Charge your Battery by EXERCISING!

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The web page says it can generate 200 watts.  That's about a quarter horsepower.  I think I can continuously generate a quarter horsepower for an extended period of time like 8 to 10 seconds, maybe a bit more.

Back in the day of analog television there was a kid's display at a museum in Tampa.  They had a bicycle powering a 12 inch black and white 60 watt TV so that kids could experience the power level it took to watch TV.  Even kids didn't pedal more than a minute.
It's so true how we take it for granted. :)
About 12 hours to charge my battery bank with this bicycle. I think I'll stick with solar for the battery charging, and use my regular bicycle for exercise and exploring. You can't bicycle very far if you have a charge cable attached to your Battery bank and bike! [emoji57]
reflex439 said:
About 12 hours to charge my battery bank with this bicycle. I think I'll stick with solar for the battery charging, and use my regular bicycle for exercise and exploring. You can't bicycle very far if you have a charge cable attached to your Battery bank and bike! [emoji57]

Cloudy days do come up though...just a thought.
Pedaling a stationary bike sucks, big time.  I do it for 30 minutes on days I don't get outside in the winter, so I know.  You generate a lot of sweat doing that; so much so that I have a 20" fan blowing on me during exercise just to keep from dripping all over my bike.

Average in shape cyclist can generate ~ 750 watts (1 horsepower) = 50 amps @ 14.6 volts.  That's at a 17 MPH clip.  I cannot do that for more than a short burst any more and definitely not long enough to make much difference to my batteries.

 -- Spiff
XFILE36 said:
Cloudy days do come up though...just a thought.

Darn, didn't think of that. In that case, I'll just have to press the generator start button ;)
I googled that topic, the most recent article was this British one that states lots of energy can be produced, so Spaceman Spiff had better get with the program!   :D

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The electricity generator you can pedal: ‘Free Electric’ bike can create 24 hours of electricity with just an hour of exercise[/font]
  • 'Free Electric' bike uses human mechanical energy to produce electricity
  •  Peddling on the bike for one hour will generate 24 hours of electricity
  • Distribution begins in India next month, with goal of 10,000 later this year 
  • The bike will range from free to $250, depending on ability to pay for it 
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Really,,,,,,1 hour for 24 hrs. elect.,,,,,,,what are they powering an electric tooth brush?
caretaker said:
Really,,,,,,1 hour for 24 hrs. elect.,,,,,,,what are they powering an electric tooth brush?

You'll have to read the article to know for sure. #JustSayNoToHeadlineComments :)
Twih, and they only use it for ten minutes, thats how they can say it lasts for 24 hrs.