious answer! lol

But seriously, while it all sounds heart related, is there maybe a very small chance that it might be related to a pinched nerve(or similar) in the
upper left region of your back or front, something that can affect your upper back shoulder/chest and arm.

Not a doctor by any means, just offering a suggestion.
1+ on the random person on the Internet comment.

How about the country song that says
"If I die, just stand me up beside the Jukebox"
You will never know until you get tested.  Many things may cause this pain, but the heart is the main one.  The heart trouble (if it is...) may itself be a symptom of something else.   I spent a week in hospital with what was first thought a heart problem, some four years ago.  Turned out it was blood clots in my legs traveling to the heart, causing grief there.  Get tested, by a hospital noted for heart and pulmonary work.  Otherwise, it's all just guessing, and we are not doctors.  How much is your life worth?
Better safe than sorry imo. Not necessarily going for the expensive tests but always go to ER when it comes to chest pains.
BradKW said:
When my back or neck get outta-whack ( <- medical terminology) I get referred pain anywhere from my big toe to my chest. For me, massage therapy provides the most relief, but chiropractors can be great too...

ahh_me2 said:
But seriously, while it all sounds heart related, is there maybe a very small chance that it might be related to a pinched nerve(or similar) in the
upper left region of your back or front, something that can affect your upper back shoulder/chest and arm.

Not a doctor by any means, just offering a suggestion.

Also not a doctor, but these two might be onto something. And something that a cardiologist might overlook.
gastro problems have symptoms such as those. I was not treated for a long time and developed Barrett's Esophagus. Not fun.
With all the tests they have done, I'd suspect that like others have mentioned "Maybe the back" or "Nerve Pinch"

Had a TERRIBLE time with hip pain and such. Finally got insurance, went to doc.

Hip shot of Cortisone...5 days later getting up from a chair with no pain..What a great feeling!

Gabapentin (Normally prescribed for seizures) does GREAT for Sciatic.

4 visits with chiropractor...Back feels way better

But as always "Check with your doctor" after all, you CAN sue him....As for the stranger on the internet....I kind of doubt your success there :p
Go to a generalist (general practitioner or internist).  He will have a better understanding of the possible causes than a specialist.

-- Spiff
Tomcor said:
I have been having chest and upper back pains for over three weeks. My left forearm in center has slight pain also. This is the third time this has happened to me. A year and a half ago I went to the emergency room. They figured it was my heart so they did nuclear stress test then decided to do an Angiogram on me. The Cardiologist at a very good heart hospital afterward said my heart was fine i had no blockages or angina. I remember him saying to me that if you have chest pains in the future it won't be your heart. They told me to take some heartburn medicine over the counter and also Alleve. I still had the same pains be they went away after awhile.

So my heart was given a clean bill of health about a year and a half ago. I am 62 and a light smoker. So three weeks ago my pains came up again, they effect me when at work I walk around and standing. My upper back is the main pain i have now. It has improved.

I went to another cardiologist and they want me to take the expensive echo and nuclear stress test again. I would hate to have to pay another $3k and find out it wasn't my heart.

I just started collecting my SS and planned on only working for a few more months before quitting my job and travel in my van.

You asked for advice, so here it is:

STOP SMOKING, that is unless you love it so much you're willing to die for it.

What is your weight like?  When I was even fatter than I am now, I'd get pains when I stood or walked too long.  If you're 50 pounds above your ideal weight, you should lose weight.

Personally, I'm strongly opposed to pain killers.  When you feel pain, your body is talking to you.  When you take pain pills, you're not listening.  

The medical establishment is big on putting people on pills.  Then more pills to counteract the bad effects of the first pills.  Then more, and more.  So many pills that when you have a problem, you have no idea if the pills are causing it or something else.

I'm not a doctor, but I have worked in the morgue of a hospital.  

Went to a local family doctor he had me get a few xrays at the local hospital.
Said my chest and back and neck pains are caused my degenerative discs in my spine.
Apparently this is common as we get older. The pain has been receding quite a bit and i going to a Chiropracter tomorrow.

I knew it wasn't my heart because I had an Angiogram a year and a half ago.
The local cardiollgist wanted me to spend big money on heart tests again.

It does pay to get checked by a general practitioner.
Ah.  Good to have more info.  Did not see before where pain was also in back and neck.  I too am getting back and neck pains, and had my doc do tests and x-rays.  Same prognosis - degenerative joint problems due to age and weight, that will likely worsen.  Got the usual advice - lower weight and increase exercise.  Ah well.  Just something to get used to then.  It comes and goes.  Along with Plantar Fasciitis in the heels that comes and goes.
I am 59 years old today (March 11), and feeling every hard fought year.  ;)
I am 59 years old today (March 11), and feeling every hard fought year. 

Happy Birthday, Lee!   :)